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A word that refers to persons, animals, places, things, ideas, or events. Example: 'dog', 'happiness'.
Proper Noun
A name that refers exclusively to a single person, place, or thing, always capitalized. Example: 'John', 'Paris'.
Common Noun
A name that refers to a general category of persons, places, or things, not specific. Example: 'city', 'car'.
Abstract Noun
A noun that refers to ideas, qualities, or conditions that cannot be seen or touched. Example: 'freedom', 'justice'.
Concrete Noun
A noun that refers to things that have physical existence. Example: 'apple', 'tree'.
Countable Noun
Nouns that can be counted and can take articles such as 'a' or 'an'. Example: 'books', 'cars'.
Non-countable Noun
Nouns that cannot be counted and do not usually have a plural form. Example: 'water', 'information'.
Collective Noun
A noun that refers to a group of people, animals, or things. Example: 'flock', 'team'.
Compound Noun
A noun that combines two or more nouns or a noun and other parts of speech to form a single entity. Example: 'toothbrush', 'mother-in-law'.
Singular Noun
A noun that indicates one person, place, thing, or idea. Example: 'cat', 'school'.
Plural Noun
The form of a noun that indicates more than one person, place, thing, or idea. Example: 'dogs', 'houses'.
Regular Noun
A noun that forms its plural by adding -s or -es. Example: 'girl' becomes 'girls'.
Irregular Noun
A noun that forms its plural in a way other than simply adding suffixes. Example: 'child' becomes 'children'.
Possessive Noun
A noun that indicates ownership, typically formed with an apostrophe and 's'. Example: 'John's book'.
Verbal Noun
A noun derived from a verb, often formed by adding -ing to the verb. Example: 'running', 'swimming'.
Material Noun
A noun that denotes substances made out of tangible materials and are typically uncountable. Example: 'gold', 'water'.
Function of Nouns
Nouns can be used as subjects, direct or indirect objects, in prepositional phrases, adverbs, adjectives, and to show possession. Example: In the sentence 'The cat climbed the tree', 'cat' is the subject.