Baptism of Blood
Martyrs who receive forgiveness and God's mercy
Baptism of Desire
Catechumens who receive forgiveness and God's mercy after death
Someone who hasn't had the sacred mysteries
Someone who's been baptized into another faith
Catechumens who publicly express their desire for the sacraments (or their faith)
Where in scripture can we find the initiation of Baptism as an essential part of Christian life?
4 stages of the RCIA program
Precatechumenate, catechumenate, elect, mystagogical
Why are we inclined to evil?
We are weakened from the Fall
How can we live out our baptismal promises every day?
Thanking God in prayer
What does the new character we get during Confirmation do for us?
Helps us be Soldiers of Christ, never be ashamed of the cross, and be part of Christ's Body
Why is a bishop the minister of Confirmation?
Shows we are part of the Church
How does the Eucharist separate us from sin?
Forgives our venial sins
How does the Eucharist portray the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true Church?
Active participation in the entire life of the local parish, evangelization, and bringing Christianity to communities
laying on of hands
main rite in the Sacrament of Confirmation
The name of the Eastern Rite of Confirmation
Confirmation Candidate
Soldiers of Christ
Christians who confirmed to spread and defend their faith
Chrism Mass
Annual Mass on or hear Holy Thursday where the Bishop consecrates the Sacred Chrism
Because of Confirmation, what are we strictly obligated to do?
Spread and defend the faith by word and deed
What's the purpose of the Theological Virtues?
To give life to all the moral virtues
What are the Cardinal Virtues?
Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance
What is the Eucharist a foretaste of?
The Heavenly Banquet
How do we become the Church through the Eucharist?
It connects us to Christ's body
Penitential Rite
During the Introductory Rite where the priest invites people to repent themselves for the Eucharist
Eucharist (not the blood/bread of Christ)
The Church's official form of worshiping the Father, refers to the entire mass
Eucharistic Prayer
The Church's prayer of praise and thanks to God during the Liturgy of the Eucharist
Words of Institution
Words said by Jesus over the bread and wine at the Last Supper
Secret Prayer
Prayer from the Tridentine Mass during the Offertory Hymn, said in a low voice
White linen cloth where the bread and wine are placed
Prayer of petition for God to send the Holy Spirit to transform the bread and wine
Contains the Scripture Readings, Responsorial Psalm, and Gospel
Vessel used to hold the Hosts for communion
a long sleeveless vestment worn by a priest when celebrating Mass
Roman Missal
Contains the prayers and rituals for mass
What is the 3 fold mission
Priest, Prophet, King
Through confirmation we are called to do what?
Spread and defend the faith, be Soldiers of Christ
What are the 4 gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Wisdon, Understanding, Knowledge, and Counsel
What are the graces of Baptism?
PPK, reborn as children of God, corporated into the Church
What are the graces of Confirmation?
Strengthens the Baptismal Graces, keeps us spiritually functioning, indelible spiritual mark on the soul
What are the graces of the Eucharist?
Enables us to love like Christ, unites us with Christ so he reveals himself to others through us, preserves Baptismal Grace