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Formation of spermatozoa
3 Primary steps of Spermatogenesis
Proliferation phase → mitosis, “spermatocytogenesis”
Meiotic phase → meiosis
Differentiation phase → no cell division, morphological change from round spermatids to spermatozoa (“spermiogenesis”)
Stages of sperm development
primary spermatocyte
Secondary spermatocyte
Round spermatids (transitional phase w/ multiple shapes, round to elongated)
Two types of spermatogonia
Type A → stem cell keeps undergoing mitosis
Type B → last mitosis, now committed to meiosis (moves from proliferation phase to meiotic phase)
Mitotic divisions
species dependent → between 2-6 divisions (4-64 daughter cells produced)
Cytoplasmic bridges form between daughter cells
Apoptosis of germ cells
Trauma or heat (testes)
Hormone levels (ex; abnormal T, FSH, or LH)
This is a normal part of spermatogenesis
Stem cell Renewal
To keep spermatogenesis going indefinitely
Related to spermatogonia staying behind
Replenish testis in case of injury trauma or high heat
After meiotic chase, during differentiation phase
round spermatid to an elongated spermatid to a spermatozoa
4 Phases of Spermiogenesis
Golgi phase
Cap phase
Acrosomal phase
Maturation phase
Golgi Phase
Golgi apparatus to one end of nucleus
Centrioles migrate to opposite end of nucleus (where tail will eventually form)
Produces proacrosomic granules
Cap Phase
Acrosome forms a distinct cap over nucleus
Golgi migrates way from nucleus
formation of primary flagellum
Acrosomal Phase
Acrosome continues to spread around nucleus
continued growth of the tail
Manchettes forms → series of microtubules, pulls and elongates nucleus
Maturation phase
manchette migrates towards tail and disappears
mitochondria migrates and clusters around mid piece
Formation of outer fibrous sheath → spermatid now call spermatozoa
occurs at the end of spermiogenesis
release of sperm cell into lumen of the seminiferous tube → release from Sertoli cell
Temporal relation of spermatogenesis
2-4 weeks delay before a “deleterious event” will be observed in ejaculated sperm
Deleterious event → fever, trauma, heat stress, exposure to toxins
6-12 weeks before restoration of normal sperm (after initial 2-4 weeks)
Specific cellular associations within a small segment of a seminiferous tubule
Not all sections of same tubule at the same stage at the same time
Stagers are not same length of time
Progression through sequence of all stages
4.5 cycles to form spermatozoa (some species variation here)
1 of these = 8 stages
Coordination of stages form waves
Some portion of seminiferous tubules is always releasing sperm
Spermatogenic waves