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articles of confederation

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articles of confederation

1st Constitution of the U.S. 1781-1788 (weaknesses-no executive, no judicial, no power to tax, no power to regulate trade) Each state retained sovereignty, the ability to act independently of the Confederation. Each state had equal representation in a unicameral (single house) legislature.

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checks and balances

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power

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Separation of powers

A way of dividing the power of government among the legislative, executive, and judicial branch to prevent tyranny

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Popular sovereignty

idea that the people rule by their own consent.

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Those who favored a stronger national government and weaker state governments. Supported the ratification of the Constitution.

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Those who favored strong state governments and a weaker national government. Advocated for a bill of rights to formally address individual and state rights. Concerned about the concentration of power in a central government under the Constitution.

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A system of government in which power and responsibilty is divided between the federal and state governments

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Supremacy clause

Article VI of the Constitution, which makes the Constitution, national laws, and treaties supreme over state laws when the national government is acting within its constitutional limits.

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Connecticut or Great Compromise

Compromise agreement by states at the Constitutional Convention for a bicameral legislature with a lower house in which representation would be based on population and an upper house in which each state would have two senators.

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Three-Fifths Compromise

slave counted as 3/5 of a person for population counts to determine how many representatives.

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Federalist Paper #10

Written by James Madison to convince people to support the ratification of the constitution. Argued that factions were inevitable but were best controlled by a large republic that employed a Federalist structure. Argued that competition among factions would limit their negative impacts.

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Bill of Rights

A formal statement of the fundamental rights of the people of the United States, incorporated in the Constitution as Amendments 1-10. Satisfied Anti-federalist concerns.

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Elastic clause (Necessary and Proper Clause)

Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, which allows Congress to make all laws that are "necessary and proper" to carry out the powers of the Constitution. Has allowed the federal government to expand its power over time.

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Commerce clause

The clause in the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 1) that gives Congress the power to regulate all business activities that cross state lines or affect more than one state or other nations. Has helped the Federal government expand its power over time.

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Concurrent powers

Powers held jointly by the national and state governments. For example, the powers to tax, pass laws and borrow funds

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Expressed Powers/Enumerated powers

Powers the Constitution specifically granted to one of the branches of the national government. Listed explicitly in the Constitution. Ex: right to coin money, declare war, regulate foreign and interstate trade, tax, etc.

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Implied powers

Powers not specifically mentioned in the constitution; \n Powers inferred from the express powers that allow Congress to carry out its functions. Has Constitutional basis in Necessary and Proper/Elastic Clause

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McCulloch v. Maryland

Court Case: The court ruled that the states did not have the power to tax the national bank. Used the backing of the Supremacy Clause to argue that states could not interfere with legitimate federal laws

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Reserved Powers

belong to the states and the people; \n Powers not specifically granted to the federal government or denied to the states.

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Block grants

Federal money given to the states with limited spending guidelines. Allows the states power to decide how to spend funds within relatively loose guidelines.

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Categorical Grants

Federal money given to the states with specific spending guidelines. Gives the federal government the power to decide how funds are spent within the state. Ex: funds for highway repairs, cannot be used for other purposes.

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1st Amendment

Guarantees many individual rights including the right to expression and freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the right to petition the government, and the right to peaceful assembly.

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United States v Lopez

CourtCase:The Supreme Court ruled that Congress had exceeded its constitutional authority under the Commerce Clause when it passed a law prohibiting gun possession in local school zones. This increased state powers to regulate such matters while decreasing federal power

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limited government

The idea that certain restrictions should be placed on government to protect the natural rights of citizens.

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A form of government in which people elect representatives to create and enforce laws

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Participatory Democracy

A form of democracy that encourages citizens to participate actively, in many ways beyond voting; usually focused at the local level

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Pluralist Democracy

recognizes group-based activism by nongovernmental interests striving for impact on political decision making

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Elite Democracy

emphasizes limited participation in politics and civil society

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A group with a distinct political interest

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Electoral College

the body of electors who formally elect the United States president and vice-president

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Has the power to ratify treaties and declare war, and the power to make laws.

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Head of the Executive Branch

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Federal Judiciary

the federal court system, consisting of the Supreme Court and lower federal courts

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Federal Revenue Sharing

The practice of sharing federal income tax revenue with state and local governments

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terms set by the national government that states must meet whether or not they accept federal grants

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Federalist 51 (Madison)

document that explained the separation of powers, checks and balances found in the Constitution

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Brutus 1

Anti-Federalists. Before the constitution was ratified; too much power in national government; won't be able to survive bc it's too big

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Programs, money, & resources provided by the fed. govt to state & local govts to be used for specific projects &programs

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the transfer of powers and responsibilities from the federal government to the states

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