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Management process and functions

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Management process and functions

Planning, organizing, leading and motivating, and controlling

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Establishing organizational goals and deciding how to accomplish them

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Grouping resources and activities to accomplish some end result in a effective and efficient way

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Influencing people to work toward a common goal

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Providing reasons for people to work in the best interests of an organization

find what motivates the employees

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Setting standards, measuring actual performance, taking corrective action

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Top manager

Controls the overall fortunes of an organization

Develops organizations mission and strategy

CEO, President, VP

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Middle manager

Implements strategy and major policies developed by top management

Tactical and operational plans. Supervises first-line mangers

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First-line manager

Supervises activities of operating employees

Motivates and works with employees and solves daily issues

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Financial manager

Responsible for an organizations financial resources

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Operations manager

Manages the systems that convert resources into goods and services

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Marketing manager

Responsible for facilitating the exchange of products between an organization and its customers or clients

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Human resources manager

Manages an organizations human resources programs

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Administrative manager

Provides overall administrative guidance and leadership, but is not associated with any specific area

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Conceptual skills

Can see the “big picture” and understand how various parts of an organization can fit together

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Analytical skills

Identify problems correctly, generate reasonable alternatives, and select the “best” alternatives to solve problems

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interpersonal skills

Ability to deal effectively with other people

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Technical skills

Specific skills needed to accomplish a specialized activity

First line, managers need to understand technical skills, relevant to the activities they manage. Like answer questions and provide guidance to employees

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Communication skills

Ability to speak, listen and write effectively

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Autocratic leadership

Task-oriented leadership, workers are told what to do, and how to accomplish it without having a say in the decision making process

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Participative leadership

All members of a team are involved in identifying, essential goals in developing strategies to reach those goals

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Laissez-faire leadership

Hands off leadership

provides direction, tools, and resources to employees while delegating responsibility and decision-making authority to them

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Transformational leadership

Focuses on transforming organizations and industries

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Transactional leadership

Emphasizes structure performance, and productivity and reward systems

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Charismatic leadership

Personality dependent leadership style

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Job specialization

A worker can learn one specific, highly specialized task quickly and perform efficiently

The more specialize the job, the easier it is to design specialized equipment and easier job training

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Departmentalization by function

Grouping jobs that relate to the same organizational activity

Advantages: Simplified supervision, easy coordination

disadvantages: Slow decision-making and emphasis on department over the organization as a whole

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Departmentalization by product

Grouping activities related to a particular product or service

Advantages: Easier decision-making and integration of activities associated with the product

Disadvantages: Some duplication of specialized activities between departments

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Departmentalization by location

Grouping activities according to the defined geographic area in which they are performed

Advantages: Allows response to unique demands or requirements of a location

Disadvantages: Requires a large administrative staff, and elaborate control system for coordination

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Departmentalization by customer

Grouping activities according to the needs of various customer populations

Advantages: Allows the firm to deal efficiently with unique customers or custom groups

Disadvantages: Requires a larger than usual administrative staff

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Process of grouping jobs into manageable units

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Span of management

Number of workers who report directly to one manager

<p>Number of workers who report directly to one manager</p><p></p>
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Span of management organizational height

If the span of management is wide, fewer levels are needed in the organization is flat. Few new problems and high-level of competence in managers and workers

If the span of management is narrow, more levels are needed in the organization is tall. More new problems and high-level of interaction required between manager and workers

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Line and staff structure

Utilizes the chain of command from a line structure in combination with the assistance of staff managers

Line structure- Chain of command goes directly from one person to another throughout the organization, it’s a straight line.

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The matrix structure

Combines, vertical and horizontal lines of authority, usually by super imposing product departmentalization on a functionally departmentalized organization

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Advantages and disadvantages of matrix structure

Advantages: Adds flexibility, increases, productivity, raises, morale, nurture, creativity, and innovation, personal development, experience by employees

Disadvantage: Chain of command conflicts, personality, clashes, poor communication, undefined, individual roles, unclear responsibilities, may take longer to resolve, problems and issues, expensive to maintain

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Virtual structure

Administration is the primary function, and most other functions are contracted out to other firms

Few permanent employees consisting of top management and hourly workers and leased facilities and equipment

temporary workers, are increased or decreased as the organizations in need change

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Advantages and disadvantages of the virtual structure

Advantages: Flexibility that allows organizations to adjust quickly to changes and more likely to survive the loss of an important member

Disadvantages: Lack of control over quality of work, lack of a clear hierarchy, and low morale and high turnover among hourly workers

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Teams and teamwork

Group of employees with the authority and skills to manage them themselves and collaborating to achieve a shared mission or goal

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Advantages and disadvantages of self managed teams

Advantage: Boost, employee morale, increases, productivity, aids, innovation, reduces employee boredom

Disadvantages: Conflict may arise, additional training, teams may be disorganized, leadership role may be unclear

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Service economy

More effort is devoted to the production of services than to the production of goods

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The conversion process

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Human resources management (HRM)

All the activities involved in acquiring, maintaining, and developing an organizations human resources

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Job analysis

Determining the exact nature of positions

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Attracting people to apply for positions

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The payment employees receive in return for their labor

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Compensation system

The policies and strategies that determine employee compensation

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Wage survey

A collection of data on prevailing wage rates within an industry or geographic area

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Job evaluation

The process of determining the relative worth of the various jobs within affirm

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Employee benefit

Reward in addition to regular compensation, that is provided in directly to employees

Unemployment insurance, insurance packages, Social Security, paid time off, retirement programs

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Performance appraisal

The evaluation of employees performance to allow managers to make objective human resources decisions

Provides an effective basis for distributing rewards, such as pay raises and promotions

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Tell and Sell

The superior tells the employee, how good or badly their performance has been in attempts to persuade the employee to accept the evaluation

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Tell and listen

The supervisor tells the employee what the employee has done right and wrong, and then gives them a chance to respond

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Employee evaluates their own performance, and set their own goals for future performance

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360 Degree evaluation

Anonymous reviews about an employee are collected from their peers And supervisors compile it into a feedback report for the employee

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<p>Federal legislation affecting human resources management</p>

Federal legislation affecting human resources management

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Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Psychological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem, needs, and self actualization needs

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theory x

Concept of employee motivation generally consistent with Taylor scientific management

assumes that employees dislike work, and will function only in a highly controlled work environment

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Theory Y

The concept of employee motivation, generally consistent with the ideas of the human relations movement

assumes responsibility and work toward organizational goals, and by doing so employees also achieve personal rewards

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Theory z

A concept of management which emphasizes participated decision-making with a holistic concern for employees

<p>A concept of management which emphasizes participated decision-making with a holistic concern for employees</p>
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Reinforcement theory

A theory of motivation, based on the premise that rewarded behavior is likely to be repeated, whereas punished behavior is less likely to occur

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Equity theory

The theory of motivation, based on the premise that people are motivated to obtain and preserve equitable treatment for themselves

Wanted to be treated equally

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Expectancy theory

A model of motivation based on the assumption that motivation depends on how much we want some thing and how likely we think we are to get it

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Goal setting theory

A theory of motivation, suggesting that employees are motivated to achieve goals that day, and their manager established together

A goal should be: Very specific, moderately, challenging, and one that the employee will be committed to achieve

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Clan culture

Characterized by a family like structure that values, loyalty, cohesion, and personal relationships within the firm

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Adhocracy culture

Characterized by its risk taking, problem-solving nature

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Market culture

Characterized by being very results oriented

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Hierarchal culture

Characterized by formality with a traditional chain of command

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Management by objectives (MBO)

Motivation technique in which managers and employees collaborate and setting goals

The primary purpose of MBO is to clarify the rules. Employees are expected to play in reaching the organizations goals.

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Increase employee motivation

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Job enrichment

A motivation technique that provides employees with more variety and responsibility in their jobs

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Job enlargement

Expanding a worker assignments to include additional but similar task

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Job redesign

A type of job enrichment in which work is restructured to cultivate the worker job match

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