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Predominant function: ___ center
Stimulation: ___
Lesion: ___, ___, hypersexuality
Predominant function: AVERSION center
Stimulation: FEAR
Lesion: PLACIDITY, HYPERORALITY, hypersexuality
Nucleus accumbens:
Predominant function: ___ center
Stimulation: ___ and ___
Lesion: ___ and ___ behavior
Nucleus accumbens:
Predominant function: GRATIFICATION center
Stimulation: JOY and PLEASURE
Lesion: ADDICTION and IMPULSE behavior
Nucleus accumbens:
Principal neurotransmitter:
Nucleus accumbens:
Principal neurotransmitter: dopamine
Gray matter structure in anterior and medial aspect of ___ lobe
Merges with ___ cortex (part of uncus)
Gray matter structure in anterior and medial aspect of TEMPORAL lobe
Merges with PERIAMYGDALOID cortex (part of uncus)
Function: emotional responses of ___
Function: emotional responses of FEAR
3 nuclear groups:
Medial: ___ (adjacent to periamygdaloid cortex)
Central: emotional responses
Receiving information from the ___ and ___ ___
Basolateral: emotional responses
Receiving information from the ___ and ___ nuclei
Largest nuclear group
3 nuclear groups:
Medial: olfaction (adjacent to periamygdaloid cortex)
Central: emotional responses
Receiving information from the HYPOTHALAMUS and PERIAQUEDUCTAL GRAY
Basolateral: emotional responses
Receiving information from the CORTEX and CENTRAL nuclei
Largest nuclear group
Amygdala: two main pathways
Stria ___: the long way around
___ ___ pathway: the short cut
Amygdala: two main pathways
Stria TERMINALIS: the long way around
VENTRAL AMYGDALOFUGAL pathway: the short cut
Amygdala fiber pathways:
Stria terminalis: from ___ and ___ nuclei
Ventral amygdalofugal pathway: from ___, ___, ___ and anterior ___ cortex
Amygdala fiber pathways:
Stria terminalis: from HYPOTHALAMUS and SEPTAL nuclei
Ventral amygdalofugal pathway: from THALAMUS, HYPOTHALAMUS, ORBITAL and anterior CINGULATE cortex
Amygdala afferents:
All ___ association areas have direct input to the ___ nucleus
All association areas are linked to the ___ cortex via association fibers so sensations can be ___ evaluated
Amygdala afferents:
All SENSORY association areas have direct input to the BASOLATERAL nucleus
All association areas are linked to the PREFRONTAL cortex via association fibers so sensations can be COGNITIVELY evaluated
Amygdala afferents:
Visual areas: ___ and ___ states
Amygdala afferents:
Visual areas: PHOBIAS and ANXIETY states
Amygdala afferents: basolateral (lateral) nucleus
Lateral geniculate nucleus (visual)
Cortical source: ___ lobe
Amygdala afferents: basolateral (lateral) nucleus
Lateral geniculate nucleus (visual)
Cortical source: OCCIPITAL lobe
Amygdala afferents: basolateral (lateral) nucleus
Median geniculate nucleus (auditory)
Cortical source: ___ ___ gyrus
Amygdala afferents: basolateral (lateral) nucleus
Median geniculate nucleus (auditory)
Cortical source: SUPERIOR TEMPORAL gyrus
Amygdala afferents: basolateral (lateral) nucleus
VPN (tactile sensations)
Cortical source: ___ lobe
Amygdala afferents: basolateral (lateral) nucleus
VPN (tactile sensations)
Cortical source: PARIETAL lobe
Amygdala afferents: basolateral (lateral) nucleus
Locus ceruleus (attention)
Cortical source: ___ nucleus of ___
Amygdala afferents: basolateral (lateral) nucleus
Locus ceruleus (attention)
Cortical source: BASAL nucleus of MEYNERT
Amygdala afferents: basolateral (lateral) nucleus
___ nucleus (viscerosensory)
Amygdala afferents: basolateral (lateral) nucleus
SOLITARY nucleus (viscerosensory)
Amygdala afferents:
General sense of emotional and physical discomfort from the ___ and ___ cortex
Amygdala afferents:
General sense of emotional and physical discomfort from the ORBITAL and CINGULATE cortex
Amygdala afferents:
Visceral sensory from ___ (___ and other sites like the hypothalamus)
Amygdala afferents:
Visceral sensory from BRAINSTEM (PAG and other sites like the hypothalamus)
Amygdala afferents:
Visual association cortex (vision, taste, hearing, somatosensory) from ___ and ___
Amygdala afferents:
Visual association cortex (vision, taste, hearing, somatosensory) from CORTEX and THALAMUS
Amygdala afferents:
Olfaction from ___ ___ and ___
Amygdala afferents:
Olfaction from OLFACTORY BULB and CORTEX
Amygdala efferent: stria terminalis
Emerges from ___ nucleus and follows curve of ___
Fibers go to ___ area and ___, then to the ___ ___ bundle and central ___ tract
Amygdala efferent: stria terminalis
Emerges from CENTRAL nucleus and follows curve of CAUDATE
Fibers go to SEPTAL area and HYPOTHALAMUS, then to the MEDIAL FOREBRAIN bundle and central TEGMENTAL tract
Amygdala efferent: stria terminalis
___ nucleus of stria terminalis is regarded as the “extended amygdala” and may be more active than amygdala in ___
Amygdala efferent: stria terminalis
BED nucleus of stria terminalis is regarded as the “extended amygdala” and may be more active than amygdala in ANXIETY
The ___ nucleus is considered the fear based center.
The BED nucleus is considered the fear based center.
The bed nucleus is between the ___, ___ commissure, and ___ limb of the internal capsule.
The bed nucleus is between the FORNIX, ANTERIOR commissure, and ANTERIOR limb of the internal capsule.
Amygdala efferent: ventral amygdalofugal pathway
Can end in the:
___/___ cortex (decision making)
___ ___
Also synapses with nucleus ___
Amygdala efferent: ventral amygdalofugal pathway
Can end in the:
ORBITOFRONTAL/PREFRONTAL cortex (decision making)
Also synapses with nucleus ACCUMBENS
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: periaqueductal gray (to medulla/raphespinal tract)
Function/effect: ___
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: periaqueductal gray (to medulla/raphespinal tract)
Function/effect: ANTINOCICEPTION (decrease pain response)
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: periaqueductal gray (to medullary reticulospinal tract)
Function/effect: ___
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: periaqueductal gray (to medullary reticulospinal tract)
Function/effect: FREEZING
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: norepinephrine medullary neurons (project to lateral gray horn)
Function/effect: ___ heart rate, ___ blood pressure
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: norepinephrine medullary neurons (project to lateral gray horn)
Function/effect: INCREASE heart rate, INCREASE blood pressure
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: hypothalamus/dorsal nucleus of vagus (hear)
Function/effect: ___ heart rate, ___
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: hypothalamus/dorsal nucleus of vagus (heart)
Function/effect: DECREASE heart rate, FAINTING
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: hypothalamus (release corticotropin RH)
Function/effect: ___ hormone secretion
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: hypothalamus (release corticotropin RH)
Function/effect: STRESS hormone secretion
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: parabrachial nucleus to medullary respiratory nuclei
Function/effect: ___ (___ attacks)
Amygdala efferents:
Target nucleus/pathway: parabrachial nucleus to medullary respiratory nuclei
Function/effect: HYPERVENTILATION (PANIC attacks)
Amygdala efferents:
Fibers leave the amygdala through ___ ___ and ___ ___ pathway
Amygdala efferents:
Fibers leave the amygdala through STRIA TERMINALIS and VENTRAL AMYGDALOFUGAL pathway
Amygdala efferents:
Amygdala output to ___ ___ believed to be a means for drive-related information to influence decisions about movement
Amygdala efferents:
Amygdala output to VENTRAL STRIATUM believed to be a means for drive-related information to influence decisions about movement
Amygdala efferents:
Outputs to all ___ ___ areas
Amygdala efferents:
Outputs to all CORTICAL SENSORY areas
Kluver-Bucy syndrome:
Bilateral temporal lobe injury involving ___ and ___ gyrus
Fearless, placid, no emotional reactions - don’t respond or flee from ___ (___ damage)
Males become ___
Visual ___
Kluver-Bucy syndrome:
Bilateral temporal lobe injury involving AMYGDALA and PARAHIPPOCAMPAL gyrus
Fearless, placid, no emotional reactions - don’t respond or flee from THREATS (AMYGDALA damage)
Males become HYPERSEXUAL
Nucleus accumbens is also known as ___ ___.
Nucleus accumbens is also known as VENTRAL STRIATUM.
Nucleus accumbens (ventral striatum):
Area of fusion of the ___ and head of the ___ nucleus
Plays an important role in behavior related to ___
Nucleus accumbens (ventral striatum):
Area of fusion of the PUTAMEN and head of the CAUDATE nucleus
Plays an important role in behavior related to ADDICTION
Nucleus accumbens (ventral striatum):
Electrode stimulation induces an intense sense of ___-___
Comparable to a “high” feeling due to ___ flooding the nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex from ___ ___ area in the midbrain
Nucleus accumbens (ventral striatum):
Electrode stimulation induces an intense sense of WELL-BEING
Comparable to a “high” feeling due to DOPAMINE flooding the nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex from VENTRAL TEGMENTAL area in the midbrain
Nucleus accumbens (ventral striatum):
Comparable to a “high” feeling due to dopamine flooding the nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex from the ventral tegmental area in the midbrain:
___ fibers: from midbrain to nucleus accumbens
___ fibers: from midbrain to medial prefrontal cortex
Nucleus accumbens (ventral striatum):
Comparable to a “high” feeling due to dopamine flooding the nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex from the ventral tegmental area in the midbrain
MESOLIMBIC fibers: from midbrain to nucleus accumbens
MESOCORTICAL fibers: from midbrain to medial prefrontal cortex
Basal ganglia circuits:
Goal: modulate cortical ___
Cortical start and end points determine loop ___
Cerebral cortex —> ___ —> ___ —> ___ nuclei
Basal ganglia circuits:
Goal: modulate cortical OUTPUT
Cortical start and end points determine loop FUNCTION
Cerebral cortex —> STRIATUM —> PALLIDUM —> THALAMIC nuclei
Limbic loop in basal ganglia:
Drive-related information can influence decisions about ___ and ___
Associate stimuli with rewards
If something is pleasurable, it increases ___ ___ dopamine release from ___ ___ area in the midbrain
Limbic loop in basal ganglia:
Drive-related information can influence decisions about MOVEMENT and BEHAVIORS
Associate stimuli with rewards
If something is pleasurable, it increases VENTRAL STRIATAL (nucleus accumbens) dopamine release from VENTRAL TEGMENTAL area in the midbrain
Limbic loop in basal ganglia:
Ventral pallidum is an extension of ___ ___
Limbic loop in basal ganglia:
Ventral pallidum is an extension of GLOBUS PALLIDUS
Septal area/nuclei:
Septal nuclei merge with cortex, anterior to ___ ___ and a small extension to ___ ___
Septal area/nuclei:
Septal nuclei merge with cortex, anterior to ANTERIOR COMMISSURE and a small extension to SEPTUM PELLUCIDUM
Septal nuclei: afferents
___, via the diagonal band of Broca
___ tract, via the medial olfactory stria
___, via the fornix
___ ___, via medial forebrain bundle
Septal nuclei: afferents:
AMYGDALA, via the diagonal band of Broca
OLFACTORY tract, via the medial olfactory stria
HIPPOCAMPUS, via the fornix
BRAINSTEM MONOAMINES, via the medial forebrain bundle
Septal nuclei: efferents:
2 major efferent projections:
___ ___ to epithalamus
Strip of white matter near roof of third ventricle
Interconnects habenular nucleus and interpeduncular nucleus of midbrain reticular formation via habenulointerpeduncular tract
Important in ___-___ cycle
___ pathway to hippocampus
Septal nuclei: efferents
2 major efferent projections:
STRIA MEDULLARIS to epithalamus
Strip of white matter near roof of third ventricle
Interconnects habenular nucleus and interpeduncular nucleus of medbrain reticular formation via habenulointerpeduncular tract
Important in SLEEP-WAKE cycle
SEPTOHIPPOCAMPAL pathway to hippocampus
Septal nuclei: efferents
___ pathway travels in fornix
___ neurons
Produces theta rhythm important in hippocampal function during long-term ___ in episodic memory
Greatly reduced in Alzheimer disease
Loss of ___ neurons —> issues with episodic memory formation and retrieval
Septal nuclei: efferents
SEPTOHIPPOCAMPAL pathway travels in fornix
Produces theta rhythm important in hippocampal function during long-term POTENTIATION in episodic memory
Greatly reduced in Alzheimer disease
Loss of CHOLINERGIC neurons —> issues with episodic memory formation and retrieval
Basal forebrain:
Extends from:
Bifurcation of ___ tract posteriorly to the ___
Midline to the ___
See ___ ___ substance in floor
Perforating branches of Circle of Willis
Scattered nuclear groups that contain ___ neurons (___)
Largest in basal nucleus of Meynert
Basal forebrain:
Extends from:
Bifurcation of OLFACTORY tract posteriorly to INFUNDIBULUM
Midline to the AMYGDALA
See ANTERIOR PERFORATED substance in floor
Perforating branches of Circle of Willis
Scattered nuclear groups that contain CHOLINERGIC neurons (ACETYLCHOLINE)
Largest in basal nucleus of Meynert
Basal forebrain and septal nuclei:
Contains ___ neurons (___)
Meynert is tonically active while awake
Supplies all cortical areas, activating cortical neurons by making them more responsive to other ___ inputs
Supports long-term ___ and synaptic ___
Basal forebrain and septal nuclei:
Meynert is tonically active while awake
Supplies all cortical areas, activating cortical neurons by making them more responsive to other EXCITATORY inputs
Supports long-term POTENTIATION and synaptic STRENGTHENING
Cholinergic neurons in the forebrain:
Have ___ cerebral cortex projections
Impacted in Alzheimer’s disease
Drug treatment: cholinesterase inhibitors slow the breakdown of ___
Cholinergic neurons in the forebrain:
Have DIFFUSE cerebral cortex projections
Impacted in Alzheimer’s disease
Drug treatment: cholinesterase inhibitors slow the breakdown of ACETYLCHOLINE
Cholinergic neurons in the brainstem:
___ ___ tegmentum
Important in sleep and wakefulness
Pedunculopontine nucleus
Interpeduncular nucleus
Cholinergic neurons in the brainstem:
Important in sleep and wakefulness
Pedunculopontine nucleus
Interpeduncular nucleus
The limbic loop in the basal ganglia associates stimuli with “___” resulting in increased ___ release.
The limbic loop in the basal ganglia associates stimuli with “REWARD” resulting in increased DOPAMINE release.
The ___ and ___ nuclei of the amygdala are associated with emotional responses.
The CENTRAL and BASOLATERAL nuclei of the amygdala are associated with emotional responses.
The septohippocampal pathway uses the ___ to synapse in the hippocampus.
The septohippocampal pathway uses the FORNIX to synapse in the hippocampus.
The basal forebrain consists of scattered nuclei, containing mostly ___ neurons.
The basal forebrain consists of scattered nuclei, containing mostly CHOLINERGIC neurons.
The ___ ___ is important in hippocampal function during long-term potentiation in episodic memory.
The SEPTAL AREA is important in hippocampal function during long-term potentiation in episodic memory.
The amygdala is located in the ___ lobe.
The amygdala is located in the MESOTEMPORAL lobe.