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Multi-store memory model
Representation of how memory works by Atkinson and Shiffrin Which is a linear model with passive stores - sensory register, short term and long term memory and describes how information is transferred between them
What is the sensory register ?
The memory store for each of the 5 senses e.g. iconic and echoic ( this is the type of coding). The capacity is huge but the info lasts for a very short time - less than half a second
What is the short term memory ?
Mainly coded acoustic and lasts about 18-30 seconds unless rehearsed. Has a limited capacity can only contain a certain number of thing before forgetting - Millar magic no. 7 + or - 2.
Maintance rehearsal when repeat info over and over if long rehearsed long enough will move into short term memory.
What is the long term memory ?
Permanent store for info that has been rehearsed. Mostly coded semantically ( in terms of meaning). Believed duration is up to a lifetime. Study by Bahrick et al recognise pics of classmates from 50 years ago, retrieval from LTM to STM
One strength of MSM ?
Research support - Baddeley - word lists, 4 conditions Acoustically similar and different and Semantically similar and different. Finding worst recall in similar sounding words in STM but similar meaning of words in LTM. Showing STM and LTM are separate
One limitation of MSM ?
KF who had amnesia and found that when digits read out to him STM was very poor. He recalled them better when he read them this suggests the could be more than one STM store. But is a case study !!!
Another limitation to MSM ?
Elaborative rehearsal when you link info to existing knowledge this means info can be transferred to LTM without being rehearsed for a long time. Suggesting MSM doesnt fully explain how LT storage in achieved