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State from 1200-800 BC
Maritime society known for its Phonetic alphabet and purple dye
State from 1100 to 1000 BC
Hebrew enemies known for their grapes and metalwork
Name for the five enemy cities in Palestine
State from 500-202 BC
Descendants of the Phoenicians
State from 1000-900 BC
Predynastic Egypt
Egyptian Period before 2686 BC
Old Kingdom
Egyptian Period from 2686-2160 BC
Pharaoh that united Upper and Lower Egypt at Memphis during the Old Kingdom
The first Intermediate Period
Egyptian period from 2160-2055 BC
Middle Kingdom
Egyptian period from 2055-1640 BC
Pharoah that reunited Egypt at Thebes during the Middle Kingdom
Second Intermediate Period
Egyptian period from 1640-1504 BC
New Kingdom
Egyptian period from 1504-1070 BC
Thutmose I
Pharoah that militarized society during the New Kingdom
Third Intermediate Period
Egyptian period from 1070-712 BC
Late Period Egypt
Egyptian period from 712-322 BC
Nubia and the Kingdom of Kush
Egypt’s rivals during Late Period Egypt
Persian Empire
Empire after 539 BC
Cyrus the Great
King of Persia who freed the Jews and was known for his self-governing empire and toleration
Darius I
King of Persia who ruled at Persepolis who was known for creating governing districts called satraps and the royal road, and for his war with the Greeks
Persian religion founded by Zarathustra, Ahura Mazda vs. Ahriman
People who invaded and took control of lower Egypt, marking the end of the Middle Kingdom