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abstemious (adj)
sparing (Usually in eating or drinking); temperate
admonish (verb)
to caution, to advise, or to counsel against something
antiquity (noun)
the quality of being ancient; ancient times
censure (verb)
to blame or to condemn
chasten (verb)
to discipline, to use punishment to correct behavior
debunk (verb)
to expose the falseness or hypocrisy of something
defile (verb)
to make dirty, to desecrate, to pollute
embroil (verb)
to entangle, to throw into confusion or strife
exorcise (verb)
to expel an evil spirit, to get rid of something troublesome
fortuitous (adj)
something that happens by accident or chance (usually good)
garner (verb)
to gather together, to store up
humility (noun)
the quality or state of being humble in spirit
larceny (noun)
the act of stealing anotherās property
parch (verb)
to become dry from heat, to shrivel from heat
parry (verb)
to deflect or to ward off a blow
porous (adj)
something that permits the passage of substances through pores
precipitate (verb)
to cause to speedily occur, to throw headlong
ratify (verb)
to give formal approval
rupture (verb)
to break apart, to burst
taper (verb)
to decrease in thickness or width
Arduous (adj)
very difficult to accomplish or to achieve, very demanding (task)
belligerent (adj)
waging war; inclined to or exhibiting assertiveness
desecrate (verb)
to violate the sanctity of something, to profane, to adulterate
diffuse (verb)
to spread in all directions
dispatch (verb)
to send away with promptness or speed; speed, quickness
dupe (verb)
to trick, to fool, to deceive, or to cheat; to bilk
expurgate (verb)
to remove obscene or objectionable material, usually before publication
flout (verb)
to treat with contempt
galling (adj)
very irritating
guileless (adj)
without deceit
hackneyed (adj)
trite, banal, lacking freshness
loquacious (adj)
very talkative
luscious (adj)
very pleasant to the taste
mollify (verb)
to soothe or to appease, to assuage
reconcile (verb)
to reestablish friendship, to resolve a dispute
sagacious (adj)
wise, shrewd, very discerning
solicitous (adj)
worried, concerned
succulent (adj)
very juicy
tempestuous (adj)
turbulent, stormy
utility (noun)