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What Special Test:
Assesses for TFL or ITB tightness, Position the pt in sidelying position on the unaffected side with hip and knee flexed. On the affected side flex the knee to 90° and Abduct and Hyperextend the ipsilateral hip while stabilizing the hip. Allow the leg to be lowered. Inability to keep leg lowered= tight TFL or ITB.
Ober Test
What Special Test:
Assesses for a torn Achilles’ Tendon. With the pt in prone position, squeeze the calf mms and observe for plantar flexion. Test is (+) if the ankle does not plantar flex.
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Thompsons Test
What Special Test:
Assesses for a deep vein thrombosis. Squeeze the calf or dorsiflex and squeeze the calf and observe the patient’s face for signs of pain. (+) = possible DVT
Homan's Test
Elevation of intracompartmental pressure to a degree that compromises blood flow to involved muscles and nerves
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Compartment syndrome
Compartment syndrome most commonly occurs after a _____ fracture
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What is the most common involved compartment in compartment syndrome?
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Anterior compartment
Pressures > _____ mmHg in 1/4 compartments is dangerous
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40 mmHg
6Ps of Compartment Syndrome
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- Pain
- Paresthesia
- Pallor
- Paralysis
- Pulselessness
- Poikilothermia
Where does the paresthesia radiate to with anterior/lateral compartment syndrome?
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Dorsal aspect of foot
Where does the paresthesia radiate to with posterior compartment syndrome?
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Plantar aspect of foot
True or False: Compartment syndrome can be due to prolonged running/walking and symptoms resolve after 30 minutes of stopped activity
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True (exertional compartment syndrome)
What do you use to test for compartment syndrome?
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Indwelling catheter or needle with a pressure monitor
Clinically significant pressure in compartment syndrome
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> 30 mmHg
Dangerous pressure in compartment syndrome
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> 40 mmHg
Tx for acute compartment syndrome
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Is chronic/exertional compartment syndrome an emergency?
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Is acute compartment syndrome an emergency?
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38 y/o pt presents with diffuse swelling and tenderness of the left calf. On PE, they have left lower leg ecchymosis and difficulty with dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the left calf. What is the most likely dx?
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Gastrocnemius tear
Gradual onset of pain in the anteromedial aspect of the distal 1/3 of leg
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Shin splints
Pt presents with pain on the anteromedial aspect of their leg after increasing their running activity. States that they have been running on hard, uneven surfaces. Most likely dx?
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Shin splints
Shin splints AKA ______
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Medial tibia stress syndrome (MTSS)
Tx for shin splints
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Rest, ice, NSAIDs, PT
28 year old athlete presents with pain in the anteromedial distal 1/3 of their right leg. On PE, there is pain to palpation on the posterior tibialis. What imaging should you order? What do you expect it to show?
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Shin splints (medial tibial stress syndrome) → MRI shows associated stress fractures
plain films would be normal
What testing is done to confirm the diagnosis of a stress fracture?
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Hairline/microscopic break in bone caused by microtraumatic, cumulative overload on bone such as overtraining, incorrect biomechanics, fatigue, poor nutrition and osteoporosis
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Stress fracture
Which stress fracture has the worst prognosis and may need surgery?
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Anterior tibial
_____ AKA below knee amputation
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Transtibial amputation
70% of amputations are due to ____
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DM, Infections, PVD
20% of amputations are due to _____
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Amputation at the transmetatarsal or tarsometatarsal level
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Midfoot amputation
What amputation:
Poor funx and difficult prosthetic management. The retained talus and calcaneus frequently are pulled into equinus and WB place excessive pressure on the amputation site.
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Hindfoot amputation
What leg amputation is the better one to have due to increased knee function?
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Below Knee Amputations
Which amputation has the greatest patient outcome?
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Below the knee (BKA) with prosthetic
What are common causes of amputations?
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- diabetes
- severe infection
- trauma
What test is good for diagnosing proximal DVT/clot formation?
Duplex US
What is the gold standard to confirm DVT?
+ Homan's sign = _____
Patient presents with unilateral left calf erythema and swelling. on PE, their left calf is significantly warmer than the right. Homan's sign is positive on the left. What is the gold standard study to confirm diagnosis?
DVT → venography
Which drug should be given as prophylaxis for DVT?
Enoxaparin (lovenox)
Know anatomy... fine I guess
What special test:
Assess for cartilage degeneration under the patella with the pt supine and knee extended.
Patellar Grind Test (Clarke Sign)
What special test:
Examiner applies force in the lateral direction to the ankle from the medial aspect and force in the medial direction of the knee from the lateral aspect. Positive test shows medial instability of the knee. MCL Injury
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Valgus stress test
What special test:
Examiner applies force in the medial direction to the ankle from the lateral aspect and force in the lateral direction of the knee from the medial aspect. Positive test shows lateral instability of the knee. LCL Injury
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Varus stress test
58-year-old male presents with complaints of swelling, pain, and locking of his left knee. He reports he was playing basketball and felt pain after pivoting his left leg quickly. What special test would help to confirm this dx?
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meniscal tear → McMurray or Apley's compression
MOI is pivoting/rotating
+ McMurray test = ____
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Meniscal tear
If the examiner internally rotates during the McMurray's test, what are they testing for?
Lateral meniscus
If the examiner externally rotates during the McMurray's test, what are they testing for?
Medial meniscus
+ Apprehensive test
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Patellar dislocation
What is the test:
Pt supine, legs flat on table, quadriceps relaxed
Try to dislocate the patella laterally Positive apprehensive test if pt becomes apprehensive about you testing the knee, asks you to stop or face grimaces
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Patellar Apprehension
What special test:
Patient supine, with knee flexed at 30 degrees. Femur stabilized with one hand and tibia is pulled anterior with the other hand. Tests for ACL tears/injuries.
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Lachman test
What special test:
Patient supine, hip flexed, knee flexed at 90 degrees. Patient foot stabilized by examiner sitting on foot. Examiner "pulls" tibia forward/anterior
Anterior drawer test
+ Posterior drawer test
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PCL injury
What special test:
Pt supine, hip flexed, knee flexed at 90 degrees. Patient's foot stabilized by examiner sitting on foot Examiner “pushes” tibia backward/posterior Positive = torn PCL
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Posterior drawer test
Hallmark symptom of patellar/quadriceps tendinitis
Anterior knee pain
What is the gold standard to confirm PE?
Pulmonary angiography
"Knocked knee"
"Bowed leg"
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Valgus or Varus: pushing on knees laterally
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Valgus or Varus: pushing on knees medially
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+ Valgus stress test = (MCL/LCL) injury
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+ Varus stress test = (MCL/LCL) injury
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+ Anterior drawer test = ______
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Torn ACL
What diagnostic study is used to diagnose meniscal injuries?
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+ McMurray and + Apley's Compression test
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Meniscal tear
Tx for meniscal tear
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______ AKA "Jumper's knee"
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Patellar tendinitis
17 year old volleyball player presents with tenderness along the patellar tendon. What is the dx?
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patellar tendonitis -- key word volleyball bc its called "jumper's knee"
What is the most sensitive physical exam test for an ACL injury?
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Lachman test
What diagnostic study is used for ACL/PCL/MCL/LCL injuries?
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+ Lachman test and + Anterior drawer test
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ACL injury
The "Terrible"/"Unhappy" triad
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- ACL tear
- MCL tear
- Meniscal tear
What are the causes of Tibial Plateau fractures?
falls from heights, MVA accidents and
MVA/pedestrian accident
What diagnostic study would you order for a patellar fracture?
Plain film: AP, Lateral, & Sunrise view
What is the most common patellar dislocation?
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Lateral dislocation
Are patellar dislocations more common in females or males? Why?
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Females due to excessive Q angle
XR shows + patella alta (superior appearing) think _____
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Patella tendon rupture
On exam patient cannot actively extend their knee and there is a palpable defect inferior to the patella. Possible dx?
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Patella tendon rupture
What is a "true" knee dislocation?
Tibiofemoral dislocation
What should you check in a tibiofemoral dislocation?
Pulses for vascular compromise
Which is a medical emergency & requires STAT ortho consult and reduction: Patellar dislocation or Tibiofemoral dislocation
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Tibiofemoral dislocation
Pain and swelling in the anterior knee over the tibial tuberosity commonly seen in adolescent athletes. Possible dx?
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Osgood-Schlatter disease
Which population is Osgood-Schlatter disease MC in?
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adolescent male athletes
15 y/o male athlete presents with pain and swelling in his anterior left knee over the tibial tuberosity. how should you treat?
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Osgood Schlatter → RICE, NSAIDS, ortho consult
but r/o fx on plain film XR
If you see a prominent area over the tibial tubercle on XR from an adolescent pt complaining of pain, what dx should you suspect?
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Osgood Schlatter
What is the most common form of knee arthritis?
Know this
75 y/o patient with a history of knee trauma 20 years ago presents with gradual onset of knee pain x months. Patient states that the pain wakes them up at night. Patient is obese. Most likely dx?
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______ AKA Runner's knee
Patellofemoral syndrome
What is the most commonly injured ligament in an ankle sprain?
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Anterior talofibular ligament
What is a common cause of ankle sprain?
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inversion injury (90%)!
+ Thompson's test = _____
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Achille's tendon rupture
Absence of plantar flexion when calf is squeezed
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+ Thompson's test (Achille's tendon rupture)
The medial clear space of the ankle should not exceed _____ mm on XR
4 mm
90% of all ankle injuries are due to ______ injuries- sprains
A trimalleolar ankle fracture involves the _____
Medial, lateral, and posterior malleolus
A bimalleolar ankle fracture involves the _____
Medial and lateral malleolus
Flat foot arch
Pes planus
Elevated longitudinal arch of foot
Pes cavus
Pain in the morning with 1st step, think ______
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Plantar fascitis
56 year old female presents with complaints of heel pain. she reports the pain is worse in the AM, especially with her first steps out of bed. On PE, she has tenderness to palpation. how should you treat?
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plantar fasciitis → NSAIDs, ice, stretching (PT), steroid injections