Atomic radius
half the distance between neighbouring atoms’ nuclei.
General EN trends on PT
Follows same trends as IE: decreases down a group due to increased ShE and constant Zeff, increases across a period due to increased Zeff and constant ShE
IE can be measured directly and is a property of only gaseous atoms.
EN is a property of an atom in a molecule or FU and its values are assigned/derived indirectly from experimental bond energy data.
General trends in mp across period 3
Metallic bonds increase in strength (increasing mp) → network covalent solids (highest mp) → molecular compounds decrease in size LDFs decrease in strength (decreasing mp)
The strength of metallic bonds is influenced by
the magnitude of positive charge in the central ions (Zeff vs ShE) and the number of delocalized e- surrounding them. Also the ionic radius of the positive ions (kernels)
Monatomic molecules
molecules formed form one atom, formed by unreactive elements