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How an individual thinks, feels, or behaves towards another person, object, idea, or situation
Explicit Attitude
Are beliefs that the individual is aware of
Implicit Attitude
Are unconscious, often times the individual may not even realize they hold these beliefs
Just-world Phenomenon
The tendency for people to believe that the world is just and that things are the way they are for a reason
The idea that an individualās misfortunes are their own fault
Out-group Homogeneity Bias
The tendency of an individual to perceive members of an out-group as more similar to each other then they actually are
In-group bias
The tendency to favor and support people in our own in-group, while at the same time being more critical of those outside of it
This is the idea that oneās own culture or ethnic group is superior to others
Culture Relativism
When an individual views and judges another culture by its own standers, showing that no culture is superior to another
Belief perseverance
The tendency to maintain a belief despite new information or evidence that clearly contradicts it
Conformation Bias
The tendency of a person to focus on information that confirms their pre-existing views and dismiss conflicting information
Stereotypes are generalized beliefs about a group of people
They allow individual to quickly categorize people allowing for quicker judgements to be made
Prejudiced attitude
Are preconceived negative attitudes toward a group and its members
Discriminatory Behavior
Unfair treatment of individuals based on their group
Explicit prejudice
Prejudice that people are aware of and consciously agree with
Implicit Prejudice
Negative feelings that an individual has towards another person or group without them being aware of it
Cognitive Dissonance
The mental discomfort or tension that comes from when an individual has two conflicting beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors