AQA English Poems Love and Relationships

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A summary of When We Two Parted.

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A summary of When We Two Parted.

A romantic relationship ending. It's implied that the lady was a public figure.

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What are the themes in When We Two Parted?

Sorrow, regret and romantic relationship, separation

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Name some literary techniques used in When We Two Parted.

Rhetorical questions, enjambement and metaphors.

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Why are the literary techniques used in When We Two Parted?

Rhetorical questions- To show the speaker's misunderstanding to why they broke up. This exaggerates his sorrow for what could've been.

Metaphors- To clearly state that their love was becoming cold and running out. It exaggerates the distance between them.

Enjambment- His thoughts are continuous and never ending

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What is the structure of When We Two Parted?

Each stanza is 8 lines and is circular structure.

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What does the structure of When We Two Parted suggest?

The circular structure shows that he feels this pain may never end and he will keep repeating this. The 8 lines show that he's obsessive over this relationship and his thoughts are always consistently about their love.

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Quote 1 of When We Two Parted

'They say thee name before me,

A knell (death) in mine ear;

A shudder comes o'er me-

Why wert thou so dear?'

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Analyze quote 1 of When We Two Parted

Rhetorical question shows that he doesn't understand his own sorrow and that he misunderstood their relationship.

'Shudder' has negative connotations and so he doesn't like her anymore.

'O'er' shows that their love and her is more powerful than him and that he may feel uncertain on what to do.

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Quote 2 of When We Two Parted

'The dew of the morning

Sunk chill on my brow-

It felt like a warning

Of what I feel now'

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Analyze quote 2 of When We Two Parted

'Dew' implies that the break up was natural.

'Morning' is a connotation of a fresh start and a new beginning.

'Sunk' exaggerates how sad he feels and that he feels heavy.

Simile implies that it wasn't obvious if he needs to compare it to something else to understand.

Tenses also exaggerate the distance now felt between them. It also suggests that he truly didn't understand then but now does.

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Quote 3 of When We Two Parted

'In silence and tears'

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A summary of Love's Philosophy

A poet persuading a lady to be in a relationship with them.

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What are the themes in Love's Philosophy?

Nature, romantic relationship and longing.

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Name some literary techniques in Love's Philosophy.

Natural imagery, personification and rhetorical questions.

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Why are the literary techniques in Love's Philosophy used?

Natural imagery- To explain that they should be together because it's natural. To explain that his love is normal.

Personification- To exaggerate that this love is justified and natural. It may also imply that by not being together that they're not being natural.

Rhetorical questions- To the lady character. The repetition of this suggests that he's determined and demands an answer.

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What is the structure of Love's Philosophy?

Two stanzas, each of 8 lines, that each end in a rhetorical question

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What does the structure of Love's Philosophy suggest?

The stanzas mirror the two of them being in a relationship.

The rhetorical question suggests that he won't leave unless he has an answer.

The consistent lines also imply his utter determination.

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Quote 1 of Love's Philosophy

'The winds of Heaven mix forever

With sweet emotion;'

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Analyze quote 1 of Love's Philosophy

It uses natural imagery which implies their love is natural.

'Winds' suggests that they're now free and gentle.

'Heaven' gives the impression that being in love would be the right thing to do and so should be encouraged.

'Forever' exaggerates their happiness together and that they will love only each other.

The enjambment mirrors the 'forever' as it's continuous.

'Mix' also suggests that they will share everything and nothing will be repressed.

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Quote 2 of Love's Philosophy

'And the sunlight clasps the earth,

And the moonbeams kiss the sea-

What are all these kissings worth,'

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Analyze quote 2 of Love's Philosophy

There's a contrast of extraordinary and ordinary which implies he sees her as much greater.

'And' exaggerates how abundant their love is that so many other things copy them.

'Clasps' being a delicate sound and implying desperation exaggerates his need for her.

The rhetorical question implies that he doesn't see or value these beauties unless he's with her.

Light is used to describe which suggests that without each other they will always remain in the dark.

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Quote 3 of Love's Philosophy

'Why not I with thine?'

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A summary of Porphyria's Lover.

A romantic relationship where it's implied that the lady is famous and the man is so desperate to gain control that he kills her.

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What are the themes of Porphyria's Lover?

Unhealthy relationship, controlling, longing, romantic relationship, death.

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Name some literary techniques of Porphyria's Lover.

Imagery, caesuras, enjambment, pathetic fallacy, foreshadowing.

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Why are those literary techniques of Porphyria's Lover used?I

Imagery- To exaggerate the contrast between extraordinary and the mundane that becomes apparent midway.

Caesuras- To bring attention to the surprising twist.

Enjambment- To highlight the man's obsessive nature. It may also show that he isn't thinking clearly id he sounds continuous or rushed.

Pathetic fallacy- To demonstrate the tone that something wasn't right.

Foreshadowing- To help the reader connect that the idea of killing her had been an idea for awhile.

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What is the structure of Porphyria's Lover?

One long stanza with circular structure.

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Why is the structure of Porphyria's Lover used?

The long stanza shows that his thoughts are continuous but also a long ramble that lacks any real thought or proper structure. The circular structure demonstrated that he would happily do this again.

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Quote 1 of Porphyria's Lover.

'I listened with heart fit to break.

When glided in Porphyria; straight

She shut out the cold and storm'

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Analyse quote 1 of Porphyria's Lover

'Shut out' demonstrates how much he loves her as she is the one to protect him and help keep him calm and some what sane.

'Glided'- Gives the impression that she's confident and asserts herself as the one in control.

'Listened' highlights the man's determination to do this and his unwillingness to back down.

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Quote 2 of Porphyria's Lover

'In one long yellow string I wound

Three times around her little throat around,

And strangled her.'

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Analyse quote 2 of Porphyria's Lover

The enjambment highlights his unclear messy way of thinking which altogether suggests he's not of sound mind when doing this.

'String' gives the impression that he no longer sees her as human but just an object he can claim.

'Little' is used negatively to make her seem powerless to stop him.

The caesura brings the reader's attention to the act being committed and helps a contrast between the regular pattern.

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Quote 3 of Porphyria's Lover

'Porphyria worshipped me: surprise

Made my heart swell, and still it grew'

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A summary of I Think Of Thee

A woman being obsessive and dependant on her lover when they're apart.

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What are the themes of I Think Of Thee?

Romantic relationship, distance, obsessive thoughts, dependency

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Name some literary techniques used in I Think Of Thee.

Extended metaphor, caesura, enjambment, natural imagery, circular structure.

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Why are the literary techniques used in I Think Of Thee?

Extended metaphor- To exaggerate that her love can only be pictured through this one image and so is special and rare.

Caesura- To highlight the key point that she sees him as the best and that he needs more focus brought to him.

Enjambment- This mirrors her out of control thoughts and that she feels she needs to rush to get them out.

Natural imagery- To explain that her obsession is expected and natural.

Circular structure- To suggest that this is a process that she will merely begin the longing all over again once he's gone.

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What is the structure of I Think Of Thee?

One stanza and circular structure.

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Why is that structure used in I Think Of Thee?

One stanza may suggest that her thoughts are so continuous that she couldn't begin to structure them in a neat way.

Circular structure suggests that although she doesn't think of him whilst he is with her, the process will just keep repeating as she grows more dependant.

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Quote 1 of I Think Of Thee

''Put out broad leaves and soon there's nought to see

Except the straggling green which hides the wood'

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Analyse quote 1 of I Think Of Thee.

The enjambment suggests that she's obsessed as she just keeps a continuous ramble that has no clear structure or thought.

'Wood' could symbolise her own stability and independence being drowned as she becomes more desperate to be with someone strong. Another interpretation is that it symbolises society and normality.

'Soon' makes it sound as if she talks from experience that she expects to be obsessed.

'Hides' also gives the impression that this lighthearted and simply a game.

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Quote 2 of I Think Of Thee

'Renew thy presence; as a strong tree should,

Rustle thy boughs and set thy trunk all bare'

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Analyse quote 2 of I Think Of Thee

'Strong' gives the impression that she may think lowly of herself to be so dependent on one person and so sees them as much higher.

'Should' also exaggerates her dependency on him and that she even grows expectant of him to do so. However this could also suggest that she has become so obsessive that she knows what he's going to do next before even he does.

'Bare' the leaves and vines are symbolised to be her love which may suggest that he always out shines her expectations and proves to be better than she thought. It may also symbolise that she only loves him for him.

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Quote 3 of I Think Of Thee

'I think of thee- my thoughts do twine and bud'

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A summary of Neutral Tones

A dying romantic relationship walking around a pond.

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What are the themes of Neutral Tones?

Death, damaged relationships, romantic relationship,

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Name some literary techniques used in Neutral Tones.

Pathetic fallacy, natural imagery, similes, metaphors

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Why are those literary techniques used in Neutral Tones?

Pathetic fallacy- To exaggerate how everything has died now and to make it feel that their relationship is so dead that it kills others.

Natural imagery- To explain that maybe they simply weren't meant to last and that it's natural to die.

Similes- To show that not everyone will understand what it's like to be in a dying relationship and to try and be more relateable.

Metaphors- To exaggerate that they're so caught up in their own lies about their love to ever be able to see the real world.

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What is the structure of Neutral Tones?

4 stanzas each with only 4 lines.

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Why is that structure used in Neutral Tones?

To exaggerate that they have become complacent with one another and that they have accepted the continuous nature of their dying love.

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Quote 1 of Neutral Tones

'We stood by a pond that winter day,

And the sun was white, as through chidden of God,'

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Analyse quote 1 of Neutral Tones

The metaphor exaggerates how they have both become blinded and deceived by their own lies that they now accept the ridiculousness. It may also suggest that being in a damaged relationship is unrealistic in love as a whole.

'White' links with the title to give the impression that no one is impressed because of the bland neutral tones.

'Winter' is pathetic fallacy to show that their love is icy and clod yet neither one wants to walk away or try to thaw it out.

The next line beginning with 'And' highlights that their relationship feels continuous and ever lasting.

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Quote 2 of Neutral Tones

'The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing

Alive enough to have the strength to die;'

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Analyse quote 2 of Neutral Tones.

'Deadest' shows that the poet lived a normal life and didn't deserve to be trapped within this relationship.

The smile almost symbolises how their love was destined to crumble but yet even with knowing this they still are together.

'Die' exaggerates how he sees no way to end this relationship and move on and so because of that he just keep suffering and waiting until something ends it for them.

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Quote 3 of Neutral Tones

'And a pond edged with greyish leaves.'

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A summary of Letters From Yorkshire.

Two people sending letters, each of them from a different world.

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What themes of Letters From Yorkshire?

Distance, ordinary everyday, friendship

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Name some literary techniques of Letters From Yorkshire.

Alliteration, rhetorical questions, pathetic fallacy, enjambment.

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Why are those literary techniques used in Letters From Yorkshire?

Alliteration- It may suggest that she has put great thought and effort into her letters.

Rhetorical question- That despite them sending letters, she still doesn't feel like she knows everything about him and so wants to keep sending letters to keep finding out.

Pathetic fallacy- It's used as a symbol to suggest that she sees the distance between them as a negative.

Enjambment- This shows that she's so comfortable to ramble and just talk without any structure.

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What is the structure of Letters From Yorkshire?

5 stanzas with three lines each.

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Why is that structure used in Letters From Yorkshire?

The regular lines suggest that this is a constant and that it's hard to imagine a life without sending letters.

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Quote 1 of Letters From Yorkshire.

'Pouring air and light into an envelope. So that

at night, watching the same news in different houses,

Our souls tap out messages across the icy miles'

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Analyze quote 1 of Letters From Yorkshire.

'Pouring' suggests that he's got an abundance of things to say in his letter.

'Air and light' acts as a symbol that his words mean that much to bring light to her life and the air would imply that he's light hearted.

The juxtapositions exaggerate the difference between their worlds and then exaggerates the importance of their letters.

'Souls' implies that they see each other as extremely important and that they understand each other on such a spiritual level.

'Tap' highlights that their messages are light hearted.

'Icy' acts as a symbol that the distance between them as sharp, delicate but also cold.

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Quote 2 of Letters From Yorkshire.

'You out there, in the cold, seeing the seasons

turning, me with my heartful of headlines

feeding words into a blank screen'

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Analyze quote 2 of Letters From Yorkshire.

'Cold' implies that this relationship is mutual and that he needs her and much as she needs him.

'Heartful' suggests that she feels too passionate about her job and therefore explains the reason why they can't ever move in together.

'Feeding' exaggerates that her work never ends as the business continues to forever to get more hungrier.

There's a juxtaposition as the man with his farming and the speaker with her office, this exaggerates the difference between their two worlds that was created by the distance between them.

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Quote 3 of Letters From Yorkshire.

Still it's you

who sends me word from that other world

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A summary of Farmer's Bride.

A romantic relationship where the woman was too young and now fears her somewhat abusive husband.

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What are the themes in Farmer's Bride?

Romantic relationship, damaged relationship, nature, fear

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Name some literary techniques used in Farmer's Bride.

Natural imagery, similes, enjambment, caesuras.

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Why were the literary techniques used in Farmer's Bride?

Natural imagery- To help the reader understand that this was completely normal for a woman to be forced into a relationship despite any fears. It may also be that a farmer is supposed to be good with nature and so this contrast helps the reader envision the farmer as bad.

Similes- To exaggerate the woman's helplessness and to imply that he sees her as below him.

Enjambment- Implies that this is completely normal everyday things and so it would be more strange not to lock her up.

Caesuras- Used at the end to bring focus to the farmer's intentions and leave the reader worried and concerned.

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What is the structure of Farmer's Bride?

Regular rhyming and irregular number of lines per stanza.

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Why is that structure used in Farmer's Bride?

Regular rhyme implies that this abusive relationship is regular and will always happen between them.

The irregular lines may suggest that this is the woman trying to say that she can't escape due to the every changing pattern.

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Quote 1 of Farmer's Bride

'We caught her, fetched her home at last

And turned the key upon her fast'

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Analyse quote 1 of Farmer's Bride

'Caught' implies that she is nothing more than just an animal to him and most other people.

'Fetched' gives the impression that she was being childish and silly to run away and that the farmer isn't treating her like a proper human.

'Fast' suggests that she's wild and needs to captured and claimed.

'Home' is used to make the farmer out to be controlling that he's forcing her to see his house as her home.

The enjambment is used to give the impression of the rushing and panic to ensure she doesn't escape again as it's one continuous line.

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Quote 2 of Farmer's Bride

'Sweet as the first wild violets, she,

To her wild self. But what to me?'

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Analyse quote 2 of Farmer's Bride

'First' greatly implies that he didn't truly love her as he was too desperate to have a wife and so chose the first person to come along.

'Wild' suggests that she never wanted this in the first place and that the farmer only saw her as a chance to prove he can capture and claim. It also exaggerates her animal similes.

The rhetorical question exaggerates the farmer's ignorance of her and that he doesn't even try to know her and why she doesn't like him.

'Violets' highlights her weakness to harsh and brutal treatment.

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Quote 3 of Farmer's Bride

'Her smile went out, and t'wasn't a woman-

More like a little frightened fay.'

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A summary of Walking Away.

A father figure accepting that one day his boy will have to move on and become independent.

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What are the themes in Walking Away?

Parent-child relationship, letting go, nature, finding independence.

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Name some literary techniques used in Walking Away.

Caesuras, similes, natural imagery, enjambment

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Why are those literary techniques used in Walking Away?

Caesuras bring focus to the next point and therefore demonstrate that to this day the father still hasn't truly accepted it.

Similes imply that the father sees this all as natural and expected it but also he can't fully express the feeling it creates and so can only compare it to elsewhere.

Natural imagery suggests that this is all natural and letting go was going to have to happen eventually.

Enjambment implies that letting go is continuous but he must give the boy his space and independence.

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What is the structure of Walking Away?

4 stanzas each with 5 lines with regular rhyme.

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Why is that structure used for Walking Away?

The repetitive and predictable nature gives the impression that while the father reflects on this obsessively yet he also understands that he will keep distance between them so to give his son independence.

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Quote 1 of Walking Away

'Then, like a satellite

Wrenched from its orbit, go drifting away'

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Analyse quote 1 of Walking Away

The simile suggests that the father couldn't think of another way to express how it felt and so could only compare it.

'Orbit' is used to give the impression that this was where the boy belonged and needed to be.

'Satellite' is used for means of communication and so the father sees that him being independent would mean losing all communication with him.

'Wrenched' is used to imply heavy and violent motions meaning the father sees letting him go as sudden and violent.

'Drifting' exaggerates that the boy doesn't want to lose all communication and so wants to gain his own independence. It may also suggest that they both want this to be as easy as possible and so the gentle movement is used.

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Quote 2 of Walking Away

'Into a wilderness, the gait of one

Who finds no path where the path should be'

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Analyse quote 2 of Walking Away

'Wilderness' exaggerates the dangers and risks the boy will have to face alone and so that makes the father paranoid and so see it as uncontrollable.

'No path' implies that the father is worried about the boy be able to form his own path and so struggling through life.

'Should' suggests that the father has been laying out a strict path that the boy has followed most of his life and therefore it creates a stark contrast between being alone and living with parents.

The use of 'a' before 'wilderness' also implies that the father would struggle to help him once he did move out as 'a' suggests that they're millions of wildernesses that his boy could be struggling through.

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Quote 3 of Walking Away

'I have had no worse partings but none that so

Gnaws at my mind still'

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A summary of Eden Rock.

The speaker seeing his family in Eden and them persuading him to join them.

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What are the themes in Eden Rock?

Family relationship, distance, sorrow, extraordinary

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Name some literary techniques used in Eden Rock

Caesuras, similes,

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Why are those literary techniques used in Eden Rock?

Similes- To exaggerate the weirdness and suggest that he's never seen anything like it to begin explaining.

Caesuras- Used to bring attention to the contrast between ordinary and extraordinary.

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What is the structure of Eden Rock?

Regular amount of lines per stanza but the final stanza is only one line.

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Why is that structure used in Eden Rock?

Regular amount of lines suggest that the speaker sees this as normal and often misses their family. The final line exaggerates the desperation the speaker shows but also the trust he has in his family that they mean the best.

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Quote 1 of Eden Rock

'The sky whitens as if lit by three suns.

My mother shades her eyes and looks my way'

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Analyze quote 1 of Eden Rock

There's a contrast of extraordinary and ordinary, with the 'three suns' however the mother acts as if this is normal and expected.

'Whitens' suggest that the shy is something pure and untouched by anyone which may exaggerate how the speaker can't reunite with his family.

This uses a simile which makes it seem that the speaker can't fully describe it.

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Quote 2 of Eden Rock

'Her hair, the colour of wheat, takes on the light'

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Analyse quote 2 of Eden Rock

Again, we see this contrast between ordinary and the extraordinary.

'Light' may symbolize that he sees his mother as something bright and protective which creates sympathy for him as he can no longer really see her.

'Takes on' highlights that the mother steals everyone's attention and that she is adaptable to most situations.

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Quote 3 of Eden Rock

'Over the drifted stream. My father spins'

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A summary of Follower.

A boy admiring his father's work before then the roles are reversed.

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