Refers to the individual as a distinct entity with a unique personality, consciousness, and identity.
The concept has been debated by philosophers throughout history, with some arguing that it is an illusion or a social construct, while others maintain that it is a fundamental aspect of human existence.
Explored by various philosophical traditions, including existentialism, phenomenology, and Eastern philosophy.
What does one must posses to be given moral consideration
Concept is used to distinguish human beings from other animals or entities
Philosophers argue that it pertains to having a certain kind of soul or consciousness, while others emphasize the importance of social and cultural factors
Refers to a person or group that is perceived as different or alien from oneself
often used to describe process of creating an identity by defining what one is not
tendency to view others through the lens of one's own cultural norms and values
What we are
fundamental essence of reality, including the physical world and human existence
explores the relationship between humans and the natural world and examines concepts such as causality, existence, and identity
Human nature refers to the inherent characteristics and traits that define the behavior and thinking patterns of humans
Rationalist Approach
Empiricist Approach
Essentialist Approach
The nature of humans
emphasizes role of reason and rationality in shaping human behavior and understanding
believe humans are inherently rational beings, capable of using reason to understand the world around them
make decisions based on logical analysis
characterized by a capacity for reason and a desire for knowledge and understanding
essential to our ability to make sense of the world and our place in it
nature is connected with our soul and ability to learn through our souls rather than our bodies and habit
soul is separated three different parts
appetite, spirit, hunger
soul is site of reason
soul is eternal
body is mortal
all human functions contribute to eudaimonia ‘happiness’
human form is fully realized at the end of the generative process
substance is a particular thing and it’s properties
substance is matter and properties/secondary categories are form
Humans in nature
the senses are the ultimate source of human knowledge
human experience is a condition to reach fulfillment of life
participation is responsible for making a person who they are
Empiricist approach
A treatise of human nature
passion rather then reason govern human behavior
all human knowledge is founded only by experience (there is no innate thoughts)
belief in causality cannot be justified
We perceive that one event causes another, when they are only conjoined.
drawing inductive causal inferences requires that the future will be like the past which cannot be grounded in prior experience
A custom, mental habit that is used often in place of logic
Idea of essence
everything has a definitive set of attribute that are essential to it’s identity
all things have an essence that makes us what we are
sort groups of people into permanent categories under belief nature gave them those characteristics
fail to account individual human behavior
leads to stereotypes and racism
We are an evolved primate that are only rational because of evolution
can study and predict behavior because they are observable
human hormones (observable biological traits of human)
humans are not just behavioral
All human action can be amounted to an antecedental causes that are external to our will
have no free will
cannot be held morally responsible
cannot take praise
why do we all argue that we are autonomous
our society is built on the framework of free will and responsibility
All humans are free and is completely autonomous
we have moral responsibility
not controlled by others or causal forces
eating when hungry is influenced by antecedent causes
how can we predict behavior then?
We are defined by our existence and the choices we make, which requires complete free will
since we exist for ourselves our identity is dependent on our choices and actions
thus we have to be responsible for our actions and choices since we have the capacity to do whatever we want
however this comes with existential anxiety because in order to fully have freedom is to realize life is ‘meaningless’ and everything we do is completely up to us
Free will(moral responsibility) is compatible with determinism
ability to act freely comes from our desires, beliefs and extent of our awareness of external forces
enter causal processes as an active determinant
completely incompatible ideas
When we are caused to view one self as an object from the view of another being
looking at someone through a key hole only through the perspective of yourself and someone walking which opens up the question of what your actions look like to other people
Hell is the other people (Sartre)
Habit of deceiving oneself into thinking one does not have complete free will and acting on that belief
acting inauthentically
actions we make to deny our freedom
mauvaise foi
an individual's sense of identity
those who are different from oneself
The concept explores the relationship between the two, including how those different from oneself is perceived and treated
Essential Self = a thinking entity
the thinking self is. . .
nonmaterial, immortal, conscious being, independent from physical laws of nature
Other = other individual own’s body / you can never bridge your own consciousness with another
the other is. . .
theoretical for we can never empirically be shown such an ‘other’
The self = no self
we are not separate autonomous beings
all things should be enlightened together out of compassion because the individual is empty and are not separate from them
constantly changing and evolving
Other = not a fixed entity
you cannot meet one without meeting the other
ever changing and evolving
Self is defined in relation to the other
the other is necessary for the self to become self aware
fundamentally interconnected and interdependent
Mind and body are two separate entities that interact with each other
Descartes would say the mind is a non extended substance and exists independently in the body which is a substance subject to laws of physics
interact through the pineal gland
the mind is dependent on physical processes
everything that exists is material
everything can be explain through physical/material matter
reality is found in man’s mind
fundamentally mental or spiritual in nature
material world is an illusion
mind and body are not separate entities but two different different aspects of a larger, mental reality
A mind is just the body / a body’s behaviors
without a body a mind cannot exist
cognition matters
Mental states are defined by causal roles relative to sensory stimulation
the mind / mental responses fill a role
provided what stimulation the mindd is given it will respond in a way to fulfill a certain function
Continuity of consciousness, which is our memory, is what makes a person the same person over time
rejects the soul because the same consciousness can travel from one soul to another and ‘reincarnation’
rejects the body because you can lose a limb and still be the same person
memory loss
the drunk man (can’t remember what he did while drunk)
You are identified by your physical body, that is what defines you
continuity in physical states
cut off a limb, are you still you?
how can a blind person identify that person
A person is identical with itself if psychological processes occur and are realized within the same brain
person is identical to the brain
put the brain in someone else
A person is identical with it’s immaterial soul
can argue that since we cannot perceive the soul you cannot argue that it doesn’t exist
appeals to subjective intuition
can argue that since we cannot perceive it, we cannot prove it this theory in any way other then subjective feeling of continuity of the ‘soul’
You are a person if you have human dna
if you do not then you are not a person
each cell with human dna would be a person
A being incapable of communicating is not a person or is not yet. Criteria to being a person. . .
self-motivated activity
capacity to communicate
Even if a human has DNA if they have no capabilities in any of these criteria (amputee, mute, down syndrome) then they are not considered a person
You’re a person whenever society recognizes you as a person or whenever someone cares about you
you matter when you matter to someone
allows for society’s understanding of a person to change over time
what happens if no one cares for you, are you not a person?
Based on sentience and ability to feel pleasure and pain
wrong to cause unnecessary pain to anything that can feel so if it can’t feel it can’t morally matter
fetuses and people in vegetative state aren’t persons but animals would be