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Longest river in China and Asia, 3,917 miles.
Three Gorges Dam
World's largest dam on the Yangtze River.
1,800-mile river merging with Ganges in Bangladesh.
Holiest river in Hinduism, flows 1,560 miles.
Chief river of Southeast Asia, flows into South China Sea.
Eastern river of Mesopotamia, flows through Iraq.
Western river of Mesopotamia, 1,740 miles long.
Chief river of Pakistan, 1,800 miles to Arabian Sea.
Jordan River
Flows into Dead Sea, site of Jesus' baptism.
Loess Silt
Fine sediment carried by the Yellow River.
Yellow River
China's second-longest river, 3,400 miles long.
Grand Canal
Links Yellow River to Yangtze, rebuilt in Ming Dynasty.
Ganges Delta
World's largest delta formed by Ganges and Brahmaputra.
Hooghly River
Distributary of Ganges, flows near Kolkata.
Padma River
Distributary of Ganges entering Bangladesh.
Rice-growing Delta
Irrawaddy's delta is crucial for rice production.
Punjab Region
Land of five rivers, named after Indus tributaries.
Major city of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Another key city of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Dead Sea
Lowest point on Earth, 1,300 feet below sea level.
Diplomatic Conflict
Disputes over Mekong dams between China, Laos, Cambodia.
Population Density
High in Ganges Basin, leads to pollution.
Cremated Remains
Significant pollution source in the Ganges River.