Exam date: March 26, 2025
Sickle Cell (balanced polymorphism)
example of phenotype that gives resistance to a disease
Melungeon (genetic drift and flow)
group in TN with mixed ancestry (English, native American, and African)
evolution that occurs slowly
Punctuated equilibrium
evolution that occurs rapidly
2+ species mutually shape each other’s evolution
Niche construction
process by which an organism alters its own environment
Lactose tolerance and lactose intolerance
genetic adaptation (tolerance- can digest dairy, intolerance- struggle to digest dairy)
Developmental plasticity
organism changes in response to environmental conditions
Life history
detailed accounts and analysis of an individuals life
connecting biological processes to cultural evolution
health disparity
differences in health outcomes linked to social, economic, and environmental factors
physical shape of organism
genetic inheritance due to common ancestors (human and monkey hand forms)
similar physical features but different structures
organisms with a wet nose (dogs, lemurs, etc)
Lemurs and lorises
suborder of primates: wet noses and toothcomb used for grooming
hairless, moist area surrounding nostrils in most mammals, helps with detecting scents
suborder of primates: dry noses, larger brains, and reliant on vision over smell (humans, monkeys, and apes)
Gibbons vs orangutangs
both hominoids
largest primate
Chimps and Bonobos
closest to humans
bones found in England that claimed to a species that humans came from (human cranium with orangutang jaw). Proven to be fake
Great rift valley
Valley through Africa that has a large source of hominid remains
not focused on as many categories (overview)
focused on more detailed categories (specific)
How do we tell how old something is?
taphonomic bias, law of superposition, and original horizontally
taphonomic bias
the further back in time, the harder to find
original horizontally
settlements are originally deposited horizontally
law of super position
the further in the ground something is, the older it is
How do we tell what the environment was like
proxy records (ice cores, geology, pollen cores, etc)
How can we tell fossil specimens are related?
cladistics, ancient DNA, and molecular clock
“The missing link” problem
discovering how we can connect to other primates
Mosaic evolution
different traits at different rates
walking on 2 legs (pros: higher vision, better vision, can use arms more; cons: slower, worse vision)
Australopithecines Afarensis
“Lucy” the oldest found fossil
homo habilis
“Handy man” earliest stone tools made of olduwan
Has footprints that date back 3.5 million years
The Dunbar number (how many people you can remember at once)
Homo erectus
Same from us neck down, different brain size
Turkana boy
adolescent homo erectur
comes after » homo erectus
Koobi Ford, wonderwork cave, and bnot ya’akov bridge
evidence for controlled use of fire
oldest site outside of Africa
oldest definitive wooden spear in the world
estuary and near shore occupation
cold periods
warm periods
Allen’s/Bergmann’s rule
species near the poles have bigger bodies and stubbier limbs
evolved from homo erectus lineage in Europe
Neanderthals and rodeo riders
have similar injuries