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In Format, this styles can be used in the manuscript preparation
Journal style or the APA style
Spacing. Modified APA is prescribed in terms of spacing. Formal APA prescribes double-space in all text. Meanwhile, NEUST prescribes _______ in all text; _______ in long quotations, tables and figure captions, and in similar special materials (e.g., table legend).
double space, single space
Margins. Modified APA format shall also be used in setting page margin. APA specifies _____ margin in all four (4) sides of the paper (top, bottom, left, and right). NEUST, however, prescribes 1 ½ at the left and 1 at the top, right side and bottom margin.
1-inch, 1 ½,, 1
In Pagination, Page number should be written in?
____________ should be set in the upper right-hand corner of the paper and numbered in Hindu-Arabic numerals.
Page number
In Pagination, On which page of each chapter should the page number be omitted?
1st page
The short descriptive title that appears at the top of every page in a published journal is called the?
Running Head
The Running Head in a manuscript should appear on every page, including the?
title page
Where should the Running Head be placed in a manuscript?
Flush left, on the same line as the page number)
The Running Head must always be written in ____________ letters.
Tables and figures can be set in either ____________ or landscape form.
What is the ideal number of pages a table or figure should take up?
A single page
If a table or figure cannot fit on one page, it must be cut ____________.
Tables and figures may also be included in the ____________ if they cannot be compressed into one page
In Paper and Printing, What type of printer should be used for the final copy of a manuscript?
Laser printer
How many sides of the paper should the manuscript be printed on?
One side only
What is the standard paper size for printing the final manuscript?
8.5 x 11 inches
What font should be used consistently throughout the manuscript?
Times New Roman
What is the default font size for the entire manuscript?
The cover for a dissertation manuscript shall be ____________ in color.
Blue cover is used only for a ________.
The full thesis and dissertation report paper shall consist of _______ chapters.
four (4)
Enumerate the parts in Chapter 1: The Problem and It‘s Background
Introduction, RRL, Theoretical/Conceptual Framework, Research Problem, Hypotheses, Scope, Delimitations and Limitations, Significance of the Study, Definition of Terms,
The ________ should provide the background of the study.
The introduction describes the ________ or research question.
Research problem
The reasoning behind the research problem is sometimes called a ________.
Theoretical argument
In Introduction, The study aims to develop or test a ________, or to understand, explain, or further describe a phenomenon.
In RRL, The ________ cited should support the theoretical argument being made.
The literature review should demonstrate that the author has a grasp of the major ________ and findings related to the topic.
The literature cited should support the ________ being made.
Theoretical argument
Provides a tentative explanation the occurrence of the problem.
Theoretical Framework
The proponent’s version of what explains the problem.
The conceptual framework is usually supported by a ________.
Research diagram
The research problem portion has two parts: the ________ statement and the ________ statement.
General, Specific
This statement captures the title in statement form and explains why the study was conducted.
This statement enumerates specific questions or research problems that, when answered, would lead to finding answers to the general statement
Declarative statements written in the expected or predicted direction.
Hypotheses are written in the ________ tense.
Not all theses or dissertations require hypotheses; only research that asks for ________, ________, ________, or ________ does.
Impact, Difference, Effect, Relationship
Refers to the boundaries and limits of the study’s aims and objectives.
The scope answers the questions: ________, ________, and ________.
What or who is the study about?, Where did it take place?, When did it take place?
The limitations consciously set by the authors to set boundaries or limits to their work and ensure that the study’s aims and objectives do not become impossible to achieve.
Any particular or potential weaknesses that are usually out of the researcher’s control.
discusses who will benefit from the study and how they will benefit.
Significance of the study
Only the ________ or ________ used in the study are defined under the Definition of Terms section.
Key terms, Variables
What is the two types of definitions for terms?
Conceptual and Operational
This definition is the definition by the book and must be properly cited.
This definition is based on the usage of the term in the study.
Enumerate the parts in Chapter 2: Methods and Procedure
Research Design, Locole of the Study, Population and Sampling, Respondents of the Study, Research Instruments, Data Gathering Procedure, Data Analysis Technique, Ethical Consideration
What section of the research study discusses the research design used in the study?
Research Design
Includes the description of the geographical and other characteristics relevant to the research. This should serve as support to the background of the study
locale of the study
The ________ and ________ section is necessary only when a sample is used to represent a population.
Population, Sampling
The ________ used to select the sample must be explained in detail.
Sampling technique
The term ________ is used for sources of data in quantitative studies where survey or interview questions are involved.
The term ________ refers to sources of data in qualitative research.
The term ________ is used for sources of data in experimental research.
In the "Respondents of the Study" section, the sources of data should be described in terms of their ________ profile characteristics.
The section that discusses and describes the instruments used for gathering data in the study is called
Research Instruments
A self-constructed instrument must be described in terms of the __________ it intended to measure.
The step-by-step procedure taken in the conduct of the study is discussed in the section called __________.
Data Gathering Procedures)
The data gathering instrument must come with a __________ stating that the researcher respects the respondents’ privacy
Cover letter
Reliability measures ensure that the instrument provides __________ data.
__________ should describe how the researcher processed the research data.
Data analysis technique
In Data Analysis, The __________ used to analyze, interpret, and determine implication of data should be described.
statistical tool
__________ discusses the issues encountered in the course of the study.
Ethical consideration
Ethical consideration should address the possibility of committing violation of __________ and __________ rights.
human, animal
The description of statistical tools used for data analysis falls under __________.
Data analysis technique
Name three potential issues discussed in ethical consideration.
Violation of human and animal rights, Threat to health and safety, Collateral damage to life and properties
Enumerate the parts in Chapter 3: Result and Discussion
Presentation, Analysis
This chapter presents the results of the analyses, in the sequence the specific statement of the problem was presented.
Results and Discussion
In Chap 3, Only the main topics per problem shall appear as ____.
The number of subheadings shall be consistent with the number of ______ posed in Chapter 1
The format of Chapter 3 may vary depending on the ______ used.
research design
Approval of the ______ is required for the format of Chapter 3.
Thesis/Dissertation Evaluation Committee
Results should be presented with sound analysis and ______ interpretation.
In chap 3, Research data can be presented in what ways?
Tabular, pictorial, textual, figurative and graphical
______ analyses are needed to interpret and determine the implications of data.
Interesting points and highlights should be the focus of the
Results should reflect the study’s theoretical background and align with relevant
literature findings
Enumerate the parts in Chapter 4:
Summary, Conclusion, Recommendations, References, Appendices
presents the summary of findings from which the conclusions and recommendations were derived.
Chapter 4
The ________ of the study should be summarized and presented in technical terms and in the sequence of the statements of the problem.
Each summarized finding should be an ________ to the statement of the problem or objectives of the study.
There should be as many summarized findings as there are ________ or statements of the problem.
________ should be drawn out of the summarized result of the study.
There should be no more ________ or statistical figures presented in the conclusion section.
Each conclusion must be a direct answer to the specific ________ of the problem.
Recommendations should be ________ and directed to specific persons or entities.
A researcher should propose further ________ and explain why it is needed.
References should be presented ________ regardless of their sources.
The ________ section contains the researcher’s interpretation of findings without statistical data.
The rationale for any proposed ________ should be clearly mentioned.
The number of conclusions must match the number of ________.
The ________ of findings should be aligned with the research objectives.
The appendices in the thesis and dissertation report shall contain the following
a. Correspondence (all letter requests
involving data collection)
b. Research instruments or data gathering
c. Pilot Study Result
d. Statistical Input
e. Curriculum Vitaé of the proponent
f. Any other material as may be required by
the Thesis Dissertation Committee