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meaning the rebirth of ancient greece and rome; golden age time in europe
cultural intellectual movement at the heart of the renaissance
emphasis on individual ability, achievement, and worth
renewed interest of ancient greece and rome
emphasis on secular
renaissance man
a person with many talents or areas of knowledge
nonreligious; focused more on the "here and now" rather than afterlife
everyday, ordinary language
symbolized the italian renaissance; produced many poets, artists, architects, scholars, etc.; ruled by a wealthy group of merchants and bankers who could back this movement; money=power
the medici family
powerful banking and merchant family of florence; very wealthy and exerted political and cultural power; generous patrons of the arts
financial supporters
cosimo de medici
gained control of the government and family ruled florence for many years
lorenze de medici
best known medici; cosimo de medici's grandson; clever politician; very generous patron of the arts
i1 magnifico
lorenzo de medici
the book of the courtier
written by baldassare castiglione; describes the ideal renaissance standards the nobility needed to have (standard of conduct)
shopkeepers, artisans, and guild members who provided goods and services for the town
an art style that represents human and nature exactly how they were seen
represent a 3d world; what we see onto a 2d surface
leonardo da vinci
mona lisa, last supper, the lady with the ermine, saint john the baptist
creation of adam, pieta, statue of david
bronze statue of david
school of athens
northern european humanist who defined the movement in the north; critical of the abuses within the catholic church and called for reform; kept distance from people like martin luther, henry viii, and john calvin; believed problems in the catholic church could be fixed stayed committed to it
sir thomas moore
friend of erasmus; english humanist; wanted social and economic reform; famous work utopia
describes an ideal society in which men and women live in peace and harmony
albrecht durer
"the german leonardo"; one of the most influential artists of northern europe; brought back works and techniques of italian artists and used them in his works; a "renaissance man"
jan van eyck
popular flemish, northern europe, artist; perfected a newly developed technique: oil painting
rene descartes
philosopher and mathematician; regarded as father of modern philosophy; applied mathematics and logics to understanding the world; "i think therefore i am"
johannes gutenberg
developed the printing press
the printing revolution
began with the printing press; technology spread quickly and ushered in mass production of books; more learned to read and write; gutenberg bible- first bible ever printed; more people can read the bible for themselves; reform ideas spread
printing press
invention during the renaissance that will help reformation ideas spread rapidly
the protestant reformation
religious, political, and cultural upheaval that split catholic europe in the 16th century
causes of the protestant reformation
social, political, economic, religious
the renaissance values of humanism and secularism led people to question the church; the printing press helped to spread ideas critical of the church
powerful monarchs challenged the church as supreme power in europe; many leaders viewed the pope as a foreign ruler and challenged his authority
european princes and kings were jealous of the church's wealth; merchants and others resented having to pass taxes to the church
some church leaders had become worldly and corrupt; many people found the church practices such as the sale of indulgences unacceptable
john tenzel
german priest who sold indulgences to any christian who contributed money for the rebuilding of the cathedral of st. peter in rome; would secure their place in heaven as well as their dead relatives; outraged martin luther
martin luther
german monk outraged by the corruption of the church; drew up a list of arguments against the church and argued against indulgences
95 theses
a list of arguments against the church and against indulgences; nailed the list on the local; printed and distributed across europe
pope leo x
the pope that told martin luther to recant his teachings and when he refused excommunicated him
pope paul iii
pope who began counter reformation and called the council of trent
diet of worms
martin luther was summoned to the german city of worms where he thought he would be defending but was ordered give them up; luther refused and was declared an outlaw
edict of worms
issued by charles v, holy roman emperor, and said martin luther was an outlaw, heretic, and nobody should help him; his teaching would be banned and burned
john calvin
another reformer who challenged the church's authority; believed what luther believed but had a few different beliefs as well such as predestination
god alone predetermines who will be saved; divine knowing of salvation
henry viii of england
"defender of the faith"; at first was against reformation but lacked a male heir and wanted to annul his marriage to remarry but the pope refused; furious and separates church of england from roman catholic (anglican)
act of supermacy
made henry viii "the only supreme head on the earth of the church of england"
edward vi
rules at the age of 9 and dies at the age of 15; protestant but kept some catholic doctrines
mary i
determined to make england catholic again; burned many at the stake for heresy; failed
bloody mary
the name mary i got for burning many at the stake for heresy during her rule
elizabeth i
protestant queen who wanted to form a "middle way" in england; worked to restore unity in england
elizabethan settlement
a policy of religious compromise by elizabeth i
the counter reformation (goals)
re-establish the church's moral authority; end corruption within; stop protestant movement; fix the whole church
council of trent
called by the pope to reaffirm traditional catholic views, end abuses in the church, and fix immorality and corruption of the church; fix what's within the church
the roman inquisition
church court created to deal with the protestant threat directly; used torture and execution to root out what the church considered heresy
new religious order of the catholic church founded by ignatius of loyola; dedicated to combating heresy and spreading the catholic faith; represented the church's new commitment to religious education, moral reform, strict obedience
thirty years war
peace of augsburg: treaty allowed coexistence of roman catholicism and lutheranism in holy roman empire; ferdinand ii becomes holy roman emperor and enforces catholicism on all subjects; many revolts and eventually became political- many groups joined; peace of westphalia ended the war and established fixed boundaries for countries involved and decreed residents of a state were subject to laws of that state and not to those of any other institution, secular or religious
scientific revolution
a period of significant scientific and intellectual change that occured in europe between the 16th and 17th centuries
scientific revolution causes
universities, the renaissance, printing press
greek scholarship became the foundation of medieval university curriculum thanks to islamic scholars who had preserved and amended aristotelian texts
the renaissance cause
the wealthy (merchants) patronized studies into the world
printing press cause
the printing press made it possible to circulate new findings about the natural world with great speed to word readership
the father of modern astronomy.; he proposed the heliocentric theory; he contradicted the church's & ptolemy's geocentric theory.
the father of modern science; he used technology to assemble an astronomical telescope that let him observe & describe the characteristics of different things labels; the church condemned him & he was attacked by scholars.
isaac newton
british scientist who defined the laws of motion, discovered gravity, and built the first telescope that proved white light was composite of all colors.
francis bacon
english politician, writer; formalized the empirical method; inductive reasoning; he developed the scientific method
johannes kepler
assistant to brahe; used brahe's data to prove that the earth moved in an elliptical, not circular, orbit; wrote 3 laws of planetary motion
anne of cleves
4th wife; divorced
anne boleyn
2nd wife; beheaded for treason; mother of elizabeth i
ancient greece and rome
caused renaissance by the rebirth of this
catherine of aragon
1st wife; marriage annulled
used by henry viii to justify his annulment of catherine of aragon
catherine howard
5th wife; executed for adultery
catherine parr
6th wife; no children and out lived henry viii
theory that the sun is at the center of universe
where the renaissance began; powerful, wealth, and lots of trading ports
jane seymour
3rd wife; died during childbirth; mother of edward vi
muslim scholars
contributed to the renaissance by preserving and amending aristotelian texts
creator of the geocentric theory
italian (italian vs. northern europe)
began in italy; lots of trade; muslim scholars; humanism ->secular; big artists: leonardo, michelangelo, raphael, donatello
northern europe (italian vs. northern europe)
spread to flanders; strong trading region; humanism -> religious; big artists: albercht durer, jan van eyck
henry viii's reason for departure of the roman catholic church
he wanted to annul his marriage to his wife, catherine of aragon, so that he could marry anne boleyn and hopefully produce a male heir; political