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Prosocial Behavior
voluntary behavior carried out to benefit another person
2 types of prosocial behavior: define each other them
Egoistic Helping: ultimate goal of helper is to increase their own welfare
Altruistic Helping: ultimate goal of helper is to increase another’s welfare without expecting anything in return
Helping is Consistent with what?
evolutionary theory
Kin Selection
people exhibit preferences for helping blood relatives because this will increase odds that their genes will be transmitted to subsequent generations even though they may incur costs of helping
observed in many species
What does kin selection NOT explain
why we help strangers or nonrelatives
Empathy-Altruism Hypothesis
experiencing empathy for someone in need produces an altruistic motive for helping => ppl often help even when there is not benefit to them and at great sacrifice
What are the 4 external factors and 2 internal factors for why we help?
External: similarity, modeling, social norms, rural vs. urban environments
Internal: mood + personality
Who do we tend to help?
people who are similar to us: sexual orientation, clothing beliefs
Learning to be a helper involves what?
observation & direct reinforcement
3 social norms that define the rules for helping others: define all 3
1) Norm of Reciprocity: maintains fairness in social relationships (ppl should be paid back for what was given => help those who help us)
2) Norm of Social Responsibility: we should help when others are in need + dependent on us (ex. adults feel responsible for children => render assistance regardless of recipient’s worthiness)
3) Norm of Social Justice: we should help only when we believe that others deserve assistance (strong in individualist cultures => if good ppl need help we should help but not really for bad ppl)
Difference in how conservatives and liberals define the rules for helping others
Conservatives: stress individualism, make internal attributes for success/failure, and value social justice norm
Liberals: stress egalitarianism, make external attributions for success/failure, and value social responsibility norm more
High socioeconomic status individuals put a higher priority on what?
Lower socioeconomic status people put a higher priority on what?
satisfying own needs
express more concern for welfare, more trusting, and give her percentage of income to charity
Are people more likely to help in urban or rural areas? why?
in large cities, there is the urban overload hypothesis (milgram) where ppl are bombarded with stimulation and hence don’t pay attention to others + cities are heterogenous, limited connectedness with others
What happens if you’re in a good mood?
What happens if you’re in a bad mood?
more likely to help => more prosocial behavior
less likely to help (unless act of helping can improve your mood)
Altruistic Personalities in general are more likely to do what? is there evidence for this?
evidence for genetic basis: twin studies
what characterizes an altruistic personality?
empathy, belief in a just world, social responsibility, internal locus of control, and low egocentrism
Which gender helps more? what kind of ppl do they help more?
men => more likely to help strangers
Gender and helping differences are greatest during what 3 scenarios?
1) presence of audience
2) potential danger
3) person in need is female (especially if she’s attractice)
Women are more likely to provide ___________ and __________ support to others and more willing to serve as what?
social + emotional | caretakers for children and elderly
Kitty Genovese
Who is she? murdered by her apartment and 3-6 neighbors went to their windows to see => only 1 person helped and other people thought nothing was goin on or that she was drunk or beaten up
demonstrates the bystander effect => many ppl already called in so i dont have to
What is the 5 step sequence that the Bystander Intervention involves
1) notice unusual
2) decide if it’s an emergency or help is needed
3) decide whether to help
4) decide what kind of help to offer
5) provide help
Latene + darley’s study on Bystander Intervention Step 2
Design: smoke emerged from the AC where participants sat. Dependent variable = percentage of participants reporting smoke
3 groups: participant alone in waiting rom, participant with 2 other ppl, and participant with confederate of the experimenter who did not react
Result: those who were alone acted while those with the confederates did not act
Diffusion of Responsibility
belief that presence of other ppl in a situation makes one less personally responsible for events that occur in that situation
increases with # of bystanders