What is data?
Data consists of raw facts and figures with no meaning
What is information?
processed data produces information, therefore information is ‘data with meaning’
How is data processed?
using an information system
smallest unit of digital data represented by a 1 or 0
4 bits
Byte (B)
8 bits, used to represent 1 character
Kilobyte (Kb)
1024 bytes
Megabyte (Mb)
1024 kilobytes
Gigabyte (Gb)
1024 megabytes
Terabyte (Tb)
1024 gigabytes
What are the multiples of bytes used for? (b, kb, mb, gb, tb)
to describe memory capacity
In real life, data is stored in..
analogue format
In computers, data is stored in…
digital format
Numeric (integer)
positive or negative whole numbers
Numeric (real)
positive or negative numbers, including decimal/ fractional parts
represents date and time in multiple formats
long date: DAY MONTH YEAR
medium date: DD-MMM-YYYY
short date: DD/MM/YYYY
long time: HH:MM:SS
medium time: HH:MM AM/PM
short time: HH:MM
A single letter or digit represented by codes from character set
What is ASCII
character set based on each character represented uniquely by a single bite
Textual data in the form of a sequence of characters