City in France where the papacy was moved to in 1305, weakening the Church
Great Schism
Split of the Church resulting in two rival popes, one in Avignon and one in Rome
John Wycliffe
English religious scholar who preached against the wealth and worldliness of the clergy
Jan Hus
Bohemian professor who taught the authority of the Bible over the pope and was burned at the stake for heresy
Great Famine
Devastating famine in Europe from 1315-1317 leading to social and economic changes
Black Death
Epidemic in the 1300s causing millions of deaths in Europe, Asia, and Africa
Bubonic Plague
Type of the Black Death spread by fleas living on rats and animals
Hundred Years’ War
War between England and France from 1337 to 1453, changing warfare and ending medieval society
Joan of Arc
Teenage French peasant girl who led the French army to victory and was later burned at the stake
Age of Faith
Period of strong religious devotion in the early 1300s, weakened by the Great Schism and other events