World History Unit 1.2

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Abbasid Caliphate

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Abbasid Caliphate

had a golden age for Islam & helped establish Silk Road trade and Trans-Saharan Trade

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a world center for learning, capital of the abbasid empire

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sunni and shia

the two branches Islam split into, based on who would be Muhammad's successor

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Islam Golden Age

Islam scholars followed Muhammad's quest for knowledge, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi was a scholar who helped with advances in mathematics, 'A'ishah al Ba'uniyyah helped with advances in literature, also advances in medicine contributed to the Golden Age

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the study of the Quaran to find truths they couldn't through learning, believed they would get closer to God with prayer, fasting, and simplicity

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How were merchants viewed in Islam?

more prestigious than Europe or Asia, helped fuel vast trade between and across the Arab world which caused great wealth

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slavery of Muslims

Muslims couldn't enslave other Muslims, but slavery of others conquered was allowed, caused conquered people to convert to Islam

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women's rights in Islam

Muslim women generally had more rights than Christian or Jewish women, partly because they were in a golden age

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part of the umayyad dynasty in Spain, remained under Muslim rule and was a melting pot of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim culture at Al-Andalus

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Mamluk Sultanate

from Egypt, rose up and took over the Abbasid Caliphate, political unit that was established by the Mamluks

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Challenges in Islam

Seljuk Turks from Central Asia challenge Abbasid rule, Crusaders from Europe arrive to take control of Jerusalem from Muslims, Mongols threaten from Central Asia

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House of Wisdom

in Baghdad, Muslim scholars excelled in literature, math, and science, translated works from Greek, studied math from India, learned paper making from China**

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Islamic knowledge spread

laid the groundwork for the Renaissance and Scientific revolution by sharing their knowledge to the Europeans

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the ruler of a Muslim country

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largest land-based empire in history that ended Seljuk rule, stopped in Egypt by the Mamluks

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Arab prophet who founded Islam

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