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76 Terms


Frances Galton

maintained that personality and ability depend almost entirelyon genetic inheritence (human traits are inherited)

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Charles Darwin

thoery of evolution, survival of the fittest, orgin of the species

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Wilhelm Wundt

father of psychology, first psychology research lab in Leipzig, Germany; research on workings of senses; applied scientific method to psychology; used Introspection

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John Watson

Founder of behaviorism-did the study of generalization. Baby Albert

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Little Albert

Watson's subject in the generalization of fear experimen, conditioning subject to be afraid

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Alfred Adler

1870-1937; Field: neo-Freudian, psychodynamic; Contributions: basic mistakes, style of life, inferiority/superiority complexes, childhood influences personality formation; Studies: Birth Order

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Carl Jung

1875-1961; Field: neo-Freudian, analytic psychology; People have concious and unconcious awareness - two layers of unconcious, archetypes -personal/collective; Contributions: people had conscious and unconscious awareness; archetypes; collective unconscious; libido is all types of energy, not just sexual; Studies: dream studies/interpretation

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Gordon Allport

Studied the Three Levels of Traits: 1. Cardinal trait-it is the dominant trait that characterizes your life; 2. Central trait-one common to all people; 3. secondary trait- it surfaces in some situations and not in others

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Albert Ellis

Studied Rational Emotive Therapy - focuses on altering client's patterns of irrational thinking to reduce maladaptive behaviour and emotions

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Albert Maslow

Studied Hierarchy of needs-Needs at the lower level dominate an individual's motivation as long as they are unsatisfied. Once these needs are adequately met, the higher needs occupy the individual's attention.

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Carl Rogers

Studied Humanistic psychology-the theory that emphasizes the unique quality of humans especially their freedom and potential for personal growth., United States psychologist who developed client-centered therapy (1902-1987)

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B.F. Skinner

Studied Operant conditioning-techniques to manipulate the consequences of an organism's behavior in order to observe the effects of subsequent behavior. Also Skinner Box.
history of reinforcements

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Ivan Pavlov

Studied Classical conditioning-An unconditional stimulus naturally elicits a reflexive behaviour called an unconditional response. But with repeated pairings with a neutral stimulus, the neutral stimulus will elicit the response. Dog Salivation etc

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Noam Chomsky

Disagreed with Skinner and said there an infinite number of sentences in a language. He
said that humans have an inborn native ability to develop language (Language Acquisition Device)

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Jean Piaget

Developed Four-stage theory of cognitive development. 1. Sensorimotor, 2. preoperational, 3. concrete operational, 4. formal operational He said that two basic processes work in tandem to achieve cognitive growth-assimilation & accommodation

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Erik Erikson

Said people evolve through 8 stages over the life span. Each stage marked by psychological crisis
that involves confronting "who am i"

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Lawrence Kohlberg

His theory states there are 3 levels of moral reasoning and each level can be divided into 2 stages. 1. pre-conventional, 2. conventional, and 3. post-conventional. His theory focuses on moral reasoning rather than overt behavior

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Carol Gilligan

Maintained that Kolbergs work was developed only observing boys and overlooked
potential differences between the habitual moral judgments of men and women (caring vs justice)

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James Lange Theory

It asserts that the perception of emotion is our awareness of our physiological
response to emotion arousing stimuli. e.g. 1. stimulus 2. ANS arousal 3. conscious emotion

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Cannon-Bard Theory

An emotion-arousing stimulus triggers cognitive body responses simultaneously
E.g. 1. stimulus 2. brain activity 3. ANS arousal and conscious emotion
arousal and emotion are simultaneous

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Schacter-Singer Theory

An emotion is determined from physiological arousal and then the emotion is labeled according to the cognitive explanation for the arousal
E.g. 1. Stimulus 2. Cognitive appraisal and ANS arousal 3. Conscious emotion
Appraisal and arousal are simultaneous

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Phineas Gage

First person to have a frontal lobotomy. Gave psychology information on part of the brain
that is involved with emotions reasoning etc.

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Hans Eysenck

Said personality is determined to a large extent by genes. He identified two basic dimension of personality: 1. the degree to which people have control over their feelings; 2. extrovert vs. introvert

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S. Schacter

To experience emotions 1. one must be physically aroused 2. one must cognitively label arousal (know the emotion before you experience it)

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Mary Cover Jones

Behaviorist; Developed systemic desensitization

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Benjamin Whorf

His hypothesis is that language determines the way we think, Famous for describing concept of "liguistic determinism"

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Robert Sternberg

Triarchic theory of intelligence. 1. academic problem-solving intelligence 2. practical
intelligence 3. creative intelligence

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Howard Gardner

Theory of multiple intelligences, devised theory of multiple intelligences: logical-mathematic, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, intrapersonal, linguistic, musical, interpersonal, naturalistic (a bounty of intelligences)

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Albert Bandura

developed Observational Learning which allows you to profit immediately from the mistakes and
successes of others

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E.L. Thorndike

developed Law of effect - (the relationship between behaviour and its consequences) the principle that behaviour followed by favourable consequences becomes more likely. Behaviour followed by less likely consequences becomes less likely

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Alfred Binet

Frenchman who designed a test that would identify slow learners in need of remedial help (It was not that valuable in America as it was too culture bound)

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David Weschler (- Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale)

Established an intelligence test especially for adults. It became the WAIS

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Charles Spearman

He found that specific mental talents were highly correlated. He concluded that all
cognitive abilities showed a common core which he labeled "g", for general ability, creator of "g-factor", or general intelligence, concept

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Lewis Terman

Professor at Stanford who revised the Binet test for Americans. The test then became the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test. He is also known for his longitudinal research on gifted kids (the Termites)

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H. Rorschach

Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst. He developed one of the first projective tests, the Inkblot test. The subject reads the inkblots
and projects to the observer aspects of their personality. It uses 10 standarized inkblots

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Philip Zimbardo

Conducted the famous Stanford Prison experiment. It was conducted to study the power
of social roles to influence people's behaviour. It proved people's behaviour depends to a large extent on the roles they are asked to play.

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David Rosenhan

He with a number of people from different walks of life conducted a hospital experiment
to test the diagnosis of hospitals make on new patients("Thud"). He also wanted to see the impact of being a patient, on behaviour. He proved that once you are diagnosed with a disorder, your care would not be very good in a mental hospital setting

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Simon Asch

Performed a study on conformity. His experiment had a subject unaware of his situation, test to see if he would conform if all the members of the group gave an incorrect answer.

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Stanley Milgram

Conducted a study on obedience when he had a subject "shock" a "patient"(a confederate) to the extent that they would be seriously injuring the "patient"

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Kurt Lewin

He wanted to find out if people were more productive under 3 different leadership styles. 1. autocratic 2. laizssez-faire 3. democratic.

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Harry Harlow

Studied theory of attachment in infant Rhesus monkeys.

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William Sheldon

Stated the theory that linked personality to physique on the grounds that both are governed by genetic endowment. Endomorphic- (large), Mesomorphic- (average), Ectomorphic- (skinny)

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Sigmund Freud

Founder of Psychoanalysis, focused on the unconscious- Id-Ego-Superego

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Karen Horney

Critical of Freud's theories. She said that personality is continually molded by current fears
and impulses, rather than being determined solely by childhood experiences and instincts. Womb-envy

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Mary Cover Jones

Systemic desensitization. She maintained that fear could be unlearned. We could teach
Little Albert, to be unafraid of white, furry objects

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Martin Seligman

Stated that learned helplessness is the giving up reaction, the quitting response that follows from
the belief that whatever you do does not matter

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H. Ebbinghas

The first to conduct scientific studies on forgetting: first, a rapid loss followed by a gradual
declining rate of loss. Memorized meaningless syllables: "GEX", "WOL", ...

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Did a study of the activities of neurons in the visual cortex.

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Young-Helmholz-Trichromatic theory of colour vision

States that there are 3 types of color receptors in the eye

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Clark Hull-Drive theory

It maintains that the goal of all motivated behavior is the reduction or alleviation of a need state. It is the mechanism through which reinforcement operates

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Walter B. Cannon

He believed that that gastric activity in an empty stomach was the sole basis for hunger.
Did an experiment by inserting balloon in subjects stomach

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Broca's Area

The left frontal lobe that directs muscle movement involved in speech. People with damage here causes a person to have trouble speaking smoothly (e.g. "cot" instead of "clock", lack of words like "the" or "for")

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Wernicke's Area

An area of the left temporal lobe involved language understanding. The person damaged
in this area can speak fluently and pronounce words correctly but does not make sense with their sentences (e.g. "I called my mother on the television and did not understand the door. It was too breakfast, but they came from far to near.")

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Ernst Weber

He pioneered the first study on JND- (just noticeable difference). It became ____'s law; the
JND between stimuli is a constant fraction of the intensity of the standard stimulus. E.g. the bigger or more intense the standard stimulus, the larger the increment needed to get a noticeable difference. Distant window with 10 candles vs. one with 30 candles.

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Fechner's law

States that the magnitude of a sensory experience is proportional to the number of JND's
that the stimulus causing the experiences above absolute threshold.

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Her theory proposes that the terminally ill pass through a sequence of 5 stages. 1. denial, 2.
anger 3. bargaining, 4. depression, 5. Acceptance (aka. DABDA)

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Robert Zajonc

Mere exposure effect It is possible to have preferences without inferences and to feel
without knowing why.

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Henry Murray

Stated that the need to achieve varied in strength in different people and influenced their
tendency to approach success and evaluate their own performances. He devised the TAT-Thematic
Appreciation Test along with Christiana D. Morgan. Subjects are asked to generate stories in response to ambiguous pictures. e.g. a person resting against the park bench.

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David McClelland

He devised a way to measure "the need to achieve that varied in strength in different people and influenced their tendency to approach success and evaluate their own performances"(H. Murray's theory). He is credited with developing the scoring system for the TAT's use in assessing achievement motivation, not for the TAT itself.

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Paul Ekman

Developed the theory that facial expressions are universal. "Lie to Me"; microexpressions

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Simon Asch

I must asch you a question about lines and conformity

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Kurt Lewin

He designed an experiment to investigate
the effects of different leadership styles on group functions.

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Lewis Terman

tested a group of young geniuses and followed in a longitudinal study that lasted beyond his own lifetime to show that high IQ does not necessarily lead to wonderful things in life

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Lawrence Kohlberg

it's immoral to take PCP at the Konvention

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Mary Cover Jones

"Mother of behavior therapy"; used classical conditioning to help "Peter" overcome fear of rabbits

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Robert Sternberg

Determined the Triarchic Theory of Love: Combinations of Commitment, Passion, and Intimacy

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developed cognitive universalism (concepts are universal and influence the development of language)

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H. Ebbinghaus

The first to conduct scientific studies on forgetting: first, a rapid loss followed by a gradual
declining rate of loss

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Albert Bandura

His experiment had adult models punching BoBo dolls and then observed children whom watched this exhibit many of the same behaviours

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E. L. Thorndike

If you stick your finger on a thorn, you'll be less likely to pick roses again (to do it again)

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Simon Asch

Performed study on conformity - line test experiment

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David Rosenhan

Designed study to test effects of labeling and accurateness of diagnosis - experimented with fake (mentally sound) patients in a mental hospital

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Kurt Lewin

Performed a study where children did activities under 3 different leadership styles. The democratic style proved to be the most productive as was expected.

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He did his studies with a subject who had speech that made sense but was not smooth or fluent because he was damaged in an area of the brain (which is named after this scientist)

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Edward B. Titchener

Founder of Structuralism, worked with Wundt

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Hans Selye

Formulated General Adaptation Syndrome - Alarm, response exhaustion

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