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Exponential growth formula
dN/dT = rmaxN
r = per capita rate of increase, stays constant
unconstrained growth
r = rmax
Birth/Death Growth formula
dN/dT = B - D = rN
B = birth RATE
D = death RATE
Logistic growth
dN/dT = rmax((K-N)/K)*N
growth that slows as population reaches carrying capacity (K)
K = max pop size
r = rmax ( (K-N)/K ), gets smaller towards K
Density-Dependent Limiting Factors
create logistic growth pattern and determines K
factors are mostly biotic
Competition w/n population
Disease and parasites
Waste accumulation
Competition w/n population
population grows but resources do not
food, water, shelter are limited
Slow down breeding
predators focus on HIGH density prey areas and avoid low density prey areas
Disease and parasites
diseases and parasites spread easier in HIGH density populations
have their own growth curves
Density-independent factors
affect growth rates, not dependent on density
mostly abiotic
Natural disasters
Cyclic oscillations
populations that rise and fall over time
Seasonal changes
Overshooting carrying capacity
Predator-prey interactions