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Social construction
Knowledge derived from social interactions and perceptions.
Micro perspective
Focus on individual interactions and experiences.
Meso perspective
Analysis of groups and organizations.
Macro perspective
Examination of large-scale systems and structures.
Social inequality
Unequal distribution of resources based on significant differences.
Socially significant differences categorized by physical traits.
Cultural characteristics defining a group identity.
Indigenous Peoples
First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities.
Movement of people across borders for settlement.
Facts less influential than emotion and belief.
C.W. Mills
Sociologist emphasizing individual and societal interrelation.
Thomas Theorem
Defined situations are real in their consequences.
System of race-based privilege across society.
Systemic Racism
Macro-level racism beyond individual bias.
NODAPL protests
Resistance against the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Oxford Dictionary 2016
Word of the Year: 'Post-Truth'.
Causal factor
Element explaining non-random social outcomes.
Common sense knowledge
Everyday understanding shaped by social interactions.
Color supremacy ideology
Belief system supporting racial privilege.
Sociological examination
Analyzing social patterns and their significance.
Preferential access
Unequal opportunity to resources and benefits.
Socially significant differences
Differences impacting social status and resources.
Black and Racialized Student Supports
Counseling for race-related stress by community members.
UWO Peer Support Centre
Resource for student emotional and mental support.
Indigenous Initiatives
Programs aimed at supporting Indigenous student needs.
International Student Wellness
Support services tailored for international student health.
Micro-Level Analyses
Focus on individual interactions and prejudices.
Subtle, often unintentional, discriminatory comments or actions.
Invisible Knapsack
Metaphor for unacknowledged white privilege benefits.
White Privilege
Unearned advantages granted to white individuals.
Symbolic Ethnicities
Choice of ethnic identity for white Americans.
Asymmetry of Curiosity
Unequal interest in Black culture by white peers.
Bicultural Skills
Ability of Black students to navigate white environments.
Affirmative Action
Policies to support underrepresented groups in employment.
Optional Ethnicities
Whites' ability to choose their ethnic identity.
Race-Related Stress
Emotional strain from experiences of racism.
Community Safety
Sense of security among marginalized student groups.
Lived Experience
Personal knowledge gained through direct involvement.
Curiosity Burden
Pressure on minorities to educate others about their culture.
Sociology's Role
Discipline that reveals social dynamics of privilege.
Understanding Race Relations
Awareness of how ethnicity affects societal interactions.
Cultural Navigation
Skills needed to operate in diverse social settings.
Discussion Strategies
Approaches to enhance understanding of race issues.
Campus Community
Collective environment for student support and interaction.
Meso-Level Analyses
Focus on group and organizational dynamics.
Classifying individuals into specific groups.
Assigning names or categories to individuals.
Definition of the Situation
Norms and contexts shaping a label's meaning.
Consequences of Labelling
Impact of labels on individuals' lives.
Authoritarian Personality
Susceptibility to prejudice beyond mere attitudes.
Realistic Conflict Theory
Competition for resources breeds inter-group hostility.
Contact Theory
Increased interaction may reduce group antagonism.
Robber's Cave Experiment
Study demonstrating conflict resolution through cooperation.
Social Context
Environmental factors influencing tension and prejudice.
Struggle for limited resources causing animosity.
Working together fosters tolerance and positive attitudes.
Group with shared identity or characteristics.
Group perceived as different or outside one's own.
External Forces
Societal influences creating group divisions.
Durkheim's Studies
Research linking social factors to mental health.
Marginalized Populations
Groups overrepresented in negative social outcomes.
Mental Health Outcomes
Effects of social determinants on psychological well-being.
Educational practice of grouping students by ability.
Differentiated Experiences
Varied individual experiences based on social identity.
Grades Slipping
Decline in academic performance due to external factors.
Residential Schools
Institutions aimed at assimilating Indigenous children.
Control of one territory by another power.
Replacement of indigenous populations by settlers.
White supremacy
Ideology enforcing racial superiority and dominance.
Social constructionism
Examines how society shapes racial categories.
Critical Race Theory
Analyzes laws reinforcing racial marginalization.
Understanding overlapping social identities and their impact.
Racial oppression
Systematic discrimination based on race.
Economic inequalities
Disparities in wealth and resources among groups.
Cultural disconnection
Separation from one's cultural identity and practices.
Political power
Authority to govern and control a territory.
Indigenous Peoples
Original inhabitants of a territory, often marginalized.
Macro level racism
Societal structures perpetuating racial discrimination.
Ordinary racism
Commonplace and normalized racial discrimination.
Legal policies
Laws that can reinforce or challenge racial inequality.
Historical narrative
Storytelling that shapes understanding of past events.
Gall-Peters projection
Map projection emphasizing land area over shape.
Racial categories
Socially constructed classifications of human groups.
Forced disconnection
Imposed separation from land and community.
Utilization of resources or people for gain.
Social group sharing common cultural traits.
Racism's purpose
Maintains status quo and power dynamics.
Royal Proclamation of 1763
Claimed British sovereignty over Indigenous peoples.
Indian Act (1876)
Legislation aimed at assimilating Indigenous Peoples.
Residential Schools
Institutions forcing Indigenous children to assimilate.
Voting Rights for FN
First Nations could vote federally in 1960.
Potlatch Ban
Ceremonial gatherings illegal until 1951.
Indian Status
Women lost status if married non-Indigenous.
Poverty Rates
41% of Status FN children live in poverty.
Language Knowledge (1951-2007)
Indigenous language speakers dropped from 87% to 20%.
Violence Against Indigenous Women
High rates of violence and disappearances reported.
Children's Remains Discovery
Over 1,900 uninvestigated remains found nationwide.
Calls for Justice
231 recommendations in the Final Report.
Racism as Personal Trouble
Racism often perceived as individual experience.
Structural Analysis of Racism
Requires understanding broader societal issues.