frikin david and these stupid ass tests only adding to my sundae stress
supply of weapons & ammo
Dred Scott
Sues for freedom and lost
Eli Whitney
Inventor of the cotton gin
Fort Sumter
South attacks the North
Fredrick Douglass
runaway slave & Northstar
Harriet B Stowe
author of Uncle Tom's Cabin
Jefferson Davis
senator of MI & prez of CSA
John Brown
White fervent abolitionist
die for a cause
Popular Sovereignty
People run a country
Sarah Grimke
1st female abolitionist
to leave the union/country
loyalty to a region
to legally overturn
Protective Tariff
taxes that are placed on goods that come from another country
Sojourner Truth
Runaway & women's rights
William L Garrison
White editor of the Liberator
John Quincy Adams
Former president and abolitionist
States Rights
Rights/ powers reserved for the government of a state rather than federal government
Free soil party
Political party that was made up of those who left their parties to help abolish slavery