Criminal Profiling


Profiled OffenderDefinitionInformation
TerroristSomeone who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in pursuit of political aims. Can be targeted for political, religious, an civil right reason.9/11Omsam Bin LadenBoston Marthon Bombing-2013Paris Terror Attacks-2015
ArsonistThe crime of maliciously, voluntarily and willfully setting fire to the building, buildings or other property of another.Julio GonzelezJohn Orr
Child MolesterUmbrella term for all sexual encounters with a minor. Child sexual abuse include engaging in sexual activies with a child(forced or other means), indecent exposure, child gromming, or child pornography. Psychosexual immaturityJerry SanduskyJeffery DhamerWayne WillamsJohn Wayne Gacy
RapistSomeone who forced another to have sexual intercourse. 75% of rapist are under 25.They are Different typesPower, Assertive, anger-retaliation, power reassurance and anger excitation
KidnapperSomeone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim(usually for ransom)-Higher percent in South american Nations than anywhere elseElizabeth Smart- 2002Ariel Castro- 2013
MurdererSomeone who kills or slaughtered inhumanely or barbarouslyMotivation varies but mental illness plays a role.

If the murder has several offenses the following will be used,

Types of MurderersDefinitionExamples
MassKills several victims at one time and in once placeJames Holmes- Colorado Movie Theater Shootings July 2012Sandy Hook- 2012
Spree/RampageEmbarks on a murderous assault on their vicitim in a short time in multiple locationsDC Sniper, October 2002
SerialKills several victims over a fairly long period of time. Serial Killers are further profiled on their motivation for killingTed BundyDavid BerkowitzJack the RipperZodiac Killer

Motivations of Serial Killers. Some may exhibit many of these


AngerThe offender displays rage or hostility towards a certain subgroup of the population or society as a whole.
Criminal EnterpriseThe offender benefits in status or monetary compensation by committing murder that is drug, gang, or organized crime related.
Financial gainThe offender benefits monetarily from killing. Examples include “black widow” killins, robbery homicides, and multiple killings including insurance or welfare fraud.
ideologyOffender commits murders in order to further the goals and ideas of a specific individual or group. This includes terrorist groups or an individual who attacks a specific racial, gender or ethnic group.
Power/ThrillOffender feels empowered and/or excited when they kill their victims.
PsychosisThe offender is suffering from a severe mental illness and is killed because of that illness. This may include auditory and visual hallucinations and paranoid, grandiose, or bizarre delusions.
Sexually-basedDriven by the sexual needs/desires of the offender. There may or may not be overt sexual contact reflected in the crime scene.
