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Why did the British want Muslims and Hindus to fight each other (divide and rule strategy)?
Because this limited Indian resistance to imperial rule
Why did Muslims start to feel unsafe in British India?
Muslims did not have a united political party in the new government, while the Hindus did
By 1945, what was Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League, supporting?
A separate nation for India's Muslim population
Why did Britain decide to create two separate states upon their withdrawl from India?
They were leaving as tensions were escalating and felt it was the only way to leave without causing a civil war.
What is the primary reason that Britain left India sooner than they had initially planned?
They were bankrupt from fighting World War II
India did achieve independence. However, what was a consequence of the partition of India?
Mass migrations and violence
What is at the root of the conflict over Kashmir, a region in Eastern Pakistan?
Ownership of the region
Has the rivalry between Pakistan and India ended?
Mohandas K. Gandhi
teachings blend all religions
became known as “Mahatma” which means great soul
thought of the idea: civil disobedience and nonviolent protest
What is the Rowlatt Acts?
laws to jail any protester without a trial for as long as 2 years
Civil disobedience: Examples/Results
refuse to buy British goods
refuse to attend government schools, pay taxes, vote in elections, ride railroad
1 day work stoppage (they go on strike or slow their work process)
cloth burning - homespun movement
symbolic movements to gain independence
What is civil disobedience?
deliberate and public refusal to obey an unjust law; always nonviolent
The Salt March
[Spring 1930] Gandhi organized demonstration - defy Salt Acts
Gandhi and his followers walk 240 miles to coast and make salt
Government of India Act
brought about a limited increase in the involvement of Indians in the governance of colonial India.
During WWII
Gandhi continues to demand independence while GB demands India devotion to war
Quit India Campaign
Results of the Salt March
60,000 including Gandhi and his wife are arrested
British brutally attack demonstrators
British jails were packed
After WWII
GB was exhausted from the war
parts of London had been reduced to rubble
Muslim League
represented Muslims (25% of the population)
would not accept a Hindu-controlled government
they wanted a separate country
Jawaharlal Nehru
first prime minister of India (1947-1964)
the longest serving prime minister (16 years)
relatively secular
led a democracy
he tried to address divisions that were holding India back (ex> caste discrimination)
1950: the Indian constitution takes effect
Calcutta Riots
“Direct Action” for Muslim Homeland
Muslims vs. Hindus
3 days in August 1946
4,000 people were killed
Independence (1947)
After WWII, Britain gives up the colony of India
India was not as profitable to the British because of the protests, boycotts, resistance, etc.
Indian Nationalists had succeeded in building enormous support for independence
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Muslim Leader
was mocked by the INC so he called for strikes across India
strikes turned into riots
Pakistan’s founder and first leader
he died in 1948, one year after independence
Indian National Congress
Partition of India – Impact/Results
British rule ended and the subcontinent was freed
August 1947: India is split
India and Pakistan are officially formed as separate countries
Pakistan - Muslim
India - Hindu
Gandhi was very upset by the partition plan
Cyrus Radcliffe
the British official responsible for the partition lines
he never visited the border areas or knew the cultural differences
he used outdated maps
he simply took a pencil and drew lines
Conflict over Kashmir
there have been 3 wars over the disputed territory of Kashmir
both India and Pakistan want territory control over the area
remains one of the most militarized zones in the world
has been going on since before 1974 (73+ years)
peace in Kashmir now seems further than it was before (they are making no progress with peace)
2 countries are STILL fighting for territory control over the region
Mohandas Gandhi’s death
he was assassinated by a Hindu extremist upset by Gandhi’s tolerance of Muslims
Nehru and Mrs. I. Gandhi’s policy of nonalignment
this means that he wanted to stay out of the fight and not at all get involved
China’s annexation of Tibet and the subsequent war
China transformed Tibet into a police state, without internet access and limited information flow. Tibet is full of protests because the people want to change this rule. They are ruling with an iron fist, they are using fear and power to keep the rule.
W. Pakistan vs. E. Pakistan, War w/ India
An election in 1970 ended in victory for the Bengali candidate and the Punjabi candidate tried to take him out of power by trying to make the military arrest him
the west was bigger and had a bigger population and got most of the money
The East got fewer resources and money
The East is Bengali
The West is Punjabi
India becomes _th country with a nuclear weapon in 1974 after other countries signed the NPT (Nuclear Proliferation Treaty)
India’s Poverty and stunting
caste discrimination
closed off to foreign investment
lots of restrictions
high taxes
state run industries
Mrs. Gandhi’s “Emergency”
she ordered the arrest of thousands of people
India’s bill of rights was suspended
people were jailed without being told why
the press was censored
when demonstrations broke out, violence was used to break them up and people were killed
elections were cancelled
Golden Temple at Amritsar and Operation Blue Star
When Mrs. Gandhi ordered the Indian Army to drive out the Sikh separatists out of the Golden Temple because the Sikh separatists seized the Golden Temple
Mrs. Gandhi’s assassination
2 of her bodyguards (both Sikhs) turned their weapons on her. She was shot in the torso multiple times and she died on the operating table.
The creation of Bangladesh (1971)
In 1971, an internal crisis in Pakistan resulted in a third war between India and Pakistan and the secession of East Pakistan, creating the independent state of Bangladesh. These events altered the relationship between the United States and the region.
What is the meaning of separatists?
meaning they want to separate from their country
Sanjay Gandhi’s death
he was killed in an mysterious plane crash - he was the pilot
Rajiv Gandhi- forced sterilization; supported Sri Lankan gov’t against Tamil Tigers. Why?
because he was scared that the Sri Lankans would encourage the Tamils of India’s southern state to make separatist demands of their own if they didn’t help them
Rao’s focus on the economy- cutting “red tape”; devaluing Rupee; inviting foreign investment
He “unshackled the economy”… (1991-1996)
he cut taxes
devalued rupee
cut bureaucratic red tape
opened up India to foreign investment
he made it easier on the Indian population
India’s nuclear weapons test, followed by Pakistan’s nuclear tests
when India was able to possess nuclear weapons, it spurred Pakistan to make their own atomic weapons (this was achieved 24 years later in 1998)
when India tested 2, Pakistan tested 5 a week later
India showed that they had a lot, so Pakistan wanted to have more
Babri Mosque incident
the Hindus believe the very spot where the mosque was built was the birthplace of the God Ram
Hindus fanned out into the nighborhood and set fire to Muslim owned businessess and houses
religious riots spread across the country and 2,000 people were killed in strife
this event separated religion and laws instead of keeping history and religious institutions
Gujarat Riots
this happened because Muslims were blamed for the deaths of 59 Hindus
lasted 2 months
What is the primary aim of Lashkar e-Taiba (LT)?
the liberation of Jammu and Kashmir from Indian Control
Prime Minister Modi
Modi was 63 when he replaced Manmohan Singh in 2014 he pledged to lead an honest government that will create jobs and opportunity, a message that went over well with India’s young, increasingly plugged-in, and affluent electorate.
Rajiv Gandhi’s Assassination
a suicide bomber attempted to kill Rajiv and she succeeded
Why did Singh decide not to retaliate to the Lashkar e-Taiba Terror Attacks?
because he didn’t want to escalate and risk war between the nuclear-armed rivals
Citizenship Law
fast-tracked citizenship for non-Indians who migrated from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and were adherents of Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, and Christianity
excluded Muslims
Hindu nationalist party
Why was Modi’s bureacratic career shadowed by questions?
Modi’s bureaucratic career has been shadowed by question over his failure to stop the carnage when Hindu and Muslims riots in 2002 which left more than 1,000 dead. This led to the United States to deny Mr. Modi a visa.
How did Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s term end in Pakistan 1977?
he was deposed in a coup d’etat
General Zia compared Pakistan to what country? Why?
he compared Pakistan to Israel because both regions and their ideologies are the main sources of their strength
Soviet-Afghan War and Pakistan’s role (training/weapons)
The Pakistanis trained the Afghans and they distributed weapons as well.
US aid to Pakistan
President Reagan authorized 3.2 billion in monetary aid for Pakistan. Zia took the money but insisted Pakistan would decide how it was spent and who received aid.
Taliban takeover in Afghanistan
Mullah organized the force of the Taliban and the purpose was “to cleanse Afghanistan of lawlessness and corruption”
General Zia’s objective for Pakistan and his methods
he feared that Pakistan would be sandwiched between a communist Afghanistan and a Hindu India, so he created madrassas and embraced jihad as a strategy. He saw legions of Islamic fighters gathering on the Afghan frontier as a secret tactical weapon.
What is a madrassa?
a religious school
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
Pakistani Prime Minister [1973-1977]
[1971] War between India and Pakistan
Bangladesh created
[1974] he was charged with ordering the assassination of his political rival
[1977] after only 4 years in power - coup d'état
[1979] Bhutto was hanged
Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq
the military general who organized the coup d'état against Bhutto
he led a campaign to introduce Islamic Law and create an Islamic system within the nation
Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program
run by AQ Khan
tested 5 in 1998
AQ Khan is selling information to other countries
once India was able have nuclear weapons, Pakistan started tested and trying to make them too
Abdul Qadeer Khan
leader of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program
developed Pakistan’s nuclear weapons
despite an international agreement to limit arms development, countries were developing weapons
AQ Khan: Sold bomb-making equipment and gave technical advice to Libya, North Korea, and Iran (All aggressor nations)
became the world’s most dangerous nuclear trafficker
result: he was pardoned for his actions
9/11 report and terrorism in Pakistan
following the 9/11 attacks, US and foreign officials looked at indicators to determine an ideal site would combine:
rugged terrain
weak governance
room to hide or receive supplies
low population density
town nearby that allows access to the outside world
Pakistan was determined a likely spot
Osama Bin Laden’s death (Pakistan)
Some Taliban members hid out in the mountainous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan
2011: Bin Laden was killed in Pakistan by the US Seal Team 6
How did the Nehru Dynasty end?
Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated
Who was the first prime minster outside of the Nehru dynasty to complete a five year term?
What is known as India's 9/11?
Lashkar e-Taiba's attack on Mumbai on 11/26/08