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Chuavet Cave
Vallon-Pont_D’Arc (France), Limestone & Red Ochre, 32-30k BCE Paleolithic
Venus of Willendorf
Limestone with red ochre pigment, Willendorf Australia, 28-26K BCE Paleolithic, 4.4”
Çatalhöyük residences and paintings
Turkey, Clay with Stucco, red ochre carbon black pigment on plaster, marble. catalhoyuk museum, 7-5K BCE Neolithic
Temple of Anu (“White Temple”) and ziggurat,
Mud brick with white plaster, Temple 35’ high, Ziggurat terrace 40’ high, 3,300 BCE, Uruk
Uruk “Uruk Vase”
Eanna precinct, Alabaster, h 41.4’. Now Baghdad, Iraq Museum, 3200 BCE
Victory stele of Naram-Sin
Susa, Iran, limestone, 6’7” high, 2254-2218 BCE- Akkadian, Paris, Louvre
Ishtar Gate of Nebuchadnezzar II, Babylon
Built by Neo-Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, glazed mud brick wall reliefs, out gate 47” high. 575 BCE Neo-Babylonian, Berlin now
Statue of Menkaure and queen
Giza, Greywacke with red and black pigment, h 4’8”. 2532-2503 BCE Old Kingdom Dynasty 4, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts
Funerary complex of Hatsheput, Deir el-Bahari, Thebes
Mortuary temple complex, limestone and granite with painted reliefs. 1472-1458 BCE New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts
Bust of Nefertiti, Amarna
Thutmose is the sculptor from Amrna, Painted in limestone in gypsum plaster and inlay, H: 18”, 1352-1336 New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Berlin
Temple of Amun-Ra, Karnak, Thebes
limestone, enclosed area: principal hypostyle hall, enclosing 1.2 acres (l. 338’, w. 170’, h. 78’) and containing 134 colossal columns (dia. 16.5’) with pylon gates, c. 13th century BCE (New Kingdom, Dynasty 18) with additions through c. 300 CE
Geometric krater, Dipylon cemetery, Athens
40.5”, 740 BCE, Terra-Cotta,
Exekias, amphora with Achilles and Ajax
Black figure terracotta, 24” height, 540 BCE, found in Vulci, Athens
Peplos Kore
47”, marble, Akropolis, Athens, 530 BCE
Polykleitos, Doryphoros
6’11”, 440BCE, originally bronze,
Iktinos and Kallikrates, Temple of Athena Parthenos, “Parthenon”
447 BCE, Athens, Greece, Iktinos and Kallikrates literally designed it
Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos
350BCE, Greece
Alexander Mosaic
H: 8’10” L 16’9”, from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, late second or early first century BCE
Pergamon Alter
H 40’, relief frieze h 7’6”, 180-160 BCE, Turkey
Augustus Prima Porta
6’8”, 20CE, Near Rome
Column of Trajan
Column shaft 100’, height 128’, 110 BCE
142’ high, 110-128 CE, Rome
Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius
175 CE, Rome
Basilica Nova
Brick and concrete with marble and granite columns, 115’ high, 305-313 CE
Colossal enthroned portrait of emperor Constantine
315-330CE, Head 8’6”, but was likely fully 40’ tall
Church of Hagia Sophia
Brick and concrete core, marble columns and revetment, gold-glass mosaics, 532-537, Turkey
San Vitale
domed octagonal plan church. Brick and concrete core, marble columns and revetment, gold-glass mosaics, dome: 94’ high, 27’ diameter. Ravenna, Italy, 526-547. Mosaics: Christ enthroned between St. Vitalis and Bishop Ecclesius (apse), emperor Justinian and attendants (north sanctuary wall, 8’8” ×12’), empress Theodora and attendants (south sanctuary wall, 8’8” ×12’), 546
Icon of Virgin (Theotokos)
Wax encaustic painting on wooden panel, 2’3” height. Monastery of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai, Egypt, ca. 500-625
“Lindau Gospels”
Saint Gall, Switzerland. Front cover of folio with gold, precious stones, and pearls, h. 1’1”. New, York, J. Pierpont Morgan Library, c. 870-890
“Gero Crucifix”
commissioned by Archbishop Gero for Cologne Cathedral. Painted and gilded wood sculpture, figure 6’2” high. Cologne (G. Köln), Cologne Cathedral, c. 970
Dome of the Rock
Temple Mount, Jerusalem. Domed octagonal plan, dome diameter 66’. Brick
and masonry core, marble columns and revetment, gold-glass mosaics, and wood,
Ummayad period, 691-692.
“Blue Qur’an”
Folios, indigo-dyed parchment with gold and silver, h. 12”, l. 15.5”. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Abbasid period, c. 850-950
Great Mosque at Djenne
Niger Delta, Mali. Mud plaster with wood. Founded c. 1300-present. Equestrian rider in Djenne style, from Niger Delta, Mali. Fired clay, h. 27.5”. Washington D.C., National Museum of African Art, c. 1200-1400.
Bayeux “Tapestry”
from Bayeux Cathedral, Bayeux, France. Dyed wool embroidery wool and linen, h. 1’8” high, l. 229’8”. Centre Guillaume le Conquérant, Bayeux, c. 1070-1080
Basilica of Saint-Sernin, Toulouse
Brick and limestone, 341’ length. Toulouse France, c. 1080-1118
Chartres Cathedral
with Virgin and Child stained glass window. Limestone, marble, and stained glass, 430’ length, width 105’, height 344’. Chartres, France, building c. 1145-1155, windows c 1220-1230
Pisano, Pulpit of the baptistery, Pisa
with reliefs of Annunciation. Marble with vestiges of polychromy, granite columns, h. pulpit 15’, panel reliefs h. 2’10”, 1260
Duccio di Buoaninsegna, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints, Maestà, Siena
Tempera painting and gold leaf on wooden panel, 7’x 13’ (center panel). Siena, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, 1308-1311not shown to general public
Giotto di Bondone, Madonna and Child Enthroned (Ognissanti Madonna)
From Church of
Ognissanti, Florence, Italy. Tempera painting and gold leaf on panel, 12’7” x 7’4”.
Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi, Italy, c. 1305-1310
Giotto di Bondone, Arena Chapel (Capella Scrovegni), Padua
Nave fresco walls, 60’ long,
28’ wide, 42’ high. Fresco panels of Life of Christ, 6’6.5” x 6’0.5”. Padua, Italy. 1305-
Bird Man Plate
From “Rogan Plates”, found at Etowah, Mound C.
Native copper plaque, h 11”
Smithsonian Museum, Washington D.C. Muscogee Creek Nation, Oklahoma, c. 1350