employee behaviour
pattern of actions by the members of an organization that directly or indirectly influences the organization's effectiveness
performance behaviours
those that are directly involved in performing a job
organization citizenship
provides benefits to the organization in more indirect ways
counterproductive behaviours
those that hurt organizational performance
being absent from work affects productivity
being late hinders the proper functioning of an organization
occurs when people quit their jobs
emotional intelligence
extent to which people possess social skills, are self aware, can mange their emotions, can motivate themselves and can express empathy for others
job satisfaction
extent to which people have positive attitudes towards their jobs
organizational commitment
individual's identification with the organization and its mission
reinforcement modification
define the specific behaviours that managers want and don't want
controlling and modifying employee behaviour through the use of systematic rewards and punishments for specific behaviours
positive reiforcement
apply positive consequences when employees exhibit desired behaviours
apply negative consequences when employees exhibit undesirable behaviours
withhold positive consequences when employees exhibit undesirable behaviours
negative reinforcement
withhold negative consequences when employees exhibit desired behaviours
regression to the mean
from one performance measure to the next, the change in performance will be towards the overall average level of performance
realistic model
manager's department performs above average in one period then does not perform as well in the next
goal setting theory
people perform better when they set specific, quantified, time-framed goals
management by objectives
managers and subordinates collaboratively set goals and evaluate progress
participative management and empowerment
method of increasing job satisfaction by giving employees a voice in the management of their jobs and the company
transnational teams
composed of members from many different countries
job enrichment
method of increasing employee's satisfaction by extending or adding motivating factors such as responsibility or growth
let people pick their working hours; still has mandatory hours where people must be at work
compressed work week
employees work fewer days per week but more hours on the day they do work
allows people to do some or all of their work away from the office
workshare programs
allows two or more people to share one full time job
legitimate power
granted through the formal organizational hierarchy
reward power
power to give or withhold rewards
coercive power
power to force another person to comply by means of psychological, emotional or physical threat
expert power
comes from information or expertise that the manager possesses
referent power
based on identification, imitation, loyalty or charisma of the leader
transformational leadership
set of abilities that allows a leader to recognize the need for change and execute that change effectively
transactional leadership
set of abilities that involves routine, regimented activities that are necessary during periods of stability
charismatic leadership
type of influence based on the leader's personal charisma