Forensic & Toxicology Practical Practice

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<p>Diagnosis? Causative instrument?</p>

Diagnosis? Causative instrument?

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<p>Diagnosis? Causative instrument?</p>

Diagnosis? Causative instrument?

نوع الجرح: سحجات/ خدوش-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة ذات سطح خشن-

العدد: متعددة-

مكانها في الجسم: الجلد-

أبعادها: حوالي من5-10سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع الاعلاج: تنظيف و غيار-

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<p>Age? sex?</p>

Age? sex?

More than 21yrs (if male), union of lower end of femur with its shaft

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<p>Diagnosis? Causative instrument?</p>

Diagnosis? Causative instrument?

نوع الجرح: جرح قطعي-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة حادة-

العدد: 1-

مكانها في الجسم: الجلد-

أبعادها: حوالي من 3-5سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع الاعلاج: تنظيف و غيار و عمل غرز جراحية-

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<p>Diagnosis? Causative instrument?</p>

Diagnosis? Causative instrument?

firearm injury inlet caused by short rifled weapon showing star-shaped laceration due to effect of gases contact firing 15cm

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<p>Causative instrument? Fired?</p>

Causative instrument? Fired?

non-loaded cartidge of a short rifled automatic weapon (pistol) FIRED

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<p>Diagnosis? Describe neck injury</p>

Diagnosis? Describe neck injury

Hanging, above thyroid cartilage (high up), oblique, incomplete

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<p><span>What is the diagnosis and active principal?</span></p>

What is the diagnosis and active principal?

Nutmeg seed, Myristicin

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<p><span>What is the diagnosis and enumerate two differential diagnosis?</span></p>

What is the diagnosis and enumerate two differential diagnosis?

Sesame seed, Datura Fastiosa & Capsicum seed

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<p><span>Identify the sample and Mention one indication</span></p>

Identify the sample and Mention one indication

Oropharyngeal airway device, Placed in mouth to lift tongue and push if forward comatose& depressed gag reflex patients

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<p><span>Identify the sample and Mention one indication</span></p>

Identify the sample and Mention one indication

CUFFED endotracheal tube, keep patent airway & give some emergency drugs & prevent aspiration

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<p><span>What is the target poison and route of administration ?</span></p>

What is the target poison and route of administration ?

Organophosphorus, IV

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<p><strong><span>What is the diagnosis of this brown household poison?</span></strong></p><p><strong><span>What is its specific antidote?</span></strong></p>

What is the diagnosis of this brown household poison?

What is its specific antidote?

Phenol (Carbolic Acid), NO specific antidote

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<p><span>•</span><strong><span>Write a medicolegal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medicolegal report

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة ذات سطح خشن-

العدد: متعددة-

مكانها في الجسم: خلفية العضد الأيمن تبعد حوالي 2 سم عن مفصل المرفق

أبعادها: حوالي من3-5سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع الاعلاج: تنظيف و غيار-

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A diabetic female ingested a toxic dose of paracetamol tablets. She sought medical advice late after 36 hours. Despite treatment, her liver functions deteriorated and acute liver failure occurred & she died.

Write death certificate

Original cause: toxic dose of paracetamol

Direct cause: acute liver failure

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<p>Write a comment</p>

Write a comment

Plain X-ray, AP view on knee joint aged more than 21yr (if male) due to union of upper end if tibia and fibula with their shaft

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<p>Write a comment</p>

Write a comment

Plain X-ray, AP view on wrist joint aged more than 20yr (if male) due to union of lower end of radius & ulna

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<p><span>Give your diagnosis ?</span></p>

Give your diagnosis ?

X-ray shows multiple radio-opaque shadows of firearm injury from non-rifled weapon with partial dispersion of shots 2-4m

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<p><span> What is your&nbsp; complete diagnosis ?</span></p>

What is your  complete diagnosis ?

non loaded cartidge of long rifled weapon, automatic, fired (military service)

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<p><strong><span>Diagnosis and uses</span></strong></p>

Diagnosis and uses

Activated Charcoal, dec absorption of poison in body, inc elimination, adsorption of poison

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<p><span>What is the diagnosis and differential diagnosis?</span></p>

What is the diagnosis and differential diagnosis?

Castor oil seed, Croton oil seed

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<p><span>What is the diagnosis and active principal?</span></p>

What is the diagnosis and active principal?

Styrchnusnux Vomica seed, Strycnine & brucine

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<p><span>Diagnosis<br>Describe the neck injury</span></p>

Describe the neck injury

Hanging, above thyroid cartilage (high up neck), incomplete, oblique

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A patient arrived at the emergency room unconscious . He has history of overdosed acetaminophen and hypertension . His BP was 140/90 mmHg . He   pass to coma due to hepatic failure.

Write the death certificate

Original cause: overdosed acetaminophen

Direct cause: Hepatic coma

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A 40 years old man, he has liver cirrhosis because of chronic use of alcohol. He had episode of hypovolemic shock with increasing heart rate, also hematmesis. He   died in his way to the hospital.

Write death certificate

Original cause: chronic use of alcohol

Direct cause: hypovolemic shock

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: كدمة-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة صلبة-

العدد: واحدة-

مكانها في الجسم: الجفن السلفي للعين اليمنى-

أبعادها: حوالي من 3-7سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع الاعلاج: تنظيف و كمادات

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: كدمة-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة صلبة-

العدد: متعددة-

مكانها في الجسم: الجهة الوحشية لقدم اليمنى و لمفصل الكاحل

أبعادها: حوالي من 7-10سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع الاعلاج: تنظيف و كمادات

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: جرح قطعي-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة حادة-

العدد: 1-

مكانها في الجسم: الجلد-

أبعادها: حوالي من 3-5سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع الاعلاج: تنظيف و غيار و عمل غرز جراحية-

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<p>Write a comment</p>

Write a comment

Plain X-ray, AP view on knee joint aged less than 21yr (if male) due to non union of lower end of femur with its shaft

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<p>Write a comment</p>

Write a comment

Plain X-ray, AP view on hand and wrist joint aged more than 20yr (if male) due to union of lower end of ulna and radius

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<p><strong><span>Write complete diagnosis</span></strong></p>

Write complete diagnosis

loaded projectile of short rifled weapon, automatic, not fired, jacketed (pistol)

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<p><span>Identify&nbsp; the seeds<br>&nbsp;Mention differential diagnosis?</span></p>

Identify  the seeds
 Mention differential diagnosis?

Croton oil seed, castor oil seed

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<p><span>Mention target poison</span></p>

Mention target poison

Acute Opioid toxicity

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During a quarrel, a man received a strong blow to his lower abdomen. He suffered severe abdominal pain. He was diagnosed as acute peritonitis. All supportive measures failed to save his life. During autopsy, the urinary bladder was found ruptured. .

Write death certificate

Original cause: strong blow to lower abdomen

Direct cause: acute peritonitis

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A patient was admitted to the hospital suffering from viral hepatitis. His liver functions showed hepatic failure. By the afternoon he passed into coma then died.

Write the death certificate

Original cause: viral hepatitis

Direct cause: hepatic coma

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: كدمة-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة صلبة-

العدد: واحدة-

مكانها في الجسم: الجهة الأمامية من الفخذ الأيمن-

أبعادها: حوالي من 10-12 سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع الاعلاج: تنظيف و كمادات

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: جرح قطعي-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة حادة-

العدد: 1-

مكانها في الجسم: أمامية الساعد الايمن-

أبعادها: حوالي من 3-5سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع الاعلاج: تنظيف و غيار و عمل غرز جراحية-

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: كدمة-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة صلبة-

العدد: واحدة-

مكانها في الجسم: الجفن العلوي للعين اليسرى-

أبعادها: حوالي من 3-7سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع العلاج: تنظيف و كمادات

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<p>Write a comment</p>

Write a comment

Plain X-ray, PA view on ankle joint aged less than 18yr (if male) due to non union of lower end of tibia and fibula with their shaft

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<p><strong><span>What’s your Diagnosis?</span></strong></p>

What’s your Diagnosis?

Firearm injury of shots of non-rifled weapon with central hole and partial dispersion 1-4m

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<p>Write a comment</p>

Write a comment

Plain X-ray, AP view of hip joint aged more than 6yr & less than 15yr due to union of pubic ramus with ischial ramus and non union of pubis, ileum, ischium bines at acetabulum.

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<p>Write a comment</p>

Write a comment

Plain X-ray, AP view of shoulder joint aged more than 20yr (if male) due to fusion of head of humerus with its shaft

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<p>Diagnosis? Causative instrument?</p>

Diagnosis? Causative instrument?

X-ray showing firearm injury of multiple radio-opaque shadows of shots of non-rifled weapon with partial dispersion 2-4m

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During playing of one baby by a belt he tied it around his neck He became cyanosed,unconscious,his mother tried to save him by removing the belt but she failed ., and the baby died, write death certificate

Original cause: tying belt around neck (strangulation)

Direct cause: asphyxia

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An eight years old boy was knocked down the road by speeding motor vehicle and died on the spot. On examination bleeding from the ears , otorrhea was observed . Write death certificate .

Original cause: motorbike accident

Direct cause: fracture in base of skull (middle cranial fossa)

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<p><strong><span>What is your complete diagnosis?</span></strong></p>

What is your complete diagnosis?

loaded projectile of short rifled weapon, non-automatic, non-jacketed, not fired (old revolver)

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<p><strong><span>What is your complete diagnosis?</span></strong></p>

What is your complete diagnosis?

loaded projectile of long rifled weapon, automatic, not fired (military service)

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Mechanism of action of Activated Charcoal

dec absorption of poison in body, inc elimination, adsorption of poison

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 Two Contraindications of Emesis

convulsions, pregnancy

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A child arrived at the emergency room unconscious and undetected pulse . He had history of corrosive ingestion followed by repeated attacks of hematemesis. Resuscitation was done but, he died.

 Write the death certificate

Original cause: corrosive ingestion

Direct cause: shock due to repeated hematemsis

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Male patient 65y old with fracture right femur, 7 days apart he complained of severe chest pain, dysnea and cyanosis, then he died.

 Write his death certificate.

Original cause: fracture right femur

Direct cause: pulmonary embolism

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: كدمة-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة صلبة-


مكانها في الجسم: الجهة الوحشية والخلفية للفخذ الايمن -

أبعادها: حوالي من10-12 سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع العلاج: تنظيف و كمادات

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: جرح راضي-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة ثقيلة-


مكانها في الجسم: الجهة الانسية لمفصل الرسخ الاى السلمية الوسطى لسبابة اليد اليمنى -

أبعادها: حوالي من12-30 سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع العلاج: تنظيف و غيار وعمل غرز جراحية

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: جرح طعني-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة حادة-


مكانها في الجسم: خلفية الصدر ناحية الذراع الايمن -

أبعادها: حوالي من1-2 سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع العلاج: تنظيف و غيار وعمل غرز جراحية

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Female aged 20years was found dead at home. By external examination, multiple discoid bruises about 1 cm in diameter and semilunar abrasions were found around the mouth and nose. Also, examination revealed contusion of the inner side of the lips and deep blue hypostasis on her back . Write a death certificate.

Original cause: smothering

Direct cause: asphyxia

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<p><span>What is the diagnosis and enumerate two differential diagnosis</span></p>

What is the diagnosis and enumerate two differential diagnosis

Black pepper seed, Onion seed and Datura stramonium

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<p><span>Type of weapon?</span></p>

Type of weapon?

long military service (rifled)

-Pointed long Fired bullet -presence of rifling marks

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<p><span>Identify the lesion?mention the instrument used?</span></p>

Identify the lesion?mention the instrument used?

Firearm injury caused by shots of non-rifled weapon with partial dispersion 2-4m

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<p><span>Identify the age of the bone and why?</span></p>

Identify the age of the bone and why?

less than 16yr (if male) due to non union of lesser trochanter with its shaft

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<p><span>Identify the neck lesion</span></p>

Identify the neck lesion

Hanging, above level of thyroid cartilage (high up neck), incomplete, oblique

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<p><span>What is the diagnosis and enumerate two differential diagnosis?</span></p>

What is the diagnosis and enumerate two differential diagnosis?

Datura Fastiosa seed, Capsicum & Eggplant seeds

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<p><strong><span>Give your diagnosis &amp; causative instrument</span></strong></p>

Give your diagnosis & causative instrument

Inlet of firearm injury of short rifled weapon showing tattooing.

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<p>Write a comment</p>

Write a comment

Plain X-ray, AP view of wrist joint aged less than 18yr (if male) due to non union of base of first metacarpal with its shaft

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<p><span>Identify the poison.</span></p><p style="text-align: right"><span>Give the specific antidote?</span></p>

Identify the poison.

Give the specific antidote?

Oxalic acid, Ca gluconate 10% through all routes

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A 30 year old farmer with bilharzial splenomegaly and chronic  anemia was severely shocked after severe attack of hematemesis and melenia and died on arrival to hospital. Write the death certificate

Original cause: bilharzial splenomegaly

Direct cause: shock

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: جرح راضي-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة ثقيلة-


مكانها في الجسم: الجبهة أعلى الحاجبين ب3 سم -

أبعادها: حوالي من3-10 سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع العلاج: تنظيف و غيار وعمل غرز جراحية

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: جرح راضي-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة ثقيلة-


مكانها في الجسم: باطن اليد اسفل اصبع السبابة والوسطى اليد اليسرى

أبعادها: حوالي من 3-5 سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع العلاج: تنظيف و غيار وعمل غرز جراحية

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A  22 year old male exposed to a car accident and was  taken by the ambulance to the hospital .  Blood transfusion started  but he failed  to recover and died. Autopsy showed that , there was internal hemorrhage  due to rupturing of abdominal  aorta.
Write the death certificate.

Original cause: car accident

Direct cause: shock

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term image

نوع الجرح: كدمة-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة صلبة-


مكانها في الجسم: الجانب األيسر من البطن تبعد عن عظام الحوض بحوالي ٧ سم -

أبعادها: حوالي من10-20 سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع العلاج: تنظيف و كمادات

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<p>Write a comment</p>

Write a comment

Plain X-ray, AP view of hand aged less than 18yr (if male) due to non union of distal end of metacarpal with shaft or proximal end of phalanges with shaft

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One of the competitors in Judo match fell down unconscious after receiving a head trauma. During examination, he was still unconscious but he developed projectile vomiting, unequal pupils, signs of lateralization, convulsions then coma and death.

Write the death certificate?

Original cause: head trauma

Direct cause: coma

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Sixty years old female with metastatic cancer colon in a terminal stage. She has received  a heavy dose of morphine. She passed into coma. On examination, she locked cyanosed, pin point pupils and depressed respiration the she died.

Write death certificate?

Original cause: metastatic cancer colon

Direct cause: coma

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: جرح قطعي-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة حادة-

العدد: 1-

مكانها في الجسم: باطن اليد اليمنى اسفل الابهام-

أبعادها: حوالي من 3-5سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع الاعلاج: تنظيف و غيار و عمل غرز جراحية-

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<p><strong><span>Write a medico legal report</span></strong></p>

Write a medico legal report

نوع الجرح: جرح راضي-

الآلة المستخدمة: آلة راضة ثقيلة-


مكانها في الجسم: الجدارية اليسرى لفروة الرأس -

أبعادها: حوالي من3-10 سم-

إصابات مصاحبة: لا يوجد-

مدة العلاج: أقل من 20 يوم مالم تحدث مضاعفات-

نوع العلاج: تنظيف و غيار وعمل غرز جراحية

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