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What does indivisible mean
Unable to break or separate
Who first believed the atom was a thing
The Greeks
What were the Greeks great at
Thinking (they were philosophers)
What elements did the Greeks think everything was made of
Who was the first person to write down atomic theory (who developed the idea of atoms 2,000 years after it was put forward by the Greeks)
John Dalton
What were the 4 assumptions of Daltons atomic theory
They are indivisible and indestructible
Atoms of the same element are identical
Atoms of different elements a vary in mass
Compounds contain atoms of two or more elements combined together in fixed whole number ratios
What’s diffusion
The spreading out of one set of particles into other particles
What’s “The Law of Conservation of Mass”
In any chemical reaction, you cannot create or destroy matter it can only change from one form to another (all atoms created in the Big Bang billions of years ago are still here today)