prokaryotic, unicellular
Bacteria cells are _____ and _______
Red and white blood cells are _____
human egg cell
What is the largest cell?
Which cells are smaller: Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic?
cell machinery, genetic information
The reason a cell cannot be too small is because they need to store all of the ____ ______ Furthermore, they need to store all of the _______ _______.
cell membrane
Surface of the cell
Cells grows = ______ becomes larger
removing waste, not taking in nutrients
What are some things that start to shut down after a cell may become to large?
If you increase the radius of a cell, will this increase or decrease the Surface Area - Volume Ratio?
becomes worse at removing waste and exchanging nutrients
If the Volume to Surface Area ratio is too small, what is going to happen to the cell?
don’t live long enough
Why don't we see very large, spherical cells? They have low volume to surface area ratio.
intestines, human brain, cell membrane
Examples in the human body has folds to maximize surface area and maximize function:
Process that:
Cells grow
Make more DNA
Prepare for the cells to divide
Chromosomes become hard to see inside the nucleus
Longest process in the cell cycle
surface area
Space that takes up the outside part. The rate at which products leave the cell and enter the cell. Taking in nutrients and removing the waste
Space that takes up the interior. How food, oxygen, and water are use and waste are produced.
small, large
____ cell membrane = faster cellular transport
____ cell membrane = slower cellular transport
introphase, cell division
____ = part that has NO dividing
____ = part that creates two new cells.
g1 phase
Process that:
Sees growth in the cell. (Cell increases in size)
Makes the materials needed for division
synthesis phase
Process that:
DNA replication
Produces 2 sets of DNA
g2 phase
Process that:
Prepares for mitosis
Process that:
Division of the cell nucleus
Create identical cells
interphase, mitosis
Two phases that DO NOT grow
These cells that are produced are called ________ cells.
Nucleus breaks down to soon allow spindle fibers to attach to chromosomes.
Chromosomes become seeable. Centrosomes move to opposite side of the cell.
Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.
Replicate chromosomes separate & are pulled towards opposite sides of cell by spindled fibers. This soon produces 2 identical sets of chromosomes on opposite sides of the cell.
Chromosomes reach opposite poles of the cell. Chromosomes become less seeable. Nucleus beings to “again”
Cell divides into 2 daughter cells.
Prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase = ???
DNA, efficient
Bigger cell? More ____. It also becomes less _____ in removing nutrients and waste.
cell membrane
Through the ____ ____, cells connect to the outside world.
surface area, volume
As the cell grows larger, rates of ___ ____ and _____ incrase.
Do surface area and volume increase at the same rate?
formula for surface area
6s² (s = length of the sides of the cube)
formula for volume
L x W x H
cube’s volume
When a cube increases, what increases with it?
Cells store ___
As a cell increases, the information (DNA) is used to build ______.
grows, duplicate
Cell grows = DNA ___ (Without harm)
Cell grows too much = DNA may ____ to form two new cells with that infromation
cell division
Process by which a cell divides into two new daughter cells is called….
Before cell division, DNA must ____ in order to prevent the overload in the new cells.
increasing, decreasing
Cell division also solves the problem of ____ size by ____ cell volume
increase, daughter cell, exchange
This results in an ______ in the ratio of surface area to volume for each ______ ___, allowing for a more efficient _______ of materials between the cell and its environment.
The production of genetically identical offspring from a single parent.
Cells division leads to _______ in single-celled organisms and some multicellular organisms.
asexual, sexual
Multicellular organisms have ______ reproduction
Single-celled organisms have _____ reproduction
asexual, sexual
Cells separate to form new offspring = ??? reproduction
Cells combine to form new offspring = ??? reproduction
The type of reproduction that has offspring inherit some genetic information from both parents.
This thing carries genetic information, but they are only visible when the cell is dividing.
This thing is loose and uncoiled, but it condenses into chromosomes before cell divison
volume, surface area
_____ increases faster than _____
skinny and long, sticking out
Ways cells maximize surface area:
_______ is the main reason why we do not see cells as big as the human egg cell.
cell cycle
The _______________ includes growth and division, but not all cells divide at the same rate.
cell division, type
___________________ happens in all living things, but it occurs at different rates depending on the ____ of cell.
why cells divide
This happens to help the cells grow and transport materials faster.
surface area, volume
??? = Affects the rate of inputs and output
??? = Affects the rate materials are used + waste produced.
Does DNA change if the cell’s size changes
cell cycle
Cells grow from the ____ _______
A disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
Chemo, Sugery, Radiation
By passing checkpoints
Apoptosis (Resisting cell death)
widespread cancer, isolated tumor, regionalized area
When does chemo happen?
When does surgery happen?
When does radiation happen?
Cell has ________ for requirements of the next state to be filled.
______ factors tell signals to start cell division
Re-entering G1 phase
Reversible exit
Irreversible exit
DNA damage?
Sufficient substrate/material?
Complete DNA replication?
Correct distribution of chromosomes?