A small grouping of key dates to know for the AP European History Test.
1492 (what happened)
The completion of the Spanish “Reconquista”/Beginning of the Spanish inquisition & Columbus discovers “New World”
1517 (What happened)
Martin Luther writes the 95 Theses & beginning of Reformation
1618-1648 ( What happened)
30 Year war - (starts with the battle of Prague, ends with the peace of Westphalia)
1713 (what happened)
Treaty of Utrecht ends War with the Spanish Succession
1776 (what happened 1st thing)
Declaration of Independence
1776 (what happened 2nd thing)
Adam Smith wrote “ The Wealth of Nations “ abt (capitalism, Laissez Faire)
1789 (what happened)
French Revolution Begins
1815 (what happened)
Defeat of Napoleon
1848 (what happened)
Revolutions of 1848/ Marx and Engels publish The Communist Manifesto
1870-71 (what happened)
Franco-Prussian War, completion of German and Italian unification
1914 (what happened)
Start of WWI
1919 (what happened)
Treaty of Versailles ends WWI
1939 (what happened)
Nazi- Soviet Pact, German invasion of Poland begins WWII in Europe
1945 (what happened)
End of WWII, creation of the United Nations
1989-91 (what happened)
Fall of Berlin Wall, revolutions in Eastern Europe, Collapse of Soviet Union
1347-1351 (what happened)
Black Death/ Bubonic Plauge
1992 (what happened)
Maastricht Treaty
1453 (what happened)
Fall of Constantinople
1347-1351 (why important/effect)
Reduced influence and authority of the Church
1453 (why important/effect)
Rise of the Ottoman Empire
1492 (why important/effect)
Columbian Exchange- changed all parts of the World, Hurt Spanish economy and intellectual life
1517 (why important/effect)
End of religious unity, beginning of 100 years of religious wars
1618-1648 (why important/effect)
End of religious wars, weakening of the Holy Roman Emperor, beginning of balance of power thinking
1713 (why important/effect)
Louis XIV’s ambition partially blocked, Spain is no longer a major power
1776 (why important/effect 1st)
Inspired revolutions around the world
1776 (why important/effect 2nd)
Changes how people think about economics - most influential economic book
1789 (why important/effect)
Ends the Ancien Regime, absolutism; Inspires change across Europe
1815 (why important/effect)
Restores conservative order in Europe
1848 (why important/effect)
Shows that people want change in every country (inspires revolutions)/ leads to growth of communist movement
1870-71 (why important/effect)
Two new countries, Germany upsets the balance of power
1914 (why important/effect)
Unprecedented destruction, new technology, weakening of Europe
1919 (why important/effect)
Reparations, leads to economic problems in Germany, WWII
1939 (why important/effect)
Largest and most destructive war in history, the Holocaust
1945 (why important/effect)
US and USSR as new superpowers, the Cold War
1989-91 (why important/effect)
End of European communism and end of Cold War
1992 (why important/effect)
Creates EU or European Union