Research Gap
an area of concern where there is a gap in the knowledge and we have no ready responses, therefore we must investiagte a possible solution
Evidence Gap
missing or insufficient data to support a claim
Knowledge Gap
missing information in current understanding
Practical-Knowledge Conflict Gap
disconnect between theory and practice
Methodological Gap
limitations in current research methods
Empirical Gap
lack of experimental or observational data
Theoretical Gap
missing explanations in existing theories
Population Gap
under-represented groups in research
Research Problem
clear and concise statement that outlines the issue or phenomenon the research aims to investigate to act as the foundation for the study and the guide for all the components of the research
Research Problem as Feasible
it can be done with available resources and skills
Research Problem as Interesting
findings can be significant to some sector
Research Problem as Novel
it can contribute to new knowledge
Research Problem as Ethical
the research will not cause harm
Research Problem as Relevant
it is useful for the development of scientific knowledge, for society, and for future research
Research Question
it frames a possible hypothesis or solution to address the research problem while implying the appropriate method to use (whether quantitative, qualitative, or mixed)
Stating a Research Question
Ask what you want to know in that study.
Identify the main issue you aim to explore
Question should dictate what your study will explore
Create main questions and sub-questions
Start with “How?”, “Why?”, and “What?”
Characteristics of a Good Research Question
clear and specific
refers to the investigated problem/phenomenon
contributes new knowledge
uses reasonable design and evaluation methods
collects real data
requires analysis
can be proved or disproved
Purpose of Research Questions
Guide the study’s direction and focus
Synthesizes multiple sources to present your unique argument
Reflect the main problem of the study
Considers how the research will fit into the field’s body of knowledge
How to Frame Research Questions
Review previous studies.
Describe background of the study
Identify gaps, challenges, and opportunities
Articulate research problem and questions.