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catchcing marine creatures faster than they can reproduce
reef fisheries
key source of household protein, micronutrients and income for many communities
recent increases → Malthusian basic theory
Malthusian basic theory
This theory posits that population increases geometrically while food production increases arithmetically, leading to inevitable shortages. It suggests that unless checked by factors like famine, disease, or war, population growth will outpace resources, resulting in a struggle for survival and potential societal collapse.
groeth overfishing
too many fish are caught while v small
groupers → change sex w age, critical shortage in one sex
recruitment overfishing
reprod failure → depletion of breeders
demographic o
turns pop w many age groups into a pop w only one or two sig age classes doing most of the breeding→ pop vulnerable to yrs when neatural fluctuation - poor surival of young
genetic overfishing
serial overfifhing
depletion of one targeted spp after another
ecosystem overfishing
cause great changes in spp composition and functional loss of key spp→ LT community changes
Malthusian overfishing
directly related to human pop
Biggest driver decline of CR
climate change
overfishing impacts
reduces spp D
loss of keystone spp
neg effects on reef processes
reduced resiliencen and phase shifts
jamaica case study
pop growth→ 0.5 million 1870 to 2.5 mil by 1994
fish biomass reduced by 80% due to fish trapping
large changes in fish predatory spp largely eliminated
remainging herbivores below reprod size
hurricane allen struck jamaicas reefs → extensive damage
mass mortality of Diadema→ due to a pathogen
blooms of macroalgae in absence of herbivory
adult corals killed by algal overgroeth and coral recruitment failing
coral -alagal phase shifts
A significant ecological change where healthy reefs dominated by corals transition to areas dominated by macroalgae. This shift is often driven by factors like nutrient pollution, overfishing, and climate change, leading to reduced coral growth and resilience.
pre columbus
turtles were hugely abundant
33-39 million in carribean
dynamite blast fishing
introduced to Indonesia durin WW2
used WW2 ammunition shells but now made w chem fertilisers
fishers hunt for schooling fish and follow blast, divers enter water to collect stunned fish
reduces coral → rubble
recruitment of new corals → slow