organize and summarize data
discover features, patterns and striking deviations
interpret patterns in context
include visual displays and numerical values
Collect data
Summarize data
Interpret data
removes confounding of lurking variables
reduces chance variation by removing variation associated with the blocking variable
yields more precise estimates of chance variation
randomly assign two treatments to two individuals or randomize the order of treatment application to each individual
replication = number of pairs
compare the two treatments
always plot data first
look for an overall pattern and for striking deviations
look at shape, center, spread of distribution
add numerical summaries to supplement graph
if pattern is regular, use mathematical model to describe data
values that are far outside most of data
is data point miscoded?
unusual conditions?
should data point be excluded?
construct graph to evaluate skewness and outliers
use median if distribution is markedly skewed or outliers are present
use mean if distribution is roughly symmetric
summation of all probabilities is 1
if two events cannot occur simultaneously, the probability of one or the other equals the sum of separate probabilities
probability of event not occurring equals one minus the probability of event occurring