Constitution Quiz

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New Jersey Plan?

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US History

34 Terms


New Jersey Plan?

equal representation for each state

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Virginia Plan?

representation for each state would be based on population

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6 goals of the Preamble?

to form a more perfect union, to establish justice, to ensure domestic tranquility, to provide for the common defense, to promote the general welfare, to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

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Goal of the 1st article?

create a legislative branch to make laws

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Goal of the 2nd article?

create an executive branch to enforce laws

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Goal of the 3rd article?

create a judicial branch to interpret laws

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Goal of the 4th article?

relations among the states

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Goal of the 5th article?

the amendment process

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Goal of the 6th article?

national supremacy

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Goal of the 7th article?


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Requirements for the President?

must be at least 35 years old, a natural born citizen, and lived in the US for at least 14 years

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Term of the President?

4 years, no more than 8 (2 terms)

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Requirements for Senate Members?

must be at least 30, a US citizen for at least 9 years

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Term of Senate Members?

6 years

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Requirements for House of Reps. Members?

must be at least 25, a citizen of the US for at least 7 years

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How often are the House of Reps. Members voted? Do they have any term?

voted every 2 years, no term limits

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Term of Supreme Court Judges?

they can hold office for life as long as they have good behavior

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Powers of the President?

commands armed forces, chooses cabinet members and runs cabinet, makes treaties, fill vacancies in Senate when they are in recess, meet with ambassadors

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Amendment meaning?

a change to the constitution

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Amendments can be changed ____________

if 2/3 of both houses vote for it

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Ratification meaning?

a formal agreement or approval

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Number of states to ratify the Constitution?


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1st amendment?

freedom of speech, religion, press, to assemble, petition the government

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2nd amendment?

freedom to bear arms

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3rd amendment?

no quartering soldiers in private homes without the owner's consent

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4th amendment?

no unreasonable search and seizure

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5th amendment?

rights of the accused

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Rights of the accused?

cannot be tried twice, be a witness against yourself, be convicted without due process, private property cannot be taken without being compensated

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6th amendment?

right to a speedy and fair trial

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Speedy and fair trial meaning?

trial by unbiased jury, know who is accusing you, having lawyer

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7th amendment?

if you are accused of a crime that costs more than $20, you have the right to trial by jury

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8th amendment?

no excessive bail or fines, no cruel or unusual punishment

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9th amendment?

you have more rights than what is listed in the Constitution

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10th amendment?

the federal government only has the powers listed in the Constitution and all other powers belong to the states and the people

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