musculoskeletal system 🩻💪

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what makes up the musculoskeletal system? (2)

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what makes up the musculoskeletal system? (2)

the organ system made up of the skeleton and muscles

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what is the skeleton made up of? (2)

cartilage and bone

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what do cartilage and bone have in common?

they are both types of connective tissue

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what are the 5 functions of bones?

  1. serve as sites for skeletal muscle to attach to (making the bones move as the muscles contract)

  2. give the body its general shape

  3. protects delicate internal structures

  4. blood cells are produced in bone marrow

  5. stores minerals like calcium and phosphorus

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name internal structures that bones protect (5)

heart, brain, eyes, spinal cord, lungs

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what is bone marrow? (2)

-soft tissue that fills the hollow spaces in bones

-two types: red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow

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what makes up bone? (3)

living bone cells, connective tissue fibres and inorganic compounds

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what is collagen?

a strong protein material

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what are..?

a) osteoblasts

b) osteocytes

a) living cells that secrete collagen and specific polysaccharides

b) bone cells

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how are bones formed? (4)

  1. osteoblasts secrete collagen and polysaccharides

  2. the collagen fibres are bound together by the polysacs

  3. calcium and phosphate ions from body fluids combine to form calcium phosphate

  4. the calcium phosphate forms crystals within the bound collagen fibres

  5. osteoblasts are trapped in small bone cavities, and become osteocytes

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what are osteocytes and where are they found?

-bone cells, arranged in circles in small cavities in the bone

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what is the Haversian canal?

a cavity in bone containing blood vessels and nerves

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how do osteocytes give and receive waste and materials?

through the Haversian canal

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what is the periosteum?

a membrane covering bones that makes new bone for growth and repair, attaches muscle to bone and contains blood vessels and nerves

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what are the two types of bony tissue?

compact bone and spongy bone

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where is each type of bone marrow found? (5), (1)

red bone marrow- found in spongy bone in the vertabrae, ribs, breastbone, cranium, and long bones

yellow bone marrow-hollow center of long bones

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what is ossification?

the process by which cartilage changes into bone during embryonic development and childhood

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why do children break bones less easily than adults?

their bones contain more cartilage

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where is cartilage found in adults? (5)

end of ribs, joints, nose, outer ear and vertebral discs

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how many..?

a) bones in the adult skeleton

b)vertebrae in the backbone

a) 206

b) 33

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what are the 2 parts of the skeleton?

the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton

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what makes up the axial skeleton? (4)

skull, vertebrae, ribs and breastbone

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what makes up the appendicular skeleton? (4)

arm and leg bones, pectoral girdle, pelvic girdle

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what does each type of bone marrow do?

yellow bone marrow-stores fat

red bone marrow- produces red blood cells, platelets and some white blood cells

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which part of the skeleton protects the brain?

the cranium

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what separates the vertebrae?

discs of cartilage that act as shock absorbers

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which bones encase the chest cavity? (3)

the sternum, ribs and backbone

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which bones make up..?

a) the skull (3)

b) the pectoral girdle

c) the pelvic girdle

a) cranium, jaw bones, facial bones

b) shoulder blades, collar bone

c) hip bones

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what are the 5 types of joints?

hinge, immovable, gliding, ball-and-socket and pivot joints

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what are..?

a) immovable joins

b) hinge joints

c) gliding joints

d) ball and socket joints

e) pivot joints

a) joints that consist of bones tightly fitted together

b) joints that allow back and forth motion

c) joints that allow twisting and bending

d) joints that allow movement in all directions, where 1 bone with a ball like end fits into the other cup like bone

e) joints that allow side to side and up and down motion

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where might you find ball and socket joints? (2)

shoulder and hip

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where might you find immovable joints? (1)

the cranium

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where might you find hinge joints? (2)

elbow, knee

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where might you find gliding joints? (2)

the wrists, vertebrae

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where might you find pivot joints? (1)

the base of the skull

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what connects…?

a) the arm bones to the spine

b) the leg bones to the spine

a) the pectoral girdle

b) the pelvic girdle

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how are osteocytes arranged?

in a series of smaller and smaller circles

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what do ligaments do?

hold bones together at movable joints

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what is synovial fluid?

a fluid secreted into movable joints that releases friction

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what are skeletal muscles (4)

- are striated

- made up of bundles of muscle fibres bound by connective tissue

- attached to the bones

- used in voluntary movement

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arrange in order of smallest to largest:

myofibril, filaments, skeletal muscle, muscle fibres

filaments, myofibril, muscle fibres, skeletal muscle

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what are the two types of filaments?

myosin and actin

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<p>label. which picture shows relaxed muscle?</p>

label. which picture shows relaxed muscle?

knowt flashcard image
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which of the protein filaments is thicker?


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what is the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction?

muscle fibres shorten as actin slides over myosin. further shortening occurs when more overlap occurs

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where do filaments get the energy to overlap?

ATP produced in the mitochondria of muscle fibers

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what is an example of voluntary movement?

picking up a pencil

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what fastens skeletal muscles to bones?

fibres of connective tissue called tendons

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can muscles push?


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when do muscles pull?

when they contract

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what are antagonistic pairs?

two skeletal muscles that work together to move bones in opposite directions

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what are..?

a) flexors

b) extensors

a) a muscle that flexes/bends a joint

b) a muscle that straightens/extends a joint

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why are skeletal muscles found in pairs?

because muscles can only pull. each muscle in the pair pulls in a different direction, allowing movement in both directions.

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which muscles are an example of antagonistic pairs?

bicep (flexor) and tricep (extensor)

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what is muscle tone?

the brain keeps muscles partially contracted at all times

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what is the purpose of muscle tone? (2)

- to keep the muscles ready for movement

- to maintain posture

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which type of muscle…?

a) is not striated

b) makes involuntary movements (2)

c) is found only in the heart

d) is found in the walls of digestive organs, arteries and veins and in the diaphragm

a) smooth muscle

b) smooth muscle, cardiac muscle

c) cardiac muscle

d) smooth muscle

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<p>label 1 and 4</p>

label 1 and 4

1- Haversian canal

4- osteocytes

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