Anton van Leeuwenhoek
“Father of Microbiology”
Credited as first person to observe microscopic life
Made his own microscope
Called moving microbes he observed “animalcules”
Francesco Redi
Denied spontaneous generation
Demonstrated that maggots didn’t spontaneously generate on meat
John Needham
Supported spontaneous generation
Sealed flasks after heating broth in an open flask, after a few days growth was present
Been suggested that he didn’t heat broth long enough to kill all present microbes
Lazzaro Spallanzani
Denied spontaneous generation
Similar experiment to Needham, but he heated broth longer and sealed the mouth of the flasks by melting the glass
Rudolf Virchow
Denied spontaneous generation
Contributed to Schleiden and Schwann's cell theory, Omni cellula e cellula
Louis Pasteur
Denied spontaneous generation
Used swan neck flasks to allow air into flask while keeping out the microbes in the air
Developed alcohol fermentation by yeast, and pasteurization as a method to destroy most spoilage organisms/pathogens without destroying the properties of the food
Ignaz Semmelweis
Promoted handwashing to decrease maternal deaths due to puerperal fever in hospitals
Joseph Lister
Developed aseptic surgical technique
Soaked bandages in carbolic acid and sprayed carbolic acid in air during procedures
Robert Koch
Developed method to link specific disease to specific organism
1905 Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine
Carlos Juan Finlay
Discovered mosquitoes can transmit the virus that causes yellow fever
Angelina Fanny Hesse (Fanny)
Introduced agar as alternate to gelatin for solid media (gelatin melts at lower temps and some microbes liquify gelatin)
Edward Jenner
First human vaccine (used pus from blisters on a milk maid that had cowpox)
Vaccination is latin (smallpox of the cow)
Shibasabro Kitasato
First to grow Clostridium tetani in pure culture
Worked w/ Emil von Behring to make antitoxins for diptheria, anthrax, tetnaus
Controversy if they or Yersin discovered bubonic plague bacterium.
Charlos Chagas
Discovered Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi (protozoa) is transmitted by “kissing bug”
Dmitri Iwanowski and Martinus Beijerinck
Discovered viruses
George Washington Carver
First African American to earn a Bachelor of Science degree
Developed crop rotation to replenish nitrogen in depleted soils
William Augustus Hinton
First black professor at Harvard
Developed accurate test for syphilis
Hinton College at USCOM-Greenville is named after him
Jane Hinton
Daughter of William Augustus Hinton
Developed Muller-Hinton agar, the standard medium for antibiotic sensitivity testing
One of the first African American women veterinarians
Paul Ehrlich
Discovered first effective treatment for syphilis while searching for a “magic bullet” (drug to kill pathogen w/o hurting host)
1908 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine for work to develop diphtheria antitoxin
Alexander Fleming
Discovered penicillin (first antibiotic)
1945 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine
Susumu Tonegawa
Discovered VDJ recombination, the genetic basis for antibody diversity
1987 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine
Ruth Ella Moore
First African American woman to earn PhD in natural science and to join American Society for Microbiology
Studied many topics, one was antibiotic sensitivity of gut microbiome organisms
Ester Lederberg
Discovered bacteriophages
Developed replica plating method
June Almeida
Discovered coronaviruses
Used electron microscope to capture first images of many viruses (rubella and hep B)
Jacinto Convit
Developed vaccine for leprosy
Tu Youyou
Discovered antimalarial drug artemisinin, chemical extracted from sweet wormwood
2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine