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<p><strong><em>Anterior Instability Tests</em></strong></p><p>_________ </p>

Anterior Instability Tests


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<p><strong><em>Anterior Instability Tests</em></strong></p><p>_________ </p>

Anterior Instability Tests


Load & Shift test

  • Forward → Anterior capsule

  • Backward → Posterior Capsule

(+) when you can redo patient symptoms

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<p><strong><em>Anterior Instability Tests</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>_______________</em></strong></p>

Anterior Instability Tests


Crank Test/ Apprehension Test

(+) if pain or fear of subluxation

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<p><strong><em>Anterior Instability Tests</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>__________</em></strong></p>

Anterior Instability Tests


Anterior Drawer Test

anterior shoulder laxity ( not pathological)

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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Posterior Instability Tests</em></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>_______</em></strong></span></p>

Posterior Instability Tests


Jerk Test

(+) if there is a sudden clunk during horizontal adduction

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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Posterior Instability Tests</em></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>_________</em></strong></span></p>

Posterior Instability Tests


Posterior Apprehension Test

(+) if patient looks apprehended

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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Posterior Instability Tests</em></strong></span></p>

Posterior Instability Tests

Push Pull Test

(+) excessive translation of humeral head

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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Multidirectional Instability Tests</em></strong></span></p><p></p>

Multidirectional Instability Tests

Sulcus Sign

(+) if there is a little dip on acromion or feeling of subluxation

<p>Sulcus Sign</p><p>(+) if there is a little dip on acromion or feeling of subluxation</p>
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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Multidirectional Instability Tests</em></strong></span></p>

Multidirectional Instability Tests

Feagin Test ( Inf glenohumeral instability)

(+) Excessive laxity or apprehension

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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Impingement Tests</em></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>arm should be in IR</em></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>If done in ER → check AC joint next</em></strong></span></p>

Impingement Tests

arm should be in IR

If done in ER → check AC joint next

Neer Impingement Test

(+)overuse of supraspinatus or biceps tendon

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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Impingement Tests</em></strong></span></p>

Impingement Tests

Hawkins- Kennedy

(+) Supraspinatus paratenonitis/tendinosis or secondary impingement

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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Impingement Tests</em></strong></span></p>

Impingement Tests

Internal Rotation Resistance Strength Test (ZASLAV)

(+) Internal impingement if good strength on ER but weak in IR

(+) external anterior impingement if weak ER

<p>Internal Rotation Resistance Strength Test (ZASLAV)</p><p>(+) Internal impingement if good strength on ER but weak in IR</p><p>(+) external anterior impingement if weak ER</p>
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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Impingement Tests</em></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif">Patient in supine, passively abduct shoulder to 90° with 15-20° extension &amp;  max ER</span></p>

Impingement Tests

Patient in supine, passively abduct shoulder to 90° with 15-20° extension & max ER

Posterior Internal Impingement

(+) localized pain in posterior shoulder

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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Impingement Tests</em></strong></span></p>

Impingement Tests


(+) if familiar pain is reproduced

for Supraspinatus or secondary impingement

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<p><strong><em><span>Impingement Tests</span></em></strong></p><p><span> same with HK test but add </span>horizontal adduct arm to body 10-20° before doing IR</p>

Impingement Tests

same with HK test but add horizontal adduct arm to body 10-20° before doing IR

Coracoid Impingement Sign

(+) if familiar pain is reproduced

for Supraspinatus or secondary impingement

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<p><strong><em><span>Impingement Tests</span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span>Abduct → ER → ADDUCT → IR</span></em></strong></p>

Impingement Tests

Abduct → ER → ADDUCT → IR

Supine Impingement Test

  • If IR causes pain = impingement & rotator cuff pathology

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<p><strong><em>Labral Tear Tests</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>Position 1: flex and pronate + resistance forearm</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>Position 2 : flex and supinate  + resistance forearm</em></strong></p>

Labral Tear Tests

Position 1: flex and pronate + resistance forearm

Position 2 : flex and supinate + resistance forearm

Active Compression Test of O'Brien

(+) pain or clicking in 1st part of test and decreased in 2nd part = labral abnormality ( SLAP Type 2 / Superior labral lesions)

<p>Active Compression Test of O'Brien</p><p>(+) pain or clicking in 1st part of test and decreased in 2nd part = labral abnormality ( SLAP Type 2 / Superior labral lesions)</p><p></p>
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<p><strong><em><span>Labral Tear Tests</span></em></strong></p><p><strong><em><span>ikutin arm</span></em></strong></p>

Labral Tear Tests

ikutin arm

Clunk Test

(+) clunk or grinding sound = labrum tear

apprehension = anterior instability

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<p><span style="font-family: sans-serif"><strong><em>Labral Tear Tests</em></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family: sans-serif"><strong><em>put anterior/superior force  on elbow</em></strong></span></p>

Labral Tear Tests

put anterior/superior force on elbow

Anterior Slide Test

(+) pop or crack / pain in joint line (anterosuperior pain) = SLAP lesion / labrum torn

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<p><span style="font-family: sans-serif"><strong><em>Labral Tear Tests</em></strong></span></p><p>push glenoid through your body  and apply downward/posterior force</p>

Labral Tear Tests

push glenoid through your body and apply downward/posterior force

Kim Test (Biceps Load Test I)

(+) sudden posterior shoulder pain and click = posteroinferior labral lesion

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<p><span style="font-family: sans-serif"><strong><em>Scapular Dyskinesia Test</em></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family: sans-serif">Wall push-up for 15-20 times</span></p>

Scapular Dyskinesia Test

Wall push-up for 15-20 times

Wall-Floor Push Up

(+) weakness of scapular muscles or winging in 5-10 push ups

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<p><strong><em>Labral lesion test</em></strong></p><p></p>

Labral lesion test

Porcellini Test

(+) when pain reduced with or without a change in strength with the second part of the test

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<p><span style="font-family: sans-serif"><strong><em>Scapular Dyskinesia Test</em></strong></span></p>

Scapular Dyskinesia Test

Scapular Retraction Test

(+) scapular retraction decreases pain when relocated ( dec pain during empty can) = weak scapular stabilizers

In supine, SICK scapula = scapula is repositioned during forward flexion

<p>Scapular Retraction Test</p><p>(+) scapular retraction decreases pain when relocated ( dec pain during empty can) = weak scapular stabilizers</p><p>In supine, SICK scapula = scapula is repositioned during forward flexion</p>
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Scapular Dyskinesia Test

Scapular Load Test

(+) if abnormal winging happens

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<p><strong><em>Biceps Test</em></strong></p>

Biceps Test

Speed test

(+) tenderness in the bicipital groove with the arm supinated =of bicipital paratenonitis or tendinosis.

(+) pain, it is positive for SLAP (type II) lesion.

(+) weakness is found on resisted supination, a severe 2nd or 3rd degree (rupture) strain of the distal biceps

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<p><strong><em>Biceps Test</em></strong></p><p><em>patient supinates against resistance</em></p>

Biceps Test

patient supinates against resistance

Yergason’s Test

(+) when biceps tendon in groove is palpated a “pop out” of the groove if the transverse humeral ligament is torn.

(+) Tenderness in the bicipital groove alone without the dislocation may indicate bicipital paratenonitis/tendinosis.

<p>Yergason’s Test</p><p>(+) when biceps tendon in groove is palpated  a “pop out” of the groove if the transverse humeral ligament is torn. </p><p>(+) Tenderness in the bicipital groove alone without the dislocation may indicate bicipital paratenonitis/tendinosis.</p><p></p>
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<p><strong>Supraspinatus Test</strong></p>

Supraspinatus Test

Empty Can

(+) weakness or pain

A positive test result indicates a supraspinatus tendon tear or muscle, or neuropathy of the suprascapular nerve.

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<p><strong>Subscapularis Test</strong></p>

Subscapularis Test

External Rotation Lag Sign

(+) supraspinatus and infraspinatus are torn, the arm will medially rotate and spring back anteriorly indicating a positive test

(+) arm falls or drops into medial rotation, the test is considered positive for tears to infraspinatus, supraspinatus and subscapularis

<p><span style="font-family: Helvetica Neue, sans-serif"><strong>External Rotation Lag Sign</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family: Helvetica Neue, sans-serif"><strong>(+) </strong> supraspinatus and infraspinatus are torn<strong>, </strong>the <strong><em>arm will medially rotate and spring back anteriorly indicating a positive test</em></strong></span></p><p>(+)  arm falls or <strong><em>drops into medial rotation</em></strong>, the test is considered positive for<strong><em> tears to infraspinatus, supraspinatus and subscapularis</em></strong></p>
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<p><strong>Subscapularis Test</strong></p>

Subscapularis Test

Lift Off Sign

(1)Abnormal motion in the scapula during the test may indicate scapular instability.

(2) With a torn subscapularis tendon, passive and active lateral rotation increases

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Subscapularis Test

Spring Back Test

(+) hand moves toward the back, subscapularis cannot hold the position due to weakness or pain

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<p><span style="font-family: Helvetica Neue, sans-serif"><strong><em>Infraspinatus Test</em></strong></span></p>

Infraspinatus Test

Lateral Rotation Lag Sign 

(+) cannot hold the position and the hand springs back anteriorly toward midline = infraspinatus and teres minor weakness or pain (Drop Sign)

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<p><span style="font-family: Helvetica Neue, sans-serif"><strong><em>Infraspinatus Test</em></strong></span></p>

Infraspinatus Test

Infraspinatus Test

(+) Pain or the inability to resist medial rotation indicates infraspinatus strain.

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<p><span style="font-family: Helvetica Neue, sans-serif"><strong><em>Teres Minor Test</em></strong></span></p>

Teres Minor Test

Horn Blower Sign

(+) unable to laterally rotate the arm = tear of teres minor

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<p><strong><em>General Rotator Cuff Test</em></strong></p><p>palpate rotator cuff tendons while moving elbow in IR/ER</p>

General Rotator Cuff Test

palpate rotator cuff tendons while moving elbow in IR/ER

Rent Test

(+) presence of a depression of one finger width or a more prominent greater tuberosity (relative to the other side) = a rotator cuff tear.

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<p><strong><em>General Rotator Cuff Test</em></strong></p>

General Rotator Cuff Test

Whipple Test

(+) partial rotator cuff tears and/or superior labrum tears if the patient cannot resist.

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Trapezius Test

Read Book

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<p><strong><em>SA Test</em></strong></p>

SA Test

Punch Out test

(+) if scapular winging is eliminated = posterior instability due to serratus anterior weakness.

(+) medial border scapula winging or difficulty in abducting or forward flexion >90 = SA weakness or paralyzed

<p>Punch Out test</p><p>(+)  if scapular winging is eliminated = posterior instability due to serratus anterior weakness.</p><p>(+) medial border scapula winging or difficulty in abducting or forward flexion &gt;90 = SA weakness or paralyzed</p>
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<p><strong><em>AC JOINT TEST</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>flex 90° and horizontally adducts to opposite shoulder</em></strong></p>


flex 90° and horizontally adducts to opposite shoulder

Horizontal Adduction

(+) pain in AC or SC

(specific joint pain = + for that joint)

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<p><strong><em>AC JOINT TEST</em></strong></p><p><span style="font-family: Helvetica Neue, sans-serif">Squeeze AC joint </span></p>


Squeeze AC joint

Paxinos Sign

(+) pain in AC joint

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Ligament Pathology

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(+) Pain in the form of tingling or a stretch or ache in the cubital fossa indicates stretching of the dura mater in the cervical spine.

for cervical radiculopathy

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<p><strong><em>TESTS FOR NEUROLOGICAL FUNCTION</em></strong></p><p>It is performed by lightly tapping (percussing) over the nerve to elicit a sensation of tingling in the distribution of the nerve</p>


It is performed by lightly tapping (percussing) over the nerve to elicit a sensation of tingling in the distribution of the nerve

Tinel Sign

(+) Tingling sensation in one or more of the nerve roots.

Area of the brachial plexus above the clavicle in the area of the scalene triangle is tapped

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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Tests for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome</em></strong></span></p><p>The patient stands and abducts the arms to 90°, laterally rotates the shoulder, and flexes the elbows to 90° so that the elbows are slightly behind the frontal plane. The patient then<strong><em> opens and closes the hands slowly for 3 minutes </em></strong></p>

Tests for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

The patient stands and abducts the arms to 90°, laterally rotates the shoulder, and flexes the elbows to 90° so that the elbows are slightly behind the frontal plane. The patient then opens and closes the hands slowly for 3 minutes

Roos Test

(+) unable to keep the arms in the starting position for 3 minutes or suffers ischemic pain, heaviness or profound weakness of the arm, or numbness and tingling of the hand during the 3 minutes

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<p><span style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif"><strong><em>Tests for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome</em></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family: Helvetica Neue, sans-serif">The examiner locates the radial pulse. The patient’s head is rotated to face the test shoulder. The patient then extends the head while the examiner laterally rotates and extends the patient’s shoulder. Instruct the patient to take a deep breath and hold it.</span></p>

Tests for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

The examiner locates the radial pulse. The patient’s head is rotated to face the test shoulder. The patient then extends the head while the examiner laterally rotates and extends the patient’s shoulder. Instruct the patient to take a deep breath and hold it.

Adson Maneuver

Positive Sign: Disappearance of the pulse

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