why are we doin this on v-day mane im js tryna see fine shyt.
What are the gospels?
Heart of scriptures.
What are the 4 Gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
What is the purpose of the 4 Gospels?
To bring good news of the incarnation of Jesus Christ.
They also herald that Jesus came to fulfill the promises God made to our ancestors, and to overcome the slavery of sin and death.
What are the characteristics of the Gospels?
Are the main source of info about the life and teachings of Jesus.
Are God’s revelation.
When we encounter Jesus in the Gospels, we encounter God, most definitive and perfect revelation.
Each gospel presents a unique perspective of Jesus.
Who are the synoptic gospels?
Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
What does “synoptic” mean?
Greek for “seeing the whole together”
Gospels are similar in style and share much of the same content.
Who used Mark as a source when writing their gospels?
Matthew and Luke.
What was the 2nd source they used called?
The “quelle” or “q source”.
What gospel comes first and why?
Matthew, because his gospel talks about the geneolology of Jesus.
Who was Mark?
Gentile Christian who may have been a disciple of Peter.
Mark Date of Authorship?
65-70 AD.
Intended Audience of Mark?
Non-Jewish Christians.
Issues Addressed in Mark?
Members of the community being persecuted (even to death) for their beliefs.
Mark’s Image of Jesus?
Mark includes an aura of secrecy in this Gospel known as the messianic secret.
Those who should recognize Jesus as the Messiah fail to do so.
Mark emphasizes the humanity of Jesus.
Central to Mark’s Christology is the image of Jesus as the suffering servant.
True discipleship must imitate Jesus in both his ministry and in suffering.
Symbol of Mark?
Winged Lion.
What is PDR?
Passion, death, and resurrection.
Who was Luke?
Gentile convert to Christianity, and the author who wrote his gospel and the Acts of the Apostles.
Why was Luke’s gospel cut in half? What are the names of his 2 Gospels?
His gospel was too big. Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles.
Luke Date of Authorship?
80-90 AD
Intended Audience of Luke?
Both Luke and AOTA = theopilus (lover of God)
The everyday person, women, etc.
Luke’s Image of Jesus?
Pictures Jesus as the welcoming and compassionate savior.
Much of Jesus’ ministry and preaching is directed toward the plight of the anawim (outcasts).
He emphasizes the presence of women in the ministry of Jesus.
The final groups given special attention in the gospel of Luke are those who are sick and sinners.
What was the Gospel of John?
Not a synoptic gospel.
Who wrote the gospel of John?
John, a disciple who Jesus loved, or unknown.
Maybe an author who was a member of a Christian community founded by the beloved disciple.
Its the tradition and teachings represent the whole Jeannile community rather than just one individual.
Luke Symbol?
Winged Ox.
John Date of Authorship?
90-100 AD.
Characteristics of John’s Gospel?
Twofold Purpose:
To evangelize both geniles and jews
Strengthen the faith of local community, Christians everywhere.
Two Books in One Gospel (1st)
Jesus mainly teaches mainly through signs that reveal his identity.
These signs are formed in John 1:19- 12:50 and are called the book of signs.
Two Books in One Gospel (2nd)
Focuses mainly on PDR, and ascension, the events that glorify Jesus.
This is known as the Book of Glory, found in John 13:1 - 20:31.
Basis of Christianity?
The resurrection, no Christianity if the resurrection didn't happen.