primary productivity
rate at which energy is converted to organic substances by photosynthesis produces.
secondary productivity
amount of chemical energy and biomass produce by heterotrophic organisms at a given location and at a specific time.
net primary productivity
difference between the total energy that is fixed by the autotrophic and the energy expensed as their respiration losses.
gross primary productivity
amount of carbon fixed during photosynthesis by all producers in the ecosystem, total rate of photosynthesis
an organism that mostly feeds on plants
an organism that eats dead or decaying animals as food
an organism that eats plats and animals
an organisms that mostly eat meat or flesh of animals
an organism that creates its own food or energy
10% rule
average only 10 percent of energy available at one tropic level is passed on to the next
1st law of thermodynamics
energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only altered in form.
2nd law of thermondynamic
when energy is converted from one form to another, some energy is lost and efficiency decreases.
food chain
describes how energy and nutrients move through an ecosystem
food web
a complex net worth or interconnecting and overlapping food chains showing a relationship within a community.
trophic levels
position of an organism in the food chain and ranges
trophic casade
powerful indirect interaction that can control entire ecosystems
persistant organic pollutants
toxic chemical that adversely affect human health the environment around the world.
one of the earliest and most widelt used pesticides leading to widespread contamination of water and soil resources.