What is the tonic key of the 1st movement?
D major
Name some key-features of the 1st movement.
Trills = bird-like Octave leaps Dotted rhythms Repeated notes Arpeggios Scales Parallel octaves Tonic - dominant harmony
Describe the overall flute line (movement 1)
Playful, descent
What is the overall structure of the 1st movement?
Ritornello - episode
What does the name of this concerto translate to: "Ill Gardellino"
What is the fancy word for range?
Describe the Baroque flute
Short, wooden, thicker, shorter, no keys/1 key
What is motif A? Write it out (movement 1)
D-E-D-E, dotted rhythm
Where does motif A first appear?(movement 1)
First appears in strings bar 1
What is motif B?(movement 1)
D, D, D, D quavers
Where does motif B first appear?(movement 1)
First appears in strings bar 1, beat 2
Where does Ritornello 1 begin & end?(movement 1)
Bar 1 - 12
Where does episode 1 begin & end?(movement 1)
Bar 13 - 20
Where does ritornello 2 begin & end?(movement 1)
Bar 21 - 26
Where does episode 2 begin & end?(movement 1)
Bar 26 - 47
Where does ritornello 3 begin & end?(movement 1)
Bar 47 - 52
Where does episode 3 begin & end?(movement 1)
Bar 53 - 95
Where does the final ritornello (4) begin & end?(movement 1)
Bar 96 - 100 (end of piece)
Describe the texture of the string line in the opening ritornello. (movement 1)
In parallel octaves
What cadence occurs in bar 4?(movement 1)
Imperfect cadence
Which instrument(s) provide(s) the melodic material in the opening ritornello? (movement 1)
The strings
What cadence occurs bar 12-13? (movement 1)
Perfect cadence
What melodic device is used bar 5 - 8 in the violin parts? (movement 1)
Descending sequence (bar long)
Describe the texture bars 10-13. (movement 1)
What harmonic device is used bar 5 - 8? (movement 1)
Circle of 5ths
What happens to the flute interval at episode 1 (in the first bar) (movement 1)
It is made bigger Augmentation
Describe the melodic line bars 10-13. (movement 1)
Descending scales, starting & ending on the dominant
What key is the 1st episode in? (movement 1)
D major
What is the relation between the flute & violin 1 line bar 50 - 53? (movement 1)
Describe the overall harmony of the 1st episode. (movement 1)
Tonic-dominant harmony
Describe the melody line in the flute of episode 1. (movement 1)
High Bird-like Shorter note values Freely Variation on motif A
What rhythmic device is used in bar 15 in the flute line? (movement 1)
Rhythmic diminution
What is the relation between the flute/violin 1 line & cello/double bass line bar 51? (movement 1)
Parallel octaves
What key is the piece in at 55? (movement 1)
E minor
What is the interval between the notes in the flute line bar 16? (movement 1)
Perfect 4ths
What chord is used bar 53, beat 3? (movement 1)
Neapolitan 6th
What are the opening 3 bars of the 2nd ritornello the same as?(movement 1)
Bars 1-3 of the 1st ritornello
What harmonic device is used in bar 25?(movement 1)
4-3 suspension
How does the piece provide a satisfying ending? (the final ritornello)(movement 1)
Perfect cadence, with a pause Descending scales Loud Unison Motif A (opening motif) appears again
Describe the general texture of the episodes? (movement 1)
Lighter texture with spotlight on the soloist
What cadences occur bars 54 - 56? (movement 1)
Perfect cadences
What are the violin lines at the start of episode 2 (i.e. bar 28 - 31) reminiscent of? What is the interval between the 2 lines? (movement 1)
Motif A 3rds
What key is the piece in bar 54? (movement 1)
D major
Name some of the key features of the flute line in episode 2. (movement 1)
Triadic Broken chords Octave leaps Dotted rhythms Ascending scale
What role does the viola line play bar 32-33?. (movement 1)
Bass line
What key is the piece in at 56? (movement 1)
F sharp minor
Describe the violin 1 line bar 34-35. (movement 1)
Inverted dominant pedal
When does the piece return to D major? How can we tell? (movement 1)
Bar 91 F sharps
What key is the piece in at 34?(movement 1)
E minor
What key is the piece in at bar 37?(movement 1)
B minor
What melodic divide appears in the flute line bars 59 - 61?(movement 1)
Rising, chromatic sequence
Describe the viola line bars 90 - 92. (movement 1)
Descending scale, with an octave leap at the end of 92
What harmonic device occurs bar 40?(movement 1)
7-6 suspension
What key is the piece in at 62? What is the relation to the tonic key?(movement 1)
B minor Relative minor
What is the interval in the flute part bar 40, beat 1?(movement 1)
major 6th
Describe the flute line bars 94-95, and identify some of the key features of the piece that appear here.(movement 1)
Cadence-like Trill Octave leaps Repeated notes
Describe the relationship between the flute & 2nd violin bar 41. (movement 1)
parallel 3rds
What is viola line reminiscent of, at bars 65 - 66? (movement 1)
It is an inverted form of the flute lone
Describe the texture bar 41. (movement 1)
4 part
What key is hinted at bar 88, & why? (movement 1)
D minor F naturals
Describe the flute line from bar 41. (movement 1)
Descending sequence
Describe the harmonic rhythm from bar 43. (movement 1)
Slower Changes every 2 bars -212qasccvvv
What key is the piece in at 69? What relation does this key have to the tonic?(movement 1)
A major Dominant key
What is the relation between the flute & violin 1 line at the beginning of the 3rd ritornello?(movement 1)
In octaves
Describe the flute & violin 1 line at 69 - 75, & the effect.(movement 1)
Imitative between the 2 lines Dialogue Close imitations Trills Competition between flute & violin 1
What chords are used in bars 49 & 50 (movement 1)
Chord V
What is the texture bars 70 - 74? (movement 1)
Polarised Antiphonal exchanges
What is the relation between the 2nd ritornello & the 3rd ritornello? (movement 1)
Same melodic idea, but 3rd ritornello is shorter
What is the relation between the violin 1 & violin 2 line bar 75? (movement 1)
Parallel 3rds
What key is the piece in a 49? (movement 1)
B minor
What harmonic progression is used in bars 79 - 85? (movement 1)
Circle of 5ths
Describe the cello & double bass line bar 69 - 75. What effect does the line have? What does tasto solo mean? (movement 1)
'Tasto solo' - play the note written only (not the chord) Cello & double bass line play an A for 6 bars - tonic pedal Feels like time is standing still
Describe the harmony bars 85 - 88. (movement 1)
Tonic - dominant harmony
What chord is used in bar 79? (movement 1)
B major
What role does the viola line play bars 80 - 84? (movement 1)
Provides the bass line (as continuo line is absent)
What chord is used in bar 80? (movement 1)
E minor
What key is the piece in at bar 77? (movement 1)
D major
Describe the harmonic rhythm bars 79 - 85. (movement 1)
1 chord per bar until bar 81 Then 2 chords per bar
What chords are used in bar 85? (movement 1)
D major (tonic) A major (dominant)
What chords are used in bar 84? (movement 1)
E minor A major
What chords are used in bar 83? (movement 1)
F sharp minor B minor
What chords are used in bar 82? (movement 1)
G major C major
What chords are used in bar 81? (movement 1)
A major D major
Movement 2!!!
What key is movement 2 in?
D major
What is the time signature? Compound? Simple? What effect does this time signature have? (movement 2)
12/8 Compound = lilting dance, relaxed
Describe the overall harmony in the 2nd movement.
What is the overall structure of the 2nd movement?
Binary form
Describe the overall texture of the 2nd movement.
Only for flute & continuo Melody & accompaniment
Describe the phrase lengths of the 2nd movement.
Name some key features of the melodic line in the 2nd movement
Dotted rhythms
Upper auxiliary notes
Falling octaves
Intervals of 5ths
What interval occurs in bar 4 (B-D) (movement 2)
Perfect 5ths
What cadence occurs in bar 3? (movement 2)
Perfect cadence
What occurs in the repeated versions of the melody? (movement 2)
The melody is decorated with even more ornamentation
What chord is used in bar 4? (movement 2)
V (7) b
What rhythmic word could be used to describe the continuo line throughout the 2nd movement?
What key does the first section end in? (movement 2)
A major (dominant)
What key is the piece in by bar 8? (movement 2)
E minor
What key is the piece in by bar 9? (movement 2)
E major
What key is the piece in by bar 10? (movement 2)
D major