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What are the natural region features in Columbia?
swamps, grasslands, and tropical rainforests
What are the different animal species that are in Columbia?
toucans, tapirs, monkeys, jaguars, caimans, and condors
What is the largest sector of the Colombian economy?
the service industry
What are the most important services?
banking, transport, retail, and government work
What are two other important sectors in Columbia?
manufacturing and agriculture
What are some of Columbia’s natural resources?
oil, copper, and emeralds
Since the country has a good climate what are some crops they can grow?
coffee beans, exotic fruits, bananas, and flowers
Colombia is the world’s 3 largest producer of what
Who is responsible for making laws and overseeing the government?
The House of Reps and Senates
What is the capital?
Colombia is a country in the northwest of where?
South America
Who is Colombia named after?
Christopher Columbus
The western part of the country is dominated by what?
the Andes Mountains
The eastern portion of the country is mostly what?
flat and consists of grasslands and rainforests
What type of currency do they use?
Colombia has been inhabited for how many years?
about 20,000
What did the Spanish create?
the New Kingdom of Granada
The Spanish were looking for _____ and other valuables to bring back to Spain
Colombia is the 2nd most populous country where?
South America
Nearly half of the population consists of what types of people?
mixed Spanish and Native Americans (known as mestizos)
A city in the Andes Mountains
What countries border Colombia?
Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Panama
Colombia’s land consists of 5 geographic regions:
Caribbean coast, grassland plains, Andes Mountains, Amazon Rainforest, and Pacific coast
The Colombian part of the Andes Mountains consist of three parts:
Cordillera Oriental, Cordillera Occidental, and Cordillera Central
What is the highest point in Colombia?
Cristobal colon and Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
What 2 rivers separate the 3 Colombian cordilleras?
Cacua and Madalgena
What divides the Orinoco Grasslands and the Amazon Basin?
What are 3 examples of dances/music in Colombia?
la cumbia, el vallenato, y la salsa calena
What are 3 examples of food in Colombia?
arepas (corn meal bread with cheese), bandeja paisa (national dish - eggs, meat, avocado), y ajiaco con pollo (soup with chicken and beans)
What are 2 holidays in Colombia?
La Semana Santa (Holy Easter Week) y La Novena (9 days before Christmas)
What is their independence day?
20 de Julio de 1810
Who is the president?
Gustavo Petro
What happens during Carnaval?
the celebrate “al norte de Barranquilla”, lots of flowers, Queen of Carnaval
What happens during La Primera Feria de las Flores?
in Medellin, flower celebration once a year for a day