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Internal boundaries
The lines that divide regions within a country or state.
An official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals.
The process of reallocating seats in a legislative body, typically based on census data.
The process of redrawing electoral district boundaries.
The practice of diluting the voting power of a particular group by spreading them across multiple districts.
The practice of concentrating a particular group into a single electoral district to reduce their influence in others.
The practice of combining different demographic groups in a way that may undermine their voting power.
Ethnic cleansing
The systemic removal of a particular ethnic group from a territory through violence and persecution.
The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in pursuit of political aims.
Voting district
A designated area where a specific electorate votes for representatives.
The manipulation of electoral district boundaries to favor one party over another.
Unitary state
A government system where power is centralized and regional authorities derive authority from the central government.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a military alliance of European and North American countries.
Federal state
A political entity characterized by the union of partially self-governing regions under a central government.
Autonomous regions
Areas with a degree of self-government, often geographically or culturally distinct from the rest of the state.
The fragmentation of a region into smaller, often hostile, units.
A form of governance where multiple countries yield authority to an overarching institution.
A political or popular movement intended to reclaim and reoccupy a lost or unredeemed territory.
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, a trade agreement between the three countries.
World Trade Organization, an intergovernmental organization that regulates international trade.
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, a group that coordinates petroleum policies among member countries.
Trade agreements
Treaties between two or more countries to facilitate trade and boost economic cooperation.
Military alliances
Agreements between countries for mutual defense and support during conflicts.
United Nations
An international organization founded in 1945 to promote peace, security, and cooperation among nations.
Supranational org.
Organizations or institutions that transcend national borders and have authority over individual states.
European Union
A political and economic union of European countries aiming for greater integration.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, a regional intergovernmental organization comprising ten Southeast Asian countries.
African Union
A continental union consisting of all 55 African countries aimed at promoting unity and cooperation.
Failed state
A state that is unable to perform its basic functions, maintain order, or provide public services.
Forces that tend to pull a country apart, contributing to regional fragmentation.
Forces that tend to unify a country, contributing to national stability.