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Social stratification
Persistent sorting of social groups into enduring hierarchies
Modes of differentiation and discrimination
Systems of relationships and related hierarchies
Social class
Economically-based system for classification & stratification
Wealth - income and wealth ownership
Status - prestige of social position
Power - influence
Monetary value of everything one owns, minus debt (sum of assets - debt = wealth)
Amount of money brought into a household from various sources during a given period
Socio-economic status/Life chances
An individualās position in a stratified social order; life chances
Work opportunities
Family life
Lifestyles, values
Meritocracy/achievement ideology
Ideology held by many Americans that explains that distribution of wealth, social status, and political power as a result of individual effort and merit in an open system
Social mobility
Movement between groups/individuals from one social class to another a result of changes in income, occupation, or wealth
Intragenerational mobility
Change in social positon occurring in personās life
Intergenerational mobility
Change in social position of children a result of their parents change in position
Social reproduction in relation to social mobility
Children of those with higher or lower status tend to have relatively similar status to their parents
How do families impact social mobility?
Inherited capital
Childrearing based on class (Lareau)
How does education impact social mobility?
Hidden curriculum
Unequal funding
Status attainment model
Approach that ranks one by socio-economic status for identifying the attributes of people in more valued occupations
Best predictor of upward or downward mobility?
The education and net worth of oneās parents
Economic system designed to maximize productivity and profit, but also generates higher levels of economic inequality and concentrates wealth
Those employed by others, and work for a wage (workers)
Those who employ workers (owners)
Means of production
Resources for the creation of wealth (ex: land, factories, money, etc.)
Wage labor
Proletariat paid wages (cash payments) for labor
Incentive for bourgeois to pay proletariat as low wage as possibly to increase their own profit
Free market capitilism
System of capitalism with little to no government regulation
Concentration of wealth
Loose regulation from government allowed bourgeois to build large amounts of wealth, while proletariat were paid low wages, leading to wealth gap
Feeling of dissatisfaction and disconnection from rewards of oneās labor
An abuse of oneās power over another
Bourgeois exploits proletariat because free market system means that have full control over condition of workers
Class consciousness
An understanding by proletariat that they are a collective with shared economic interests
Labor unions
Associations that organize workers so that they can negotiate with employers as group
Welfare capitalism
Version of capitalism with some socialist policy aimed at creating more even distribution of profit across population
Social safety net
Patchwork of government programs made to ensure basic necessities to the economically vulnerable
New Gilded Age of capitalism
Current economic condition of US starting from roughly around 2000 to now in which there is unusually high inequality in the distribution of wealth and income
Causes of New Gilded Age
Policy of Reagan Administration
Shift to service and information economy
Policy of Obama Administration
Policy of Trump Administration
COVID-19 pandemic
Types of inequality
Opportunity - everyone has same opportunities
Outcome - everyone ends up with the same reward
Condition - everyone has same treatment in society
Wadeās 4 questions on economic inequality
How much inequality is acceptable?
How poor is too poor?
How much opportunity should we expect?
What is the coorelation between money and status?
Scientific racism
Implicit bias
The attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious matter
Stereotypes and labels
Controlling images
Unintentional, or subtle incidents of discrimination against marginalized groups
Thoughts and feelings towards a group which leas to preconceived notion and judgements
Harmful or negative acts against people deemed inferior because of their social background regardless of their individual character
Institutional racism
Institutions and social dynamics that may seem race-neutral, but actually disadvantage minority groups while advantaging others
Residential segregation
The sorting of different types of people into different neighborhoods
The outlining of predominantly minority neighborhoods by loan companies in order to profit off of fears of integration and to perpetuate segregation/discrimination
Block busting
Business practice of moving black people into white neighborhoods so that white residents would sell their homes at below market value out of fears of integration
White flight
The tendency of white homeowners to move upon black people moving into the same neighborhood
Urban renewal
The destruction of impoverished neighborhoods in order to build better infrastructure in their place, which displaced many black people from their homes
Environmental racism
Practice of exposing racial minorities to harmful toxins and pollutants more than white people
Race relations
Relational system of group privilege and disadvantage
Rituals of subordination
Ways in which people are coerced into following created and enforced roles in society
(ex: advertising and women)