________: suponga que si hay una falla en el mercado cuando no la hay.
Elefantes blancos
________: aquellas infraestructuras que son de poca utilidad para los ciudadanos o que no funcionan en absoluto, problemas gubernamentales que no resuelven un problema p煤blico.
________: Asumir que no hay ninguna falla en el mercado cuando si hay.
Fallos del gobierno
________: por omisi贸n, por comisi贸n y por mala intervenci贸n.
Mala intervenci贸n
________: cuando se identifica correctamente una falla del mercado, pero la capacidad institucional o t茅cnica de los responsables de la formulaci贸n de pol铆ticas no mejora la eficiencia en el sentido del pareto.
脫ptimo de pareto
________: No es posible mejorar la situaci贸n de un individuo sin empeorar la de otro.
Las ________ se entienden como una declaraci贸n de intenciones, una declaraci贸n de objetivos.
Bienes no excluyentes
________: cuando no es posible impedir el acceso a quienes no lo pagan.
Politicas publicas
________: decisiones gubernamentales que incorporan la opini贸n, la participaci贸n, la corresponsabilidad y el dinero.
Estado pol铆ticas
________: acciones plasmadas en la constituci贸n con preceptos claros que trascienden los per铆odos de gesti贸n gubernamental.
Rival consumo
Las caracter铆sticas de los bienes: ________ y un consumo inigualable.
There are 4 causes of systematic incapacity in the state, which are
limited information, limited control of private companies, limited control of bureaucracy and limitations imposed by political processes
The characteristics of goods
Rival consumption and unrival consumption
Unrivalled consumption
when someone else's consumption is used by one person, but cannot be used by another person at the same time
Change in equilibrium
between public and private provision, when there is an assessment of costs
Pure goods
not exclusive and not rival
Impure goods
their consumption is partly rival
Excluding goods
An individual can be prevented from consuming it if they do not pay for it
Non-exclusive goods
when it is not possible to prevent access to those who do not pay for it
Optimal pareto
It is not possible to improve the situation of one individual without worsening that of another
Public goods
they arise because there are some goods that are not supplied by the market
Incomplete markets
private markets do not adequately provide a good or service
Capital market and insurance
the private market does not provide insurance, which is why the government starts up after inadequacy
Information faults
incomplete information or perfect information
Unemployment, inflation and imbalance
market imbalance
Rational choice theory
contribution of the social or private interests of the public private sectors, they have biases or beliefs that lead to the discarding of relevant information
Government failures
by omission, by commission and misintervention
Assume that there is no fault when in the market when there is one
assume that if there is a failure in the market when there is none
Bad intervention
when a market failure is correctly identified, but the institutional or technical capacity of policymakers does not improve efficiency in the sense of pareto
White elephants
those infrastructures that are of little use to citizens or that do not work at all, government problems that do not solve a public problem
State policies
actions embodied in the constitution with clear precepts that transcend periods of government management
Government policies
permanent actions that are implemented by branches and administrative powers
Its features are in
three-tier plans, it has a distinctive stamp and can be discretionary
Public policies
government decisions that incorporate opinion, participation, co-responsibility and money
guaranteeing your rights
Teoria de la eleccion racional
Aporte de los intereses sociales o particulares de los servidores publicos, tiene sesgos o creencia que los llevan a desechar informacion
Politicas de estado
acciones plasmadas en la cosntitucion con preceptos plaros que trascienden periodos de gestion de gobienro
Politicas de gobierno: acciones permanentes que se incrementan por ramas y competencias administrativas