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God is omnipotent
Exodus “Plagues were so that you know there is no-one like our God”
God is omnibenevolent
Romans “Nothing can separate people from love of God”
God is three in one
John “Jesus said He and God were one”
Evil and Suffering in the world
(Job 42:1-6) “Job admits belief God can do all, no plan of his can be de-railed”
Epicurus Greek philosopher
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? he is not omnipotent
Is he able, but not willing? he is malevolent
Is he both able and willing? whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? why call him God
Role of the word
“In beginning was Word, And Word was with God”
“Word was God”
“He was w God in beginning”
“Through him all things were made”
“Without him nothing was made”
Role of the spirit
Genesis “Spirit of god was hovering over waters”
John “In beginning was Word, Word was with God, Word was God word became flesh and made his dwelling among us”
Job “The spirit of God made me”
John “The word (Jesus) became flesh”
Luke “Jesus born of virgin Mary”
Romans “God demonstrates His love, while we are sinners, Christ died for us“
Jesus as divine
John “No one comes to the father except through me”
“Crown of thorns on his head
Staff in hand
Knelt and mocked him ‘Hail, king of the Jews!’
Spit on him and struck him”
Salvation and Atonement
Matthew “Until day when I drink it with you in my Father's kingdom”
Isaiah “We all, like sheep, have gone astray”
Luke “He has risen”
Corinthians “Christ died for our sins”
Corinthians “We all baptised by one Spirit to form one body”
Luke “He left them and was taken up into heaven”
James “Faith by itself, not accompanied by action, is dead”
The Afterlife
John "One who believes in me will live, even though they die"
John "My Father's house has many rooms... l am going there to prepare a place for you”
Matthew "Whatever you did for least of brothers , you did for me"
Luke “Lazarus was with Abraham in heaven, the rich man "in agony and fire"
Corinthians “Dead raised imperishable”
Matthew “How glorious to know that the Lord Jesus is my living head”