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Light microscopes
Visible light passes through the specimen and through a glass lens, light is refracted to magnify specimen, can observe living things
Magnification, resolution, and contrast
M: ratio of an object’s image size to real size; R: clarity of the image (minimum distance 2 points can be separated and still distinguishable); C: Accentuates differences in parts of the sample
Magnification and resolution relationship
When magnification increases, resolution decreases, and vice versa
Membrane-enclosed structures in eukaryotic cells
Electron microscopes
Focus beams of electrons through specimen; specimen cannot still be living, must be coated in metal ions
Scanning Electron Microscope
Scans the surface of a sample, the bean excites electrons and secondary electrons are detected, 3D image results
Transmission Electron Microscope
Internal cell structure, beam goes through a thin section of the specimen
The study of cell structure
Cell fractionation
Takes cells apart and separates major subcellular structures to determine their individual functions; 1. homogenization (blender), 2. Centrifuge at different speeds and lengths of time for different things
Prokaryotic domains and eukaryotic domains
Bacteria and archaea, eukarya
Things all cells have
Plasma membrane, cytosol, chromosomes, ribosomes
ECs vs. PCs
ECs have nucleus bound by a double membrane, PCs have nucleoid instead that is not membrane-enclosed, no organelles
Cytoplasm vs. cytosol
Cytoplasm is all contents within membrane (excluding nucleus), cytosol is just the fluid
Surface area and volume of a cell
As cells increase in size, their volume increases more than their surface area (one of the reasons cells are smaller, because they need enough surface area to accommodate volume)
long, thin projections that increase surface area without impacting volume much
In animal cells but not plant cells:
Lysosomes, centrosomes, flagella (although maybe some plant sperm)
In plant cells but not animal cells:
Central vacuole, chloroplasts, cell wall, plasmodesmata
Contains most of the cell’s genes, enclosed by double membrane (nuclear envelope) that has pores
Nuclear lamina
Net-like array of protein filaments, maintains shape of nucleus
Chromosomes, chromatin
Store genetic information, the complex of DNA and proteins that coil to form chromosomes
Synthesizes rRNA, proteins from cytoplasm assembled with rRNA
rRNA and protein, responsible for protein synthesis
Endomembrane system
Inside the membrane; nuclear envelope, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuole,s plasma membrane
sacs made of membrane that transport things
Endoplasmic reticulum
Network of membranes, often makes up more than ½ total cell membrane, separates internal compartments from cytosol
Smooth ER
Detoxifies drugs/poisons, metabolic processes, stores calcium, synthesis of certain macromolecules
Rough ER
Protein production (as polypeptide chain grows, the chain threads into the RER lumen), membrane factory for the cell
carbs covalently bonded to proteins
Golgi apparatus
Warehouse of the endomembrane system, transport vesicles go here after leaving ER, cisternae, sort, ship, and manufacture
Cis face of GA
Receives materials, near the ER
Trans face of GA
Ships materials
Membranous sac of hydrolitic enzymes that animals use to hydrolyze macromolecules, work best in acidic environment
protists eat by englufing smaller organisms or food particles, when done within a cell (i.e. food vacuole with lysosome) the digestion products become food for the cell
Recycle cell’s material
large vesicles from ER and GA, food, contractile (pump excess water out of cell to maintain proper concentration of ions and molecules), central (plant cells, plants enlarge as this fills with water)
Sites of cellular respiration (Oxygen to ATP), inner membranes are convoluted, intermembrane space and mitochondrial matrix
Sites of photosynthesis, chlorophyll, thylakoids and granum, stroma
Mitochondria and chloroplast similarties
Endosymbionts, have DNA of their own, have ribosomes, autonomous, double membrane
A family of plant organelles (i.e. amyloplast which stores amylose, or starch, and chromoplast which gives fruits and flowers their orange and yellow hues)
Produce hydrogen peroxide and convert to water, detoxify alcohol in liver by taking H from poisons, break down fatty acids
Help convert fatty acids to sugar, in plant seeds (energy and carbon source before plants can photosynthesize)
Microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments, organizes structure, can be dismantled and rebuilt, changing cell shape, motor protein feet used by organelles to walk along cytoskeleton
hollow tubes for cell shape, motility, chromosome and organelle movement, tubulin protein connected by a dimer (molecule with alpha and beta subunits)
Centrosomes, centrioles
Microtubule-organizing center, within centrosome (9 sets of triplet microtubules in a ring)
Basal body, dyneins
Form the base of cilium, pairs of protruding proteins spaced along the length of an outer doublet reaching toward neighboring doublet
soild rods, built from actin, bear tension, make cortex (outer cytoplasmic layer) more gel than liquid
like dynein in microtubules
Intermediate filaments
more permanent, often persist after cells die (i.e. keratin proteins in dead skin cells on outer layer of our skin)
Cell wall composition
Generally microfibrils made of cellulose (produced by cellulose synthase) embedded in matrix of other polysaccharides and proteins
Primary cell wall
Young plant cell’s first wall, thin and flexible
Middle lamella
Glues primary and adjacent walls together, pectins (thin and sticky polysaccharides used as thickening agents in jams and jellies)
Secondary cell wall
Between plasma membrane and primary cell wall, sometimes made to strengthen its wall (other times they just harden the primary wall)
Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
Provides structural support and cell signaling, consists of glycoproteins such as collagen and fibronectin, as well as other carb-containing molecules
Cytoplasmic channels through cell walls
Tight junctions
tightly pressed plasma membranes, prevent leakage of fluid
AKA anchoring junctions, fasten cells together into sheets, attach muscle cells
Gap junctions
Most like plasmodesmatas of plant cells, but not lined with membrane, allows passage of amino acids, sugars, ions, and other small molecules